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4642123 No.4642123 [Reply] [Original]

This is my weekly "should I major in English" thread.

Should I major in English?

>> No.4642125

You say weekly, but I don't think I've ever seen one before.
Sure you're not looking for /lit/? You'd get laughed at pretty much anywhere else

>> No.4642129

This is my first of many such threads.

>> No.4642130 [DELETED] 

Major in whatever you like, but English is not science so I do not see why you are asking us.

>> No.4642131

I guess if you love it. Just a warning, don't expect to get a good job from it..

>> No.4642134
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It's a degree.

No I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

>> No.4642140

Don't do it.
There is no payoff for you, the debt is not worth it.

>> No.4642141
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No, because you should be majoring in nuclear engineering.

>> No.4642151

Yes you should. But it would be better if your degree was from Stanford. here are two English majors to motivate you. I majored in mechanical engineering and fucking hated it.

Michael Bay - Director - English/Film
Michael Mann - Director - English

>> No.4642158

>Micheal Bay

I just may hate myself.

Guys I'm not even from an English-speaking country.

Where I live employers deeply care about what college you've graduated from and unemployment rate is about 11%. In this situation I have to do everything to get into a good college and English is the only major I can get myself into in a creditable college.

I can study Comp Sci in a shitty college but then I have to kiss having a job and a future goodbye.

I know English sucks but what would you do if you were me?

>> No.4642160

Hell yeah.

My knowledge in Shakespearean literature and Victorian English made a dozen women orgasm at the same time.