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4625871 No.4625871 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worlds problem with finding drinking water?

Why are we not sucking sae water inland and removing salt from it in a mass produced way?

>> No.4625876

1) take lost of energy
2) there are cheaper ways
3) what do you do with the salt?

>> No.4625874

because that costs a lot of energy

>> No.4625877

>implying energy means anything with thorium technology

>> No.4625881

Wasteful countries (see america) are wasting it.

>> No.4625885

>Implying artificial scarcity fags wont ruin everything

>> No.4625894
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Shhh, Gentile. Nuclear fusion is psudoscience! More oil subsidies!

>> No.4625895


what cheaper ways?

>> No.4625900

desalination. it's used.
Problem: Energy requirements are ridiculous.

>> No.4625903

Desalinization is incredibly energy-expensive, but if we needed the water that badly we would use it more.

>> No.4625905


In a hot continent such as africa why can it not be pumped into a huge reservoir with a glass roof and pipes to extract the solar evaporated water- no huge energy use.

brush the salt away and start again

a simplistic outline of an idea for you to find faults with

>> No.4625910

MAY be oversimplifying it there sport

>> No.4625914

But 'we' do need it that badly.

Maybe not in western countries but everywhere else is suffering

>> No.4625918

Thats how we separated salt from water in science at school

why not on a larger scale using the sun as it does in nature

>> No.4625920


They're also poor so they're less likely to use desalinization.

>> No.4625923


What are the energy costs involved?

Is it pumping water

boiling water to evaporation

or what?

I am assuming you have background knowledge on this process

>> No.4625931


on a large scale would require ALOT OF HEAT,
by the time it was night the water would cool....

solar distillation of salt water is commonly used on boats,
some days i would get 6 litters...tasted like shit

>> No.4625944

In Israel as of 2005 desalinating water cost US$0.53 per cubic meter.[17] As of 2006 Singapore was desalinating water for US$0.49 per cubic meter.[18]

Why is this not the aim of international aid?

>> No.4625947


Thanks. That hurt my idea but not yet killed it

>> No.4625949


So could small-scale solar distillation of salt water in peoples back yards for example work

Provided we could get the sea water to them?

>> No.4625952

Reverse osmosis,

you get a semi-permeable membrane that separates two tanks. Pump salty water into one of the tanks and then apply several atmospheres of pressure and it's forced across the membrane into the other compartment, leaving the salts behind.

>> No.4625965


But solar would do that without the costs of applying pressure.

>> No.4625985

water is heavy as fuck, transporting water by truck? train?
extremely resource intensive.... which is why we have pipelines from water tables

like I said most ships have solar water distillers for emergency, they are included among emergency supplies

they range from 15 to 200USD

i seriously suggest you buy one...

>So could small-scale solar distillation of salt water in peoples back yards for example work

ok very noble, the water has to be treated with iodine after it has been distilled, let me assure you regardless of chemical used it tastes like shit and large quantities are uncomfortable
to drink

>> No.4626021


I will have a rethink

>> No.4626618

good idea

>> No.4626623

because it's cheaper to drill for water than desalinate?

>> No.4626664

That is one of my goals for the future. The worlds largest water company.

>> No.4626753

Listen. we need to realise that water will be the cause of the next world war.

We need to supply the world with drinkable water before they try to kill us for ours

So how do we realisticly turn the vast supply of sea water into water that can be drunk and fed to crops

>> No.4626789


It's important to note that a lot of the water you get out of desalination can be reclaimed after being used (as in treating sewage water) for less than it costs to desalinate it originally, so you get the first cubic meter for 53 or 49 cents, and of that you can reclaim another, say, half a cubic meter for a much less, so the cost of a liter in a water economy where all the water comes from the sea through desalination would still be lower than the cost of desalinating a liter of water.

>> No.4626829
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.49cents is pretty fucking expensive

>> No.4626849

Do not move to Santa FA

>> No.4626858

whats wrong with you people? its not water you need to worie about. its peak oil, lacking water is just as qualia

>> No.4626871


Humans can physically survive without oil.

Humans cannot physically survive without water

>> No.4626896

>what do you do with the salt?
yeah this is pretty damn important. the salt you get out of desalination plants isn't solid, its highly concentrated brine. although you can just pump it back into the sea after a while its going to start fucking up marine ecosystems if you let it go on for too long. Has knock on impacts for the food supply in the area. Can be dealt with to some extent if you manage the outflow carefully though, but i'd think that over very long periods of time it would have a detrimental effect.
plus improving water conservation and efficieny are far more cost effective than desalination.

>> No.4626910

all water flows back to the oceans, eventually (unless the theory of sponge-earth is correct)

i suppose we could load the salt onto massive cargo ships and then have them dump them across a wide stretch of ocean

>> No.4626921

Invent brine-baths and brine-facemasks and so on.
Sell it as a green technology. Come up with some hocus-pocus about it being the tears of Mother Gaia or something.

It'll vanish in an eyeblink, consumed by millions of hipsters and new-agers.

>> No.4627103

Because niggers be niggers and know not the process of distillation