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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4633749 No.4633749 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/fag here.

What's /sci/'s stance on virology/epidemology/pathology? Anyone in one of these fields right now who can tell me how it's like?
Pic unrelated.

>> No.4633753

>hard science

>> No.4633954
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>implying biology isn't a hard science
>implying that biology doesn't incorporate many massively complex aspects of chemistry and physics to answer questions
>implying that because a lot of biology doesn't involve numbers doesn't make it a hard science

>> No.4634032

what a surprise

>> No.4635137



>> No.4635153

>implying you didn't just describe biochemistry

>> No.4635156


> Biology and chemistry
> Sciences
> Not the art of memorizing.

And don't get me started on physics. Quantum physics is basically shit-tier sociology statistics with "herp derp we don't know what causes it but here's some correlations".

>> No.4635159

> Black man
> The study of decease?
> Picture unrelated


>> No.4635164 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4635167

>Quantum physics is basically shit-tier sociology statistics with "herp derp we don't know what causes it but here's some correlations".

Jimmies sufficiently rustled.

>> No.4635170

see your mistake OP?

there are subreddits better suited to your question

>> No.4635189

>What's /sci/'s stance on virology/epidemology/pathology?

it has helped save several orders of magnitude more lives than theoretical physics

>> No.4635209

Interesting subjects, I went to this medical conference in high school for students wanting to go into medicine and there were some pathologists and virologists there.

Very interesting stuff.

>> No.4635215

>Memorization and repetition
pick 2

>> No.4635225


But why is physics a science? You don't measure forces or particles directly, only their effects and the disturbances they cause using indirect methods. And when you get down to subatomic physics you're dealing with imprecise potentials, shit that behaves in different ways at the same fucking time, motherfucking entanglement, et cetera. Physicists need to resort to the same shit-tier math like statistics that Sociologists use just to make some special-case correlations.

Physics is just another liberal art. The only real science is math, but it's a formal science and not really a science anymore than computer science, philosophy or art theory.

Really, there is no real sciences. Deal with ut.

>> No.4635246


Because while you understand the fallibility of physics, you fail to understand the degree of confidence and usefulness. 0.2 and 99 are both positive, but they are different.

The general rule is this : the more something has to do with human behaviour (irrational and often unpredictable creatures) the less precise it is. Want to know what we've achieved even though our theory is probably, and sometimes definitely, wrong ? Antibiotics, transistors (that's quantum physics), putting people on the fucking moon (we used stuff from Newton, which was definitely wrong)

>not really a science anymore than philosophy or art theory
Maths, physics and CS solves things. Try learning aerodynamics and modeling flows without any of them.
Philosophy doesn't solve things. It's for people to argue.

>> No.4637309

biology questions belong in

>> No.4637339

Pathologist make a load of money and there are always jobs, but it's 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, 6 years of more school and residency for the specialization - in addition, pathology specialization is competitive, so you might either need a PhD before entering med school in biochemistry or have been very competitive in your med school courses. It's hardly something you just decide to go into casually one day because the money is good.

>> No.4637602

The math in quantum mechanics is based on the linear algebra of a hilbert space. Probability theory and statistics doesn't work for QM.

If you were trolling then 3/10

>> No.4637604

Awesome pursuit of study. That's all I've got to contribute.

>> No.4637620

Don't be a twat. That place is for looking at pictures and talking about pets.