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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4645967 No.4645967 [Reply] [Original]

so how'd your finals go /sci/?

>> No.4645986


I fucking love that gif OP

I had a round of exams on the last bit of course material this week and my cumulative finals next week. I honestly shouldn't even be /sci/ right now

>> No.4645990

Dont have to take my psych final, got A locked away.

Philosophy's gonna be easy as shit.

everything else is great.

should end with 3.5-3.75 for first semester

>> No.4646021
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Got into a fight with my roommates, totally forgot I had an Physics exam on Wednesday. Missed it entirely.

I talked to my psychologist/psychiatrist at the student health center and explained the situation to them. I've been seeing them for a combination of ADHD and "bad living situation".

They wrote a note for me requesting that my instructor make special considerations for me. It was approved, and I'm now able to take the make-up exam next tuesday.

I feel dirty now. Like I need to take a shower...

>> No.4646027

poor babby can't handle living with roommates. what was the problem?

>> No.4646028

Haven't had finals yet...

Next week.

>> No.4646034

When it got to the scene

>And this is what it saw

I couldn't help but prepare myself for a screamer

>> No.4646042

Nearly aced every final so far, about to go into my math final.
Need a 95 on it to get an A in the class, a 57.6 to get a B.

Seeing as not a damn thing I have studied in the last 24 hours has stuck at all, I'm hoping I even get a B at this point.

>> No.4646076
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One of my roommates is drug dealer who has openly told me that he wanted to kill me.
He's had restraining orders placed on him in the past.

My place has been robbed twice now.
We don't have hot water because said roommate forgot to pay the bills.

I'd leave, but I don't really have anywhere to go.
If you like to trade me places, I'd be more than happy to.

>> No.4646079

Report him to the police, moron.

>> No.4646093

He's growing drugs in the house.

It'd be a bad idea to try and sink this ship while I'm still on it.
I'd rather just wait till I get off and then let it crash on its own.

>> No.4646094

yeah this

what the hell why would you room with someone like that?

>> No.4646097

The fuck are you worried about, the cops trying to arrest you?
Just say he threatened to harm you if you came out about it, problem solved.

>> No.4646101

Prepping for them now.
Music Appreciation tomorrow (its the greatest joke of a class, going into the final I have 107%)
Bio on monday (going to be the hardest one, since its general biology, so I have to memorize everything ever excluding genetics)
And Chemistry the next day which I'm not even a little bit worried about.

>> No.4646110

Do you think I wanted to?

He started growing shrooms in secret.
I didn't find out about them until midway through the second semester.

I've been in bad living situations before. Not ones nearly this bad. But bad nonetheless. People like this don't go down without a fight, and they will do everything in their power to drag you down with them.

I didn't really know this guy before we started living together. But once you're stuck with a guy like this, you're with him for the rest of the ride.

>> No.4646115
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Jesus Christ.
You obviously have no involvment in what he is doing, and he has threatened your life at least once before.
They can't drag you down with willpower, faggot, they need proof.

>> No.4646119

>Has a criminal record
>Openly tell's people he's a drug dealer
>Threatens people
What you have there is a thug, steal all his shit then move out.

>> No.4646124

Advanced fluids went well. Probably going to get an A- in the class.

I got shit on in my Comp App's 2 exam. Professor sneaks in a ODE system on the exam and asked us to it by hand. (As supposed to in Simulink or ODE45). I'm still not sure if you can even solve it using analytically.

Controls was okay. I got a 87 on the final. A overall.

Engineering Materials was a joke. I had a 97 in the class and the final was only 20% of the grade. Just walk in and threw down an 80 and dipped.

Okay semester overall.

>> No.4646130

You're trying to tell a guy you don't know how he should live his life.

I'm not sure if you understand. If I call the cops on this guy, I don't have anything that I can fall back on. If I leave this house, this means dropping out of college.
We've also been robbed in the past. Our house already has a record with the police, and I have no doubt in my mind that they consider us sketchy.

There is no way for me to escape this situation unscathed until I'm no longer living here.

Most importantly, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I put a man in prison. I'm willing to openly lie to a person's face, but I refuse to stab a person in the back.

>> No.4646132

Only have MicroEcon and Multivariabe Calc left.

Shouldn't be too bad.

>> No.4646134
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>> No.4646144

They going good, they going good. Revising sucks ass though.

>> No.4646145

>refuse to stab a person in the back


>> No.4646149

Actually, you have problem far worse than simply having him has a room mate if you think that is "stabbing him in the back"

>> No.4646152

>You obviously have no involvment in what he is doing
My other roommate is involved in what he's doing. And I actually like that guy. He's an electrical engineer, and he's actually got a future ahead of him. Fortunately, we've agreed to live together again next semester while my drug dealing roommate goes elsewhere.

This is not a situation I want the police involved in.

If that makes me a Beta, then so be it.

>> No.4646219

I had a friend who used to tell me about his roommate that sold marijuana in his dorm while they were living together.

He was a hardcore christian, and was always against lying or reported people. Instead, he just asked the RA of the floor to stop by the room in the middle of one of the deals while he was out.

He still brags about how he never actually reported his roommate. As far as he's concerned, he just let things "happen on their own". It kinda makes me sick to my stomach that despite having the full intentions of getting his roommate kicked out, he still tells people that it's not his fault.

I refuse to be that guy. I already feel bad enough that I've used my living situation as an excuse to retake my exam. The last thing I want to do is get the authorities involved in my life.

>> No.4646238

He did the right thing. Guy was growing drugs. Fuck him. He can go do that in some garden shed.

>> No.4646247

good luck anon.

>> No.4646289

Yeah, he did the "right" thing.
But as I see it, a good person would still consider that a stain on their record, not an achievement.

Whether he deserved it or not, I don't feel like we should be involving the police in our personal lives. There are people who genuinely need help or need to be incarcerated. The last thing I want is yet another drug dealer taking up cells.

Until someone actually gets hurt, I have no intention of letting the police into my home. I may not have done anything wrong, but that's for me to decide. Not anyone else.