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File: 56 KB, 468x326, article-0-02EC002200000578-483_468x326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4629543 No.4629543 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, you're a buncha smart cookies, right?

Why are humans the only primate that has no penis bone? Like, we don't even have a vestigial one, I don't think.

So, what, exactly, in that six million years that separates us from chimpanzees, happened to make is to having a penis bone became so detrimental to survival that it vanished completely?

It's such a weird thing...

>> No.4629550

obviously human sex became too kinky for bones to handle.

>> No.4629555

It's harder to cut off the penis, when there's a bone in it.

>> No.4629559
File: 101 KB, 400x534, Raccoonpenisbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, that's what I was thinking, too. But I feel like there's a better answer.

>> No.4629561

wouldn't having a penis bone be beneficial, then?

>> No.4629563

gorilla penis is about an inch long

>> No.4629564

Spider monkeys don't have a Beculum, either.

But I think that's because they use their penises to hang from trees or something.

>> No.4629566

Something to do with rape probably.

>> No.4629569

can't believe I just heard of this

>> No.4629572

Come to think of it, the only species besides humans known to rape are dolphins... And they don't have a penis bone, either.

>> No.4629573

ducks rape

>> No.4629576

Not beneficial. It's more beneficial to know that your dick can be bitten off. This way you'll think twice before putting it in any mouth. Dicks don't belong in mouths.

>> No.4629580

rape is a pretty common thing in nature, I couldn't give you a list but a lot more than 2 species do it.

>> No.4629582

But humans have more oral sex than any other species, so that can't be the answer.

>> No.4629588

I don't think ducks even have peni(i|ses)

>> No.4629590

birds and reptiles have more anal sex though

not even trolling

>> No.4629592

The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins also speculated in 2006 that the loss of the bone in humans, when it is present in our nearest related species the chimpanzee, is a result of sexual selection by females looking for signs of good health in prospective mates. The reliance of the human penis solely on hydraulic means to achieve a rigid state makes it particularly vulnerable to blood pressure variation. Poor erectile function betrays not only physical states such as diabetes and neurological disorders but mental states such as stress and depression.[7]

>> No.4629593

i'm afraid they do, all birds do, though they have very different anatomy (not made erect by blood for example)

>> No.4629597

At some point in the evolutionary chain, two of the chromosomes combined to make one big one. Chimps have 24 pairs, humans have 23 pairs.
One of these pairs have telomerase ends in places they don't belong. I forgot which one, but I'm sure you can google it somewhere. You can imagine what happened from there on after.

>> No.4629596

also human penis is a squeegee to suck out other male's sperm
true story

>> No.4629595

they have these nasty stringy dicks that pop out allowing them to rape. It's really weird, look it up. I would upload a picture but then I'd have to explain why I downloaded a picture of a duck penis onto my family computer.

>> No.4629605

That's because they only have one hole, though.
And Dolphins are the only species that are known to engage in nasal sex.

Birds have an extended cloaca which acts as a penis.

>> No.4629606

I'm pretty sure they'd understand that it was for science.

>> No.4629610

>>i'm afraid they do, all birds do, though they have very different anatomy (not made erect by blood for example)

Birds don't even have penises.

>> No.4629614

I can testify to humans having nasal sex, and doing it with at least one other animal (bovines).

But I'll admit it's extremely uncommon. (In porn at least)

>> No.4629615

i'm glad i'm not the only anon that knows about and appreciates the cloaca

>> No.4629616

i'm afraid to inform you they do.

>> No.4629621

Not only humans lack a penis bone, horses, donkeys, rhinoceri, marsupials, rabbits, some whales, dolphins, elephants and hyenas also have none.

A penis bone enables to have sex with great speed (sex is often dangerous, since neither the male nor the female are mobile or can observe the environment for predators or enemies).

It seems like animals which live in groups and only have sex in relatively safe conditions lack a penis bone.
Also, certain social behaviours seems to have a part, since the penis needs more or longer sexual stimuli to become erect.

>> No.4629630

But our closes relatives gorillas and chimps have penis bones, and they live in social groups and do some kinky shit.

Well, Chimps, anyway. Don't know about gorillas.

>> No.4629631
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>mfw this thread

I didn't know we had so many animal genitalia/mating experts on /sci/.

>> No.4629640

Maybe biology is a "hard" science after all.

>> No.4629654

Or we have some really kinky people here.

>> No.4629655
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>> No.4629657

Man, I need to be more critical of my sources. It's pretty bad when you can't even trust one of the only two educational books used in first year biology in a country.

Thanks for the heads up, mate. Highly appreciated.

>> No.4629665

Sorry, these were my suggestions, nothing scientific. I would haven given link to a source otherwise.

Maybe gorilla and chimp mating behviour differs in some way from human or horse mating?

The latter lives in a group which consists of females with a single male as the herd leader. So there's not that much risk of another male sneaking up, since he has been defeated in territorial fight.

