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4641545 No.4641545 [Reply] [Original]

>EE Major
>Had a perfect 4.0 GPA since Highschool
>Need to take Spanish 1 and 2
>Take Spanish 1
>Get an A-

Why do universities make us take classes that have little benefit to us? I don't remember shit from that class and the only thing I think I learned was that learning a new language is boring as hell.

>> No.4641558

Gen eds are necessary for the university to milk you out of more tuition money.
This is the same reason why I have to pay a $200 lab fee to use equipment that is older than I am.

>> No.4641570

This. Don't listen to the bullshit they tell you about making you "well-rounded."

However, learning a new language could be beneficial depending on what you want to do.

>> No.4641574
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>mfw here we need to take 4 classes of french, 3 of philosophy, 2 of english and 3 of gym.
> I'm also majoring in EE.

Fucking general eds man.

>> No.4641580

>3 of gym
Holy fuck, you mean like highschool PE?
What the fuck kind of university is that?

>> No.4641582
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Believe it or not, studying a breadth of subjects vastly improves your performance in any given one of them. See: music.

>mfw everyone I’ve heard complain about gen. ed. courses is simply too retarded to do anything outside of their chosen field

>> No.4641584

What shitawful school do you go to?

>> No.4641585

Yeah, but instead of actually doing sports, we study how our lifestyles affect us and shit like that.

>Cégep in QC.
>I know, everyone hate me.

Fucking Québec.

>> No.4641588

>too retarded to do anything outside of their chosen field
>implying anyone fails a gen ed
Gen eds are pointless in practice, learning the basics of microeconomics or modern western history doesn't help me with circuit analysis.

>> No.4641589

At my university, every one has to take gen eds of 3 language courses, and 2 fitness courses, as well as others like psych and phil...however, if you are an engineering or science major, you can skip out on languages and fitness. Badass.
That being said, learning a new language is paramount! I am much more valuable than another physics major knowing English, Spanish, French, and now trying to pick up on Russian.

>> No.4641591


No, but hopefully you’ll do more in your life than analyzing circuits. Like managing money and/or interacting with other human beings.

>> No.4641596

Because you live in America.

Where I'm from nobody would stand for the humiliation of taking a class that is outside the scope of what you are studying.

>> No.4641597

I see the use in a language and how it does benefit you in in being hired, but I just feel that it's awful to forcefully make people take 3 quarters of a language they are shit at and will probably forget after graduation.

>> No.4641600

Yeah, because giving a BS or PhD to someone who writes like a high-schooler is a good idea.

>> No.4641605

>implying writing like an arts major is something to be encouraged

Writing a scientific report is completely different from writing anything else and you don't need retarded general education courses to teach you how to write one.

>> No.4641614

But the process of writing grant proposals and cover letters is much different than the process of writing a scientific report. If everything you write sounds like a scientific report, that'd be as bad (or worse) than writing like a high-schooler.

>> No.4641615


Have you MET a STEM undergrad?

>> No.4641619

>writing grant proposals and cover letters
>implying the secretarial staff doesn't exist for a reason

Yes, and everyone of them writes better than any artstard I've seen who uses dozens of adjective just to raise the word count and sound intelligent.

>> No.4641621


>and everyone of them writes better than any artstard I've seen

Where the hell do you live? I’m moving there immediately.

Also, “every one” is two words in this context.

>> No.4641632

>implying grad students have secretaries
>implying communicative writing isn't a good skill to have

>> No.4641636


mad cuz he can't get good grades in anything but science

inb4 i don't give a fuck.

Maybe you don't, but if you are as smart as you think you are, you should be able to do well in anything.

>> No.4641643
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>Calling an A- a bad grade

>> No.4641658

learning a new language is NOT the same as taking one or a few classes in it. that's not to belittle the importance of actually learning a new language, I'm just sayin.

I feel like if you're in college then you should have already covered all the basics and general ed. stuff in high school. I think mandating general ed. classes in College is redundant and does not contribute to your education, but rather is a waste of time and money (in most cases, not all). Especially when you could be using the time to take other classes that are more relevant to you.

>> No.4641673

They make you take the classes because it's a way to make you spend thousands in tuition, textbooks, and course supplements.

And heaven have mercy if you ever try to transfer. They will try to find any excuse to discard previously earned credits.