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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 182 KB, 720x603, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4654188 No.4654188 [Reply] [Original]

Its No Masterbation May motherfuckers!

ok /sci/ducks its day 6 and shits starting to hit the ceiling

can't resist really touching my junk when no one's looking this is a lot different than day 5, now today anything that even has to do with muh junk causes sexual arrosal, like my inside of my leg brushing it or just sitting in bed

>> No.4654194

whats the point? and are you still allowed to fuck, or no getting off at all?

>> No.4654207

absolutely nothing, its basically I cannot cum at all.

The idea of it is to let testosterone build up till the point you can't resist to fap or fuck or you break the habit of fapping

absolutely nothing. I tried to play the rule like "well I'm not allowed to cum so I'll just arouse myself" which turned into an inability to resist fapping

>> No.4654209

>whats the point?
To do what the internet tells you.

>> No.4654221

so just a test of willpower? just to see if you can?
good luck.

this happens all the time, ive seen threads on /b/ 'no fap november' etc, some crazy bastard was even trying 'no fap 2012' so, what you're doing but for a whole year.

>> No.4654226

>thinks it's crazy
>probably can't last a day herself

>> No.4654237
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>The idea of it is to let testosterone build up
>Not ejaculating cause testosterone to build up

Holy shit. This is medical grade retardation here.

>> No.4654234

Never ejaculating is bad for your prostate.

>> No.4654242

i never said i thought it was crazy, i just dont see the point.
and i can easily last a day, but not sure how many days.
im not even gonna bother testing this, i know i have willpower if its for something important, but going cold turkey over sex for no reason just seems totally pointless.

>> No.4654245

>The idea of it is to let testosterone build up


Yeah, look at all those testosterone addled church boys, clearly bursting at the seems with it. Too bad those sex maniac alpha dogs will never have the sky high levels of testosterone as those church boys.

How retarded do you have to be... to think this is true...?

>> No.4654253

and that's why you're never gonna be a scientist

>> No.4654262
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so i 'wont be a scientist' because i wont play along with a stupid test of willpower for a month?
how u figure?

>> No.4654267

You want to exercise willpower? Maintain a steady schedule of jogging or lift weights for an entire month. Not fapping is just beyond stupid. At least exercise has the added benefit of actually increasing testosterone.

>> No.4654274

I don't get urges to masturbate as I am above 18 years old

>> No.4654275

You're never gonna be a scientist, because you're doing inane, boring, profane, mundane and irrelevant normalfag shit instead of science.

>> No.4654280

You forgot to mention being female.

>> No.4654281

>inane, boring, profane, mundane and irrelevant normalfag shit
lol, THATS what you call sex/masturbation?
any reason a scientists cant do this 'normalfag shit' and still do science as well?

>> No.4654292

Because he needs some sort of arbitrary rationalization why he's doing one of the more stupid things a human mind could conceive of. Thinking it will help him be a scientist is just as good as any other.

>> No.4654293


But I'm not. Also, you either have to be a child or have incredibly weak willpower to actually let masturbation interfere with anything in your life. I fap once every few days for a quick stress relief if I feel like it and that's it.

>> No.4654298

Nobody but the OP is under the delusion that masturbation affects normal functioning in anyway, but don't lie and say you have absolutely no urges.

>> No.4654300

i dont see how it'd make him a better scientist, first of all, that 'no fap = more testosterone' is bullshit, and even if it wasnt, i dont see how more testosterone would make him a better scientist
also, after a couple of weeks or so, he'll be horny as fuck pretty much all the time. sex will be the only thing on his mind, so how the fuck is he going to concentrate on science?

>> No.4654303

I don't even want sex. The desire for sex is an outdated evolutionary artefact.

>> No.4654304

I don't think you got the part where I was implicitly agreeing with you, like how I called it an "arbitrary rationalization". I.e. it doesn't help him be a better scientist.

>> No.4654302

Not lying. There might be something wrong with me, but I simply don't get the urge to masturbate anymore. Used to get it badly and fapped several times a day, then stopped when I was around 18. Don't know why.

>> No.4654310

It will help me not only become a better scientist, but also become a better human.

>> No.4654306

>that feel when unable to complete a month of no fapping due to large overactive testicles

It just feels good, man.

>> No.4654311

>I simply don't get the urge
>I fap once every few days

Perhaps you don't understand urges...

>> No.4654318


>> No.4654319
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>mfw you actually believe this

I seriously hope you get prostate cancer, you're discovered to be sterile, and never get laid.

>> No.4654315

do you still fuck, are are you not sexual at all, and get no urges?
cause thats wierd.

and i dont see how that makes you a better human. everything else will be exactly the same, you just dont fap.

>> No.4654317

the way you worded that bro, made me laugh out loud

>> No.4654320

Without fapping I will have plenty more time and more energy for important things and I will gain more confidence.

>> No.4654324

Most likely this will happen for real. Not even joking.

>> No.4654329

>Without fapping I will have plenty more time
even if you would normally do it every day (which most guys dont, i think) then you're only saving a few extra minutes.
it hardly makes any difference, you could sleep a few extra minutes less each night, for the same gains.
its negligable.

>and more energy
lol, i dont think fapping is too exhausting for guys.

>and I will gain more confidence.
how does that work? why would whether you masturbate have any effect on your level of confidence?

>> No.4654334
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>mfw I normally hate EK, but she's being surprisingly reasonable ITT

>> No.4654336

For me it would mean saving about 4 hours a day.

>> No.4654339

You have a medical problem.

>> No.4654348


>> No.4654345

yeh, i have my ups and downs. im feeling pretty calm now.

you fap for 4 hours??

>> No.4654344

Do I?

