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4641948 No.4641948 [Reply] [Original]

To all biochemists and physicians: What are the pros and cons of Gardasil?

>> No.4641994
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you get to be a slave to the pharmacy corps' lobying
you die earlier

think of it like this, they are injecting a virus you didn't even know existed before they told you you need to buy it and get vaccinated... if you're a male, you're an idiot to begin with.
just use a fucking condom, and if you're in a serious relationship, get tested.

if you really want the details read the damn article

>> No.4642020

pros: cervical cancer drops by 90%, moralfags get mad

cons: ouch that hurt

>> No.4642022

>>implying wikipedia articles provide 'details'

I'm male and have laryngeal papillomatosis. I'm currently waiting for the results for the subtyping of the virus.
I do not lead a promiscuous life. Don't know where it came from.

My doctors proposed Gardisal as a treatment and only tell me ambiguous shit about the vaccine.
Basically, I think the vaccination is utter shit, too and am gonna stick to a herb-based treatment.

>> No.4642030

if you have type 16 then just make sure you get your throat looked at now and again, and don't smoke.

herbs are probably useless, but vaccine also, as they are meant to be used before the infection.

>> No.4642052

isn't type 16 considered "high risk"?

maybe it's useless, but there's a small chance it can cleanse my organism.
better than polluting it with something that might be even more dangerous.

>> No.4642073

type 16 is the one associated with throat cancer. but imagine a raise from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 10,000. these aren't the actual numbers, i'm trying to give you an idea of risk and how it isn't really worrying at an individual level, just a national level.

but your pro herb and anti-vaccine bullshit is embarrassing. there's a good chance you would be dead or crippled if it wasn't for vaccines. vaccines are consistently shown to be safe, under the harshest of spotlights.

also herbs can be dangerous. if you are taking immune modulators like echinacea or ginseng, there is a possibility they can bring on auto-immune disease like rheumatoid arthritis.

gtfo /sci/ you are unscientific.