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4662203 No.4662203 [Reply] [Original]

If childbirth is so agonizing, why do many women still choose to go through it?

>> No.4662211

because sex and hormones and evolution

also ending of agony after birth greatly helps bonding between child and mother

>> No.4662210

Cause of attention.

>> No.4662213
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Because they want children.

>> No.4662215

because that's how their bodies are made? The only choice they can have right now is natural birth or caesarian.

>> No.4662221

Women are agonizing. Why deal with 'em?

>> No.4662223

No choice. When it comes right down to it. Women have to give birth to children or they won't get any babies to play with. There is no such thing as a 100% test tube baby. They all have to come out of a women at some point.

>> No.4662224

>because sex and hormones and evolution

>The only choice they can have right now is natural birth or caesarian.

But they have the choice of contraception.

>> No.4662226

you do know that the human race can't survive without children being born?

>> No.4662232

Are you seriously suggesting that the individual woman goes through excruciating pain deliberately because of "the good of the species"?

>> No.4662235

>implying women aren't creatures of goodness and fart fairy dust

>> No.4662237

No, I'm just saying there aren't many other choices if you want the human race to survive for the next 100 years.

>> No.4662242

What I want is not really the question. I was wondering what drives the personal choices of women when there is so much pain involved.

>> No.4662252

Many pregnancies aren't planned. There is a reason religion demonizes contraceptives and abortion. There is also forced marriage and therefore forced pregnancy all over the planet. When you take them away, fertility rates plummet.

And this:
>Women have to give birth to children or they won't get any babies to play with.

Some women want children to tie their men to them in obligation.

>> No.4662258


Its not irrationality or blind arbitrarily linear logic. Its a complex socioeconomic and emotionally invested thought process which results in great benefit in solipsistic emotional, legal, and familial terms all for some pain.

Long term over short term investment.

Apply this to sacrificing of self for a lover in game theory.

They die: You live in suffering (likely)
You die: They either live in suffering or recieve help, you feel nothingness; you do not exist. Your sacrifice is a mutualistic form of benefit and you promote something that is so integral to yourself and your emotional value and self-esteem that you dying is nothing compared to that being damaged. Compare this to a general dying for the sake of his empire.

Now delete the nihilistic and fatalistic aspects, use pure linear logic and you have a version of Pascal's Wager.

>> No.4662322

Because adult women want an excuse to shit themselves

>> No.4662434

What does modern science do to reduce the pain? I'm assuming anesthesia is out of the question?

>> No.4662441

Because they want children. And ever since some smart Alec figured out that the abdominal wall heals much more quickly if it's torn than if it's cut cleanly, C-sections are a pretty unpleasant alternative. It's not like they were that great before.

>> No.4662453

Yes, a lot of women believe that taking pain medication spoils the experience.

>> No.4662456

womans brain makes anti pain stuff at childbirth. you can't go much lower without harming yourself or baby.

>> No.4662461

Is that even true?

>> No.4662464

>not getting rich and hiring a surrogate


>> No.4662474

Speaking from experience here, the childbirth pain starts to dissipate the moment the child is born. Have you ever broken a bone before? Do you exactly remember that pain? Most people do not, and childbirth is the same. You remember that you were in pain, but you cannot fully remember and feel how you felt that exact moment.

>> No.4662478

I live in a country where abortion is illegal, so it just happens, even with contraception (pill only have around 1% chance of not working, you know).

>> No.4662489

/sci/ quit analyzing the reasons why you're so damn lonely. Sometimes you should do things before you think them through, this is called learning through experimentation. Why don't you go out and try talking to people? Being socially adept is the same as any other skill. You're smart, you can figure it out, you just have to stop being such a wuss. Find a good woman/man, its the same as using a search engine just more involved (If you're not finding what you're looking for, change your search criteria). passing on dem genes and your passion for learning is more important than anything else you will ever do, and raising children is more rewarding than you would think. Who knows, maybe by studying this feedback loop you might discover something important about us, but you're not going to do so unless you have some perspective.

>> No.4662491


>> No.4662494

No, just no.

>> No.4662497

Endorphins 'n' shit

>> No.4662499

Oh cute. Didn't know that.

>> No.4662507

I'm not sure about the claim that it could cause harm but it is certainly true that they get naturally pumped full of shit during childbirth.

>> No.4662515


The body can only alleviate the pain so much. There is only a split second in which the pain is so unbearable, some women faint or hurt themselves. (My cousin broke both her wrists while holding the bed rails giving birth). It is usually when the shoulders come through and how the baby is turned.

>> No.4662519

It's funny how we aren't even in control of our own bodies.
I want to be able to flip a damn switch that says : Build muscle.

>> No.4662534

Because the physical pain is not the only thing people take into consideration?

>> No.4662535


Right? The mind and body are what I call... the final boss.

>> No.4662541


>> No.4662564

>I want to be able to flip a damn switch that says : Build muscle.
I want to be able to flip a damn switch that says : This experience is irrelevant right now.

Oh yeah and I want more control over my bladder. How the fuck is it that I sometimes can't pee when I most have to?

>> No.4662572


I have awesome people skills. This does not change the fact that I hate people in general. When I talk to them, i take delight in the fact that I can make them believe or do whatever I want.

Finding a peer, let alone from a different gender is impossible in real life. Not that I want to.

But then again, that's why I frequent /sci/.

And you, my dear troll wannabe, my advice is this: you will be able to see the world around you more objectively and make better conjectures is you stop being so involved with it.

>> No.4662591

Fuck yeah! I have narcissistic and slightly socipathic tendencies too, its always nice to see that you're not alone.

>> No.4662719

>Finding a peer, let alone from a different gender is impossible in real life.
>special snowflake general

I thought this site was 18+ only.

>> No.4663774


You confuse the illusion of specialness -- to the state of all illusions you've grown up with shattered: that you are special, that anybody gives the fuck about you, that human lives have intrinsic value, that all people are equal, that workplace/school performance have anything to do with compensation, etc.

>> No.4663784

because hormones

also most mothers I've asked said they expected it to be worse than it actually was