>> No.4654359

Here's the thing, whacking it every day leaves you in a state of lower testosterone and higher prolactin. It makes you lazy. Not even kidding. And having one orgasm per week or so is no less likely to decrease your chance of prostate cancer than by busting a nut twice a day.

>> No.4654357


>> No.4654360

Sometimes it's even up to 8 hours.

What can I do about it?

>> No.4654361
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you really felt the need to post, just to point out a spelling mistake?

>> No.4654363

You give me a citation for even one of your claims (excluding prolactin levels) and I'll be impressed.

>> No.4654367

>Sometimes it's even up to 8 hours.
every single day??
i didnt even think that were possible
erm, so when you have sex you can last that long as well? or, you can last exactly as long as you like?

>> No.4654368

No seriously, the hormonal effects of ejaculation make guys lazy.
There have been dozens of studies done on this.
/sci/ is making me sick today.

>> No.4654365


>> No.4654376

>No seriously, the hormonal effects of ejaculation make guys lazy.
yeh, guys get sleepy straight after, but only for a little while. its not like it puts them out of action for the rest of the day and totally unproductive.

>> No.4654371

I never had sex and I'm not interested in having sex.

>> No.4654370

It's not possible, he's either lying through his teeth, or has a severely bloodied dick.

>> No.4654377

No seriously, drinking ammonia and bleach makes you live longer.
There have been dozens of studies done on this.
Your faggot ass is making me sick.

>> No.4654382

why would he lie? but yeh, it does sound unlikely.

so, you prefer to just fap every single day, rather than actually have sex?
if what you're saying is true, you'd be really good .

>> No.4654381

I'm used to it since I was a child. Only on very rare occasions it happened to me that my dick was bleeding, which in no way stopped me from continuing fapping.

>> No.4654388

Women in real life disgust me. I couldn't imagine having sex with one. When I see them, all I can think of is beating the shit out of them for being worthless pieces of shit.

>> No.4654399


>> No.4654400
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dis gun b gud

>> No.4654401


>> No.4654419
File: 31 KB, 420x420, imout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a fucking asshole, also, maybe you're just gay?

>all I can think of is beating the shit out of them for being worthless pieces of shit.
yeh, its tempting to get all pissed off and start ranting, but i think for once im just gonna leave it.
you're either trolling, or you just are an asshole, but thats fine, i dont ever have to meet you.

>> No.4654446
File: 113 KB, 219x281, 1307635613002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'll be damned. Still, being a scientific study this just shows that abstinence increases testosterone only to a level which is /statistically/ significant, NOT biologically significant.


>plasma testosterone was unaltered by orgasm

Good to have that on record.

Now that I see this though, it makes perfect sense. Evolutionary if an organism isn't having sex, then increasing the sex drive (via testosterone) is only logical. Taking into consideration that serum testosterone levels were unaffected on an orgasm to orgasm basis (as per above), it's obvious that ejaculating doesn't lower testosterone. Either way you look at it, abstaining is mentally retarded. It's not going to make you manlier or anything, just proportionally more horny.

>> No.4654460

I can attest to masturbation having worse effects than "sleepy for a bit"

I am victim to its grasp. After orgasm, its tougher to focus. I have gone months without masturbation and its habit returned eventually. But in those months I felt healthier, happier, more productive, more apt to talk to girls.

tl;dr - masturbation makes you lose motivation

>> No.4654471

>implying there's more than anecdotal evidence for qualia

>> No.4654465

Thanks for the anecdotal evidence, Bob. Now for astrological readings with Diana! Diana?

>> No.4654476

>implying that somehow bolsters the reputation or utility of anecdotal evidence

>> No.4654477

>tl;dr - masturbation makes me lose motivation
fixed that for you

>> No.4654478

masturbation makes YOU lose motivation

>> No.4654512

>tl:dr - I'm under the belief that masturbation makes me lose motivation
fixed that for him for you

>> No.4654640

Ok OP here

So what would you faggots describe as that phenomenon in which you become horny, love the shit out of that porn or what ever, and when you're finished that porn is disgusting and your dick won't get hard over it

for some reason I do feel increased confidence with the opposite sex as I am a lonerfag most of the time.

I remember last year the lack of fap drove me to shave my pubes off and I often came in my sleep and had many more wet dreams

>> No.4654645


It's called "lust"

>> No.4654657

so if its just a drive for pleasure, like the pleasure people feel when smoking or something

is it possible to break the habit or quit?

>> No.4654654



>> No.4654662

As possible as it is to quit smoking, but less beneficial.

>> No.4654668


Also you could just wait until you're 25 or so and it will go away.

>> No.4654672

but but but thats 5 years away!

I want all the wet dreams I can get from withdraw

>> No.4654679

hey /sci/ why do I cum so much more when I wait to fap for many days on end?

>> No.4654687

OP will prolly post his memoirs on no fap may tomorrow on day 7

>> No.4654691

>70 replies
>no hot women spam to break OP

>> No.4654700
File: 344 KB, 576x864, 1314070248393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I have to post has already been posted in yesterday's thread

>> No.4654706
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>> No.4654711
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>> No.4654716
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>> No.4654712

Stop it guys I trying to make it all 31 days

>> No.4654714
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>> No.4654721
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>> No.4654728
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>> No.4654731
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>> No.4654737
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THE absolute edge of sfw

>> No.4654746
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>> No.4654747


I have that exact pair of scissors. The bottle opener behind the pivot doesn't work for shit.

>> No.4654750
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>> No.4654753
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>> No.4654763
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>> No.4654765
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>> No.4654767

you guys are bad at this game

>> No.4654769

Kinda hard working within the constraints of "sfw". I'd like to see you do better.

>> No.4654779
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>> No.4654781
File: 46 KB, 600x582, 3ae1b152ea083a302cd7c88587f00e2d1055a5b9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]