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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4655541 No.4655541 [Reply] [Original]

what are some fun science-related hobbies?

>inb4 reading sci-fi

>> No.4655544


>> No.4655543


>> No.4655546

science is not a hobby.

years ago, i nearly went to culinary school. at some point i realized that while i loved cooking, i could always cook as a hobby. but you can never do science as a hobby... to be any good at it at all, you have to do it full time.

>> No.4655550
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Electronic hobbying is pretty fun.

>> No.4655551

watching sci-fi

>> No.4655556

and reading

>> No.4655560

pretending to be a graduate student on /sci/

>> No.4655568

He said science #related#

you find out OP let me know.. I've been trying to find a hobby that would interest me in the slightest which would also give me a chance to meet more than 2 new people a year. (females in particular)

haven't thought of anything so far.

>> No.4655575


>> No.4655584

ya but the problem there is that the people I would meet would be the "outdoorsy" type...

and I will have nothing in common with them...

>> No.4655591

working at walmart
>fuck my life

>> No.4655592


>> No.4655594

people that are into birds are far from the outdoor type of people.

at a small lake i go to fish there's a guy that watches birds when the weather is nice, so almost the entire summer. he just brings a chair, sets it up in the shade, and sits for a few hours while drinking beer and occasionally looking through his binoculars.

honestly, i'm not even sure what the fuck he looks at because there aren't that many birds there. the lake only has about 30 acres and it's on a rather small forest preserve in chicago suburbs.

>> No.4655595


downright terrible articles when compared to ieee or acm, but it has interesting topics.

>> No.4655597

>ya but the problem there is that the people I would meet would be the "thin, fit, socially-adjusted" type... and I will have nothing in common with them...


>> No.4655605

science art / scifi art
performing weird experiments
fapping to pics of scientist chicks

>> No.4655607

Computer building. Buy two, sell one for profit, upgrade one and build another, sell one for profit...

>> No.4655632

Weight lifting?
You get to maybe meet 2 people a year at the gym and you also get a superior brain from having a strong body.
Apply Science to WeightLifting and it's science related, right?

>> No.4655641

I want to build lasers

>> No.4655735

I will back this guy up. As a gamer and /scie dueI enjoyed weightlifting for it's mechanical aspects, its mmo-like grindyness, and the theories of different routines. Especially with weightlifting you have to know the science and the objectivity of information to be good at it. To get maximum gains in the shortest and safest amount of time requires knowledge.
It will make you a fit etilist but you will be aesthetic as fuck and learn something new. Results come very quickly if you workout hard enough (read correctly).

>> No.4655738

dude* not duel

>> No.4655754


Weight Lifting

It's pretty fun designing diets, workouts, and being economical with buying supplements and getting the best deals (whey, multi vitamin, creatine, etc) if you're a poor college student.

Intelligence + Aesthetics + not an aspie = set for life

>> No.4655755

So, I can be a buff intelligent guy? Just like the Roman times?

>> No.4655763

Also being /fit/ has a very good chance you will be into cooking considering how concerned one would be with health. Science and cooking get along great, especially with baking.

Seriously OP do this now. Acquire /fit/, possibly learn to cook, and disregard women.

>> No.4655786

>you can never do science as a hobby
Not so, one of my hiking pals is a geology hobbyist. He has some pretty cool mineral specimens, including some gold nuggets and a nickel-iron meteorite.

>> No.4655922
