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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4652510 No.4652510 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else emigrate after graduating? I moved down under after getting a Masters in Chemistry with a minor in Geology. Working in Australia now on $90k as a analytical chemist at the Argyle mine

Left behind some pretty huge student debts but I did my homework and as long as I don't go back to the US they can't do shit about it. Spoke to an old college friend who moved to South Africa to do much the same thing and he hasn't heard anything from the gov'mint in 10 years despite owing >$100k.

So long as they don't know where you are, its all sweet?

>> No.4652514 [DELETED] 

>Working in Australia now on $90k as a analytical chemist at the Argyle mine

Are you fucking kidding me? I applied for that role and got turned down at the last minute because some asshat from overseas took it. I'm going to fucking kill you, I know where you work.

>> No.4652518
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>> No.4652521

Suck it up

>> No.4652522

Gold. Literally

>> No.4652538

Also you can assume the US government will soon know where you live.

>> No.4652544

The offender has been reported to the authorities. That kind of behaviour will not be tolerated out of /b/.


>> No.4652547
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>Amerifats stuck at home ITT

>> No.4652549
File: 107 KB, 1350x641, asshatforeigner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Capped

>> No.4652552

Glad you got that!

>> No.4652600

look at the time between posts, obviously it's the same person posting.

I could understand if maybe the other guy posted about 5-10 minutes down the line but he posted a singleminute after the OP

>> No.4652674

sodium borohydride
lithium aluminiumhydride
sodium cyanoborohydride

>> No.4652685

reported. rules say you may not do that. have fun being normal again.

>> No.4652689 [DELETED] 


Bro that might get the OP in trouble.

>> No.4653059

Just because YOU take 10 fucking minutes to write a post doesn't mean the rest of us do.