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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4629230 No.4629230 [Reply] [Original]

Guys help, got silver nitrate stains on my hand, 2 days old now

>> No.4629238

Your skin cells will shed. Give it time.


>> No.4629245


only way to cure it: Eviscerate the affected appendage

>> No.4629247


you sarcastic bastard, how long will it take?

>> No.4629271

It's an irritant, OP. You'll have a stain for some time, but there's no real danger.

Lol, just kidding. It's very, very fucking dangerous. You should be at the doctor's yesterday.

Medfag here, btw.

>> No.4629281

That looks like it's in its advance stages.
Sorry OP, I give you 2 weeks.

>> No.4629293

op sharpie says permanent but it washes off eventually just give it time

>> No.4629295

Smelt your hand for the scrap content. The price of silver's good these days.

Econ student here.

>> No.4629315


you guys made my night, congrats

>> No.4629316

Use sulfuric acid at 5mol/L to remove it.
Cleaning-team manager here.

>> No.4629317

It's okay, OP. It won't hurt that bad, there's high chance you'll die in sleep.

>> No.4629319

In school, my 65+ years old chemistry teacher said: "Now I will distribute the silver nitrate among the groups myself. If I let you do it, you'll just spill it everywhere and get black stains on your hands."
Comes to my table. I hold the test tube. Teacher begins to pour... then jerks and spills half the liquid in the bottle all over my hands and arms.
"Well, I guess you should wash your hands now."
*le sigh*

OP, it's harmless. And even if it's too late to wash it off now, the cells of your skin die off and are replaced every few weeks. Not later than that you will lose the stains.

>> No.4629322


>le sigh

go back to reddit you malevolent tumor

>> No.4629332
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Enjoy your lifelong deformity OP

>> No.4629337
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>> No.4629350


le ninegag XD XD

>> No.4629365

If God doesn't exist who created the material needed for the Big Bang?

>> No.4629369
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>> No.4629370

>butthurt over an expression
Highschool dropout detected.

>> No.4629371


Yo Momma.

>> No.4629373


Definetely a redditfag. Back to your cesspool, cunt.

>> No.4629380

>Definetely a redditfag
Yeah. Except I'm not. Anger issues much? Unclench your butthole, your health will improve.

>> No.4629393

Lol good point athiests are just a bunch of dumb haters who just can't accept there's something bigger than they are

>> No.4629400


You have the soul of a redditor. You act just like one. Whether you come from there or here doesn't matter, you belong there.

Now out of my sight.

>> No.4629412
File: 21 KB, 296x406, redditguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap.

>> No.4629418

>Using le seriously
>Saying that people that get mad at redditfags are dropouts

Just get the fuck out. Go back to your shitty underaged filled site, no one will miss you.

>> No.4629420

heh, nice one.

You need some ammonia.

>> No.4629433
File: 33 KB, 360x319, 1335732564064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jumping to conclusions
>spewing hate
/pol/ is over there.