Humans usually mate after conducting certain social rituals, which also make it unlikely another male sneaks into the bed to steal some quality time...

>> No.4629673

Birds don't have a 'penis' is a traditional sense. They've got an extended cloaca which delivers semen, which is morphologically different from a penis.

>> No.4629681

lol dawkins theory is just in line with the rest of his atheist scam...
simply ridiculous...
so whatever

>> No.4629685



>> No.4629691

>"traditional sense"
is that a biological term?

insects and birds both have wings. me and cephalopods both have eyes. deal with it.

>> No.4629700

Not this anon >>4629673
>morphologically different
is what you are looking for.

>> No.4629704

yes we know. but both penises

>> No.4629705

That is not even his idea you tool, he just used that theory to try and explain the lack of a penis bone. The handicap principle has been around since the 70's, males who are physically and constitutionally robust can afford handicaps that display their fitness. In this case it would be that healthy males can readily achieve full erection without a bone, a clear and easy to understand signal in a naked animal.

>> No.4629714

There is a guy who can conduct electric current through his body like a complete closed circuit, without succumbing to cardiac arrest or burns.

If he passes on his genes, will the human population be like him someday?

>> No.4629723


I'm not a biologist or anything, but that sounds kind of stretching. Females started mating only with bone-less men because they could tell better if the men were depressed?

>> No.4629740
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>> No.4629745

Thank you internet!

>> No.4629746


oh mah god

>> No.4629748
File: 20 KB, 320x231, jesus christ how horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4629758
File: 295 KB, 720x720, 1330490893454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we didn't evolve from ape/monkeys

we evolved from a common ancestor

the last trait we shared with chimps was social structure, forward facing eyes and opposable thumbs

the prototypical ape creature would look neither like ape or human but would account for the dimorphism, well part of it

why dont we have a certain trait fundamental to survival? because we didnt need it. we could have used some fucking claws, or some super speed, or night vision but no all we had was intelligence.

deal with it.

>> No.4629764
File: 108 KB, 800x218, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4629770

we are apes you derp

>> No.4629771


goddamn dem tits

>> No.4629777

I don't understand your pic. The one with bigger boobs is clearly more attractive, that's what I'm supposed to get from that, right?

>> No.4629776
File: 17 KB, 320x375, PROMOTIONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4629774

glorious tits

>> No.4629779


I think it was to show the effect of hormones on female anatomy

>> No.4629787



>> No.4629789

Why is /sci/ so amazing?

>> No.4629797
File: 1.32 MB, 196x148, Wipwap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /sci/ gets sexual education


>> No.4629813


Thank you, /sci/!

>> No.4629821
File: 44 KB, 900x507, rc_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4629849

Penis bone to erections is a pretty straight forward evolutionary shift.

Erections just require an increase in blood flow and pressure to that penis. Naturally when species with dick bones get excited the area gets an increase in blood flow as well. Over time species can get more dependent on the blood flow, than the bone itself.

>> No.4629854

Permaboners just get in the fucking way. And walking around with your hands stuffed down your pockets gives predators that crucial split second advantage.

>> No.4629872


I have never heard of this hypothesis, but I think you are misunderstanding it.

erections are a form of communication, like, smiling, crying, or laughing might be, than the potential for lying opens up. Individuals in a species can manipulate each other by falsely communicating feelings.

I think the hypothesis is women have a strategic advantage over men without penis bones, because they are more "honest."

I have heard similar ideas about smiling in human beings. Smiling is a form of friendliness yeah? Biologically we are really just showing off our canine teeth, which are almost like weapons among some species. Through out the history of humans and other ape species, we have been on the balance between friendship and fighting, since we are both social and violent.

The hypothesis is, that smiling was a form of humility for our ancestors to demonstrate how large/small our canines are. Over time, the ape with the smaller canines (and friendlier personality) won the evolutionary battle.

Of course, this is just speculation. BIOLOGY?!!?!? A HARD:OKJNFFDSNKJL

>> No.4629874


No no no, the bacculum retracts and comes out. Its not a permaboner.

>> No.4629898

Maybe it was lost for her pleasure.

>> No.4629901


Yes, that's about what I understood, too. You expressed it better. But, yes,

>I think the hypothesis is women have a strategic advantage over men without penis bones, because they are more "honest."

Is that really enough of a reason to make the penis bone disappear entirely? It certainly doesn't sound like the majority of males with penis bones would fail to find a mate.

(interesting topic, but I'll go to sleep now, I'll check this thread again tomorrow. Watching that duck penis exhausted me.)

>> No.4629917

because it is more difficult to heal if it have a bone

>> No.4629929

I'm glad I don't have penis bone.
Can you imagine breaking that shit?

Fucking fat bitches would actually be a liability.

>> No.4629938

fat bitches confirmed for guiding evolution