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4630454 No.4630454 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a bullshit-free future-thread? (short term = 50 years)

>> No.4630459

peak oil

>> No.4630464

reported, enjoy your ban

>> No.4630466


>> No.4630471

Jacob Barnett

>> No.4630474
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>you will never explore space

>> No.4630479

peak oil
collapse of the dollar as the reserve currency
global famine
malthusian disaster--overnight wipeout of most of the world's population
resurgence of Fascism and religious extremism
nuclear warfare
the end of human life on earth

>> No.4630483
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Transhumanism general.

>> No.4630486

Hmm, I would like to see more use of the Actinide elements in the future.

>> No.4630489

student loan bubble bursting

>> No.4630501
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We will use our qualia to mine asteroids and stop the threat of peak oil.

>> No.4630512

Peak oil makes cars a luxury. To go anywhere, you order a trip on a driverless bus using an app on your phone. The bus has no seats and a spiky floor to discourage homeless people from sleeping on it, but they do it anyway, especially at night. Pretty much anyone with a salary over <span class="math">100K ([/spoiler]25K in 2000 dollars) works from home.

>> No.4630517

Faster more powerful computers that are even smaller.

Real 3D screens on everything, not that cheap effect you need glasses for.

Augmented reality becomes a major part of the gaming industry, and LARPG's are replaced by groups of people getting together and fighting CGI monsters together.

Graphics so realistic you need special programs to tell them apart from real life.

People will go to theaters to see movies/plays involving holograms.

Virtual reality, first in video arcades, then for home systems. Gloves will feed sensory information right to your hands while headsets give you realistic sight and sound. People will pay big bucks to finger virtual women, and in Japan, children.

3D printers will be in the kitchen and be able to prepare complex meals.

Robot servants that are as intelligent as dumb children that can perform most household chores will be affordable to the average consumer.

There will be computers and phones so inexpensive that they can be treated as disposable.

>> No.4630543

Personalized medicine will boost the average lifespan.

The media will whip up many more "disease scares" like what happened with swine flu. Maybe there will be one this year.

Food riots will occur, it'll be very scary.

The dollar will no longer be the currency controlling oil.

There will not be a revolution or civil war in western countries. There will, however, be many more in the middle east.

Space travel will become privatised.

Internet usage will become more prevalent.

Religion will decline, including islam.

>> No.4630552

peak oil means the collapse of western societies. there won't be any modern technology like computers or phones, since these rely on surplus energy.

thus we will live in a 1600s european-esque darkage.

you better learn to farm quickly.

>> No.4630570


These. The only certain prediction we can make is that everything will go to shit due to peak oil and climate change. We cannot predict the emergence of solutions, because for all we know none of them will be viable.

>> No.4630587 [DELETED] 

Biological immortality, rejuvenation, or significant life extension.

While this has it's opponents, it will become clear that whole western civilization, China and Japan will all collapse when most of the population will retire/become too old to work; and biological immortality and rejuvenation will be made available to majority of the people.

Whatever happens, people will become immortal when it becomes possible. as the whole existence of civilization will be dependent upon it even more so than oil.

Not that i would'nt enjoy it :)

>> No.4630588

Peak oil will cause a decline in production that will make the cost of butt plugs sky rocket.

If you want to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of life after peak oil, you should buy as many butt plugs as you can and sell them when the price is up, exchanging all the money you make for gold bullion because it will be the only currency other than oral sex after society collapses from lack of oil.

>> No.4630589

>This whole topic

>Peak oil
>Peak oil
>Peak oil

>No peak phosphorus

Plebs, peak phosphorus will make even this claim sound nice

>thus we will live in a 1600s european-esque darkage.

Get at me peak oil bitches

>> No.4630592 [DELETED] 

Biological immortality, rejuvenation, or significant life extension.

While this has its opponents, it will become clear that whole western civilization, China and Japan will all collapse when most of the population will retire/become too old to work; and biological immortality and rejuvenation will be made available to majority of the people.

Whatever happens, people will become immortal when it becomes possible. as the whole existence of civilization will be dependent upon it even more so than oil.

Not that i would'nt enjoy it :)

>> No.4630593

Most people aren't smart enough to even understand what you're talking about.

>> No.4630594

Well, I think it's more about being "informed" than "smart". Pretty much anyone can understand it if you explain it to them.

>> No.4630597

Biological immortality, rejuvenation, or significant life extension.

While this has its opponents, it will become clear that whole western civilization, China and Japan will all collapse when most of the population will retire/become too old to work; and biological immortality and rejuvenation will be made available to majority of the people.

Whatever happens the whole existence of civilization will be dependent upon it even more so than oil.

Not that i would'nt enjoy it :)

>> No.4630606
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>> No.4630630

>Peak anything

Protect me from morons who scream buzzwords.

We can make oil from air and garbage you stupid faggots, and there are more elements floating around in the solar system than a one planet species could ever use.

>> No.4630639

>implying no thermodynamics

Sure, you can "make oil from garbage," but with what?

>> No.4630646

If you're asking where we would get the energy, there is this gigantic fusion reactor that supplies us with free energy. You may have heard of it.

I'll give you three guesses.

>> No.4630649

Solar power couldn't power my atari