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4663855 No.4663855 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when google is a better teacher for unniversity level classes than half your proffesors

What the shit am i paying for? These niggers with a doctorate should know how to teach

>> No.4663865

maybe pay for spelling lessons

>> No.4663870

Ultimately just a piece of paper and some networking connections.

>> No.4663872

>unniversity proffesors
You're wasting your tuition money.
Quit school and get a job.

>> No.4663886

Uh, you're paying for the social network of connections (shits invaluable, for almost every job tbh), and then the paper that basically is a free pass of success, directly proportional to how much you payed.

>Pay for your degree
>Get people's contacts and your name thrown around
>Get access to good jobs thanks to connections+the degree

It doesnt matter wether you're good or not, whoever hires you is going to give you the formation you need to work for him.
It doesnt matter if you're retarded or intelligent, as long as you have a wealthy family, wealthy enough to pay for that degree and also your every need, you can get a phd.

Uh flash news, no matter where you go, no matter who you are, the world is corrupt, money and favors pave your way to success, everyone succesful you see, someone had to give mouth or anal.

Sorry to break this to you, I was pissed too when I realized the efforts of a man simply do not matter in front of widespread corruption.
Now, get your degree, Mr.johnson might land a good job for you if you lick his dick and be his slave for a few years, and if that doesnt go trough theres Mrs grupik, she might have something for you and let your curriculum "slip" above the others if you remember her birthday and give her a slice of pie.

Faggot. Embrace the system.

>> No.4663905

>not doing research as an undergrad

The one advantage that being in a university gives you (over just studying the material on your own) is that you have immediate access to ongoing research and get real experience working in a laboratory.

Nobody really gives a fuck about how you learned the material, but they care if you know how to not die in a lab setting. Once you get your doctorate you're expected to be able to keep accumulating knowledge without requiring the structured environment of a classroom. That means getting textbooks, reading relevant papers, and talking to people you know.

>> No.4663910

2 applicants for a job.
1)Phd in maths.
2)I can google.
1)150k starting.
2)Fuck off.

>> No.4663913

so where's the other half of the math guys' salary?

>> No.4663916
File: 49 KB, 600x431, Hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paying for study...

come in France, it's free (almost).

>> No.4663919

It's very difficult to get a good degree from Cambridge or some other top university if you're dim-witted,and basically impossible to get a phD if that's the case.
You're exaggerating.
"Paying" for a PhD would require finding a postdoc who for some reason has basically no work to do so he can write your papers, and paying literally tens of thousands for this. And for many lab-based fields it simply wouldn't be feasible or worth it since you couldn't pay someone from another university to do your specific lab projects for you. Then there's the fact that you're basically at the guy's mercy since if a typical project is at least several weeks of work, the likelihood that you'll find anyone suitable to commission the work from at short notice is negligible, so they could easily demand more money and hold your work ransom.
And directly bribing professors for good marks in exams is pretty unlikely since different questions are marked by different examiners , there are external examiners, and exams usually have a system where candidates only have a number so markers don't even know whose paper is whose.

So I think the problem of people paying for their degree is pretty small.

>> No.4664033

Quebec faggot here,
I fucking hate you. No, just kidding, but I know you faggots hate me.

Ce mauvais feel man.

>> No.4664052

Sure, if you're helplessly stupid you won't make it, theres limits, you accuse me of exagerating while you exagerate yourself.

People paying for their degree is pretty small? Everyone of them who is paying for their degree is paying for their degree, I'd hardly call that small, but I sense you have much to learn about how shit actually works.

It aint pretty but hey, label me a troll and carry on.

>> No.4664069

Lol it's free in Spain too.

Oh wait financial crisis. Shitty government. People vote even shittier government. HURR DURR LESS EDUCATION NO FREE HEALTH MORE MONEY TO BANKS.

>> No.4664084


>> No.4664089

Many of the faculty I've spoken to detest instructing undergraduates. Understandably so - I'd hate teaching a bunch of snotnose brats some basic shit that I've had down for ~10 years if I was trying to publish and submit a grant a month.

>> No.4664097

I am not paying for my PhD; I am being paid.