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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 301 KB, 621x2694, 1324597597442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4637820 No.4637820 [Reply] [Original]

I've repeatedly failed algebra 2.
I really need to pass it, I have a month before the class even starts.
I want to get a head start on this class, someone recommend me what to do.

I go to a sub par/ cheap as hell school, so we are pretty much required to teach ourselves, and the teachers take a back seat approach to everything.

>> No.4637833

What the fuck is up with that picture?

>> No.4637836


>> No.4637837

yeah? it looks like someone else walked into the propeller and it accidentally the whole plane

(lol at 4th picture where it says warning : propeller)

>> No.4637841


2nd'ing and 3rd'ing. I've seen it happen already where people try to bring down this site and its author in terms of quality, but... give me a fucking break. This is one of the most powerful sources for understanding mathematics.

>> No.4637842
File: 195 KB, 590x976, 1335831710919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4637843

This, seriously. I went back to college recently after 15 years of being out of HS and I owe my ability to actually pass to this site.

>> No.4637848
File: 983 KB, 500x333, 1335660537784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ill check out that site

>> No.4637850


>> No.4637852

>This is one of the most powerful sources for understanding elementary mathematics - it will be of no help at the college level, and this is why people castigate it


>> No.4637861

It is of help for first year undergrad university courses actually. You should be able to learn from a textbook past that anyway.

>> No.4637862
File: 1023 KB, 372x242, 1335817669457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so then, what do you recommend, instead?

>> No.4637865

So, what site do you have that can help you at a college lever?

>> No.4637868

How is understanding elementary mathematics not helpful at the college level?

>> No.4637871

same anon who posted the link, I hear what you say so far I have taken linear algebra and calc2 but when I have to take advanced classes like discrete mathematics and other high level classes I will have to relay on some other source maybe MIT opencoursware and such.

>> No.4637875

When knowing elementary math and not knowing the subject material is why you flunk your final.

>> No.4637874

i have no recommendations, but thats not my point

>> No.4637880

Well, then compared to nothing, the Khan Academy is better for understanding mathematics, but not the best. That is essentially your point.

>> No.4637883

don't you know the phrase, if you got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?

>> No.4637888


How is it good for understanding collegiate level mathematics when he doesn't fucking teach any?

>> No.4637908

i pointed out why people deride khan academy

how in the world does that offend anyone?

>> No.4637917

KA is terrible for anyone wanting to major in math, then again he is an engineer IIRC .. and the practice problems are a bit too easy IMO

I find PatrickJMT to be a better lecturer but he has no problem sets

tl;dr never pigeonhole yourself by using one site

>> No.4637918


I'm actually curious as to what parts of the Early Calculus and Linear Algebra sections you find lacking? Unless those aren't considered college mathematics.

Hell even their non-mathematics sections excel. I remember introducing the site to some friends of mine taking organic chemistry, and there was a significant increase in their grades after that point.

>> No.4637920

Because even the most basic lesson are better than no lessons at all.

Basically, if I am not being subtle enough.... Post some alternatives to Khan Academy and we will be happy to use them.

>> No.4637924


I've seen PatrickJMT always brought up as a better math teaching alternative to Khan, but their reasoning behind it is usually "just because he explains it better". I'm really curious as to what makes him a better tutor, not for the sake of finding out whom among them is better, but to find out what people respond to most in a tutor (for future purposes).

>> No.4637926

thats like saying its better to take a course in Swahili instead of the required one in English

>> No.4637928

ITT: failing math

hahahah thats so hard to do man, calc III and dif ee ques are easy...algebra is just basic intuition...

>> No.4637929

I still don't get what the fuck is going on in that picture

Anyone know the backstory?

>> No.4637934

If your options are Swahili or nothing, it is better to take Swahili because at least you can learn the basics of language to eventually learn English.

>> No.4637944


Like I said, he is a better lecturer. He speaks more clearly, stutters less, stays on track, has no interruptions like his wife coming home from grocery shopping (this has happened in one KA video I've viewed).

He gets his point across adequately without rehashing and repeating himself over and over. This I think is a gift that the best math teachers have. Some don't explain well enough for their entire class, but some just love to hear themselves ramble.

>> No.4637965

>He gets his point across adequately without rehashing and repeating himself over and over.

this is also the reason i recommend the mathtutordvd guy over khan

>> No.4639727

>lol I'm so edgy and have nothing of importance to say