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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4669141 No.4669141 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw accidentally skipping a problem on final
>tfw the absolute highest grade i can get is a B now
>tfw i will therefor lose my A in the course and get a B due to accidentally skipping a problem on the heavily weighted final

>> No.4669147 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 425x271, 1329796131877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did you do that??
i fucking double chec...no, TRIPLE CHECK the god damn paper everytime and make sure that stupid shit like that doesnt happen.

shit, i actually feel sorry for you.

>> No.4669157
File: 170 KB, 590x387, HomerFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you couldn't get the tough problem on your Separations final
>tfw you'll probably not get a good grade in the class now

>> No.4669165

You're a cunt.

>> No.4669178


We do our exams on looseleaf since there's a lot of writing in the conceptual part, and there's typically 3-5 subproblems a->e for every numbered problem..so it's easy to get lost in checking it over i suppose. Fucking Calc 3

>> No.4669192 [DELETED] 

whoah, im not making fun, i said i genuinely feel sorry for ya.
fuckups like this happen to the best of us, dont worry about it too much, it aint the end of the world.
and theres no point taking it out on me.

ah, i see.
unlucky. :(

>> No.4669199
File: 233 KB, 426x422, Screen Shot 2012-05-05 at 13.38.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped a problem on the scantron?

Second thoughts about that theorem you applied?

Can't remember if you accidentally put in the answer of a review question on your test question after pulling an all-nighter?

Oh god, please tell me you put in the units next to those numbers.


Cheers, mates.

>> No.4669209
File: 6 KB, 126x106, 1277703383553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking calculus final, just need to do well on final exam to get an A- in the course
>Final goes well for the most part, breeze through it without much of a sweat
>One problem is worth like 15% or 20% of the test
>Requires that I know the formula for area of a cylinder
>No problem that's...
>Yeah okay I got it...no wait, that's for a cone
>Oh boy...
>OH YEAH oh no that's for a circle
>Well wait a cylinder is just a bunch of circles if you think about it so maybe if I integrate the formula for area of a circle...yeah yeah, that'll work
>Hey this looks familiar all righ-oh goddamnit this is a sphere, duh.
>Well maybe if I multiply by length and then integrate? shiiiiiiit
>Time up
>Get B+ in course

All because I blanked out on a single formula I knew back in high school geometry.

>> No.4669223


Damn, that's where I'm at. A- currently, will end up with a B+.
No +/- grades at my uni unfortunately, so it's a huge difference between that A and the B

>> No.4669227

What the fuck? How can you not derive that with just intuition and common sense?

>> No.4669234

>tfw no scantron for calc final
>prof always gives partial credit for working some of the problem
>no possible fuck-ups associated with bubbling in answers

>> No.4669237

You should have just asked your teacher for the formula.

>> No.4669239

>can't revolve a fucking line around the x axis

>> No.4669250

>failing class
>final is only way to pass, need an A- on it
>teacher leaves me alone for an hour to do the final
>too beta to full on cheat
I hate myself.

>> No.4669262


That is exactly why the instructor left you alone for a final.

>> No.4669268



no need to thank me

>> No.4669271

I was going to post a scathing remark about your (lack of intellect) and say the solution is obvious, 2*pi*r*h but then I realised I forgot about the top and bottom circles. Embarrassing.

>> No.4669275

Let this be a lesson OP. You need to learn to pay attention to details. Assuming you want to get a job with your degree when you get out, this can be a good lesson. You fucked up by not paying attention, taking the necessary time and doing it right. Because of this you get a slightly lower GPA. If you had done this in the professional world it could have resulted in something more substantial. Learn from this and don't let it happen again. Everyone makes mistakes but some are avoidable and minimizing these will make you more successful once you're done with college.

>> No.4669274

>pulling an allnighter

why do you people do this? do teachers tell you that you'll get an exam a week before?

get your shit together, students.

>> No.4669283
File: 27 KB, 141x120, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question on exam: "Derive an expression for zero impedance of cable line by using formula for flux around lonely conductor /formula given/.
>This one is easy. Did it without problem.
>25 points out of 50
>"You didn't write any text."
What fucking text?

>> No.4669288

It wasn't a scantron test, it was a normal math exam. The problem was set up in a way where if you didn't know the formula you couldn't even begin to solve it.

I did. He was like "sucks for you" and walked off.

>> No.4669291

I figured so, but I was afraid to risk it. I feel I did pretty damn well on it though.

>> No.4669303

Try again, mang.
That's volume.
2(pi)(r)(h) + 2(pi)(r)(r) = 2(pi)(r)(h+r)

>> No.4669313

Then I guarantee you that if you had gone with some gut formula for area and shown all your work for the rest of the problem, and it was right, he would've given you credit.

>> No.4669329

Wow what a faggot teacher.

>> No.4669379

On my final, they wrote a problem that said the velocity equation was given by s(t)=whatever. And then asked for the total distance traveled.

This, even though we had learned s(t) as the position function and s'(t)=v(t).

They way the question was written, it made it sound like you had to integrate the position function (which was really the velocity) to get the velocity function.

I caught it, but that's just fucked fishing for a mistake.

>> No.4669636

Meh. Basic reading skills easily prevents this sort of thing. If it was a mathematics course and not physics, then it really shouldn't have mattered in the first place.

>> No.4669654

>need a C on a final to pass the course, regardless of what the course grade turns out to be
>problems on the final are absolutely nothing like what was shown in class or on homework
>full panic mode engaged
fuck me fuck me fuck me
grades will never be posted

>> No.4669660
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ITT: The flaws of standardized and higher education at their worst.

>How are those degrees working you for /sci/

>> No.4669661

need degrees for good jobs
just need to stop dropping spaghetti in interviews

>> No.4669664

>tfw working on graduate level algebra final and I totally nail a problem so I don't bother to go over it

>tfw I reread the problem when there is basically no time left and I realize it gave me different assumptions than I thought

Got an A- in the course because of it.

>> No.4669671

Last semester our professor specifically told us we did not need to know about convolutions for the final. He also skipped basically all information on it as he wanted to cover different topics.

The final had a problem regarding convolutions, and when we asked him about it he just told us it didn't matter what he said, we were responsible for knowing everything in the course.

Fucking chink faggot

>> No.4669677


Try getting a research position without a degree.

>> No.4669686

>tfw accidentally skipping problems in final
>tfw your neighbour whisper to you
>tfw you were saved by your neighbour and had dinner with him

U jelly, individualists?

>> No.4669692

>tfw you must be in babby's first university class

When there are 8 total students and the professor is right there, you can't just fucking whisper to each other.