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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 459x309, asimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4650500 No.4650500 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ i was just about to sleep but then i stumbled upon this:

That page surely is a wall of text and i don't want to go through all of it, so someone please sum Asimovs Last Question for me please?

>> No.4650516

Just read it tomorrow, it's a good story.

>> No.4650531

Here's more to read:

>> No.4650539

tl;dr: can you reverse entropy? dunnolol. computer is god now.

but it's worth reading.

>> No.4650556

This is something everyone should read.

And if I can recommend another short story, check out I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream.

>> No.4652434

Boy, this short story is the best short of Asimov, you're telling me that you can't read 8 fucking pages? just read it, the ending it's just phenomenal.

>> No.4652482

>can't read a short story

How is school, OP? I imagine it must be very tough for someone of your patience.

>> No.4652484


>> No.4652492
File: 35 KB, 410x452, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best of Asimov
>Not Profession

>> No.4652563

God damn it Asimov is amazing

If you haven't read the Foundation series, read it.

>> No.4652567

Really? It's good? Because I like Asimov, but I find him to be very dry. For short stories it's 100% OK, for a novel, it's pushing it, but for a seven (?) novel series? Idk, seems a bit much.

>> No.4652575

There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer.

>> No.4652582

Dudes ask the computer how to stop entropy he tells them he don't know but he'll think about it

story consists of different areas millions an billions of years apart in humanities future where the super vac is asked the question over and over but he still doesn't know the answer.

then time immeasurable after the last starts die he finds the answer to reverse entropy and let there be light and he makes the universe

>> No.4652583


meant eras

sorry bro.

>> No.4652617

It's pretty good. It's a very intelligent novel, and to be honest the first book at least is basically a set of short stories

>> No.4652693

Read the tiny tiny comic instead.

>> No.4652703
File: 54 KB, 877x402, 397010_369843683025739_100000003310333_1549813_104765250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4652919


The first book I ever read without pictures in it was "I Robot"
I had a copy of "Foundation and Empire" in my pocket when I heard that he had died.
His autobiography "In Memory yet Green." is surprisingly entertaining.

I regret that I never wrote a fan letter to him.