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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 241 KB, 1920x1200, 1271555842-P73D2NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4623830 No.4623830 [Reply] [Original]

-when I have a bigger dick than you
-I''m not as smart as you but I make over 600k from neurosurgery
-majored in Biology
-sucked at maths
-living the best life in the world
while you're going to a shitty college and doing maths when you're only gonna be making like 90k AT MOST.

>> No.4623834
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>> No.4623841

i remember when i had to take a biology for physics majors course

>> No.4623844
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>> No.4623850


1. i doubt it.

2. i doubt it and 600k is chump change

3. biology sucks

4. maths is awesome

5.doubt this too

6.nahhh, math phd, any quant job i want, 300k starting, 1.5m a year after 5 years.

stochastic calculus and finance, how do they work?

>> No.4623859

mfw my name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the neurosurgery team, and starter on my biology team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.4623862
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thanks for taking time out of your buisey neurosurgery schedule to talk to us.

>> No.4623864

>6.nahhh, math phd, any quant job i want, 300k starting, 1.5m a year after 5 years

>mfw you believe this

>> No.4623872

300k starting is coach change. I made that like my first year now im making 600k after 5 years.

>> No.4623885

i made 300k starting as a math undergrad through derivative trades

i'm now making maybe 1M a year.

>> No.4623887

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.4623893
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>> No.4623895


This is like 300 dollars, lol.

Or even less than a dollar.

>> No.4623897
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>> No.4623917
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this is me.

>> No.4623928

>has time to piss away on 4chan, trolling

>> No.4623947

ya, in cali right now takin a break

>> No.4623951

I am a PGY-1 in gen surg at southwestern, where are you at OP and where did you go for neurosurg?
Also, most of my classmates in med school went to top undergrad/grad schools and usually were in comp sci/engineering/math, placed UIL/IMC, basically better than physicists at physics, so you are clearly trolling me but i have one night off and my gf is working so I am dicking off here before sleep and entertaining your troll

>> No.4623955

I wont tell you exactly where I work cause you might be one of my bosses lol. But I work in oregon. Better pay there.

>> No.4623967
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cant.. hold..all..this..feel

>> No.4623970

Dude, really? What PD accepted you into their neurosurg program, what pedigree school are you? man you do not sound legit, mmh, let me see...

Trauma refers you a patient for possible epidural hematoma, what is your work up? What drug would you want the patient to be on if you are worried about ICP?

>> No.4623971

>-sucked at maths

get out, idiot

>> No.4623977
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>> No.4623979

>my gf

Where did all these disgusting normalfags come from? Fucking /sci/.

>> No.4623984
File: 5 KB, 222x237, 1334904665010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why all the maths btw? ben carson was a psychology major and he became a brain surgeon.

>> No.4623995

I'm a doctor, my gf/fiancee is a cop, if you knew how smart physicians are compared to the rest of sci and how insane they are you would understand, but that is a world you will not experience. It is funny because physicians can go into anyone else's field including math/physics and become the top in the field but the opposite does not hold true, Have fun living in denial of your own inferiority, unlike the OP, I am not a troll, I am the real thing, and I only sound like an ass because you are only seeing your own arrogant selves. If you pseudointellectuals could get over yourselves because you took a slightly advanced math class in high school and college doesn't make you a genius

>> No.4624004

I'd take some CT scans and MRI's to see if there is any convex. Yawn im on vacation right now bro. Dont want to talk about this.

>> No.4624015

cool bro, confirmed for liar

>> No.4624016


OP here. Not trollin what was ur major and what college did u go to? and if ur a neurosurgeon answer me this. What would you do if your patient has a hemorrhagic stroke. And what is the difference between an ischemic and a hemorrhagic.

>> No.4624024

I am not a neurosurg, I am in gen surg, (can you not read), but I would
fluids->to OR for evacuation once stable->prednisone if necessary->spinal drain necessary to maintain ICP along with art lines and pressors ready->craniotomy approach

ischemic is secondary to emboli usually 2/2 to carotid thrombus, hemorrhage is 2/2 to htn or lacunar strokes leading to easy hemorrhage, blah blah blah, so much more to talk about but that is the gist

>> No.4624028

State all the forces caused by a non-inertial refference frame.(with its mathematical expression)

>> No.4624033
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u said u were the real thing, so I assumed u meant u were a brain surgeon. calling me a liar.. smh. have fun in gen surgery. also u never answered my other question about major, etc.

>> No.4624036
File: 13 KB, 251x225, 846435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you knew how smart physicians are compared to the rest of sci

>> No.4624042


force equals mass time acceleration

This is all the math you need if you understand the underlying princple of inertial reference versus non-inertial reference which use fictitious forces, yeah this sounds lazy, but really this is enough

>> No.4624046

You know no physics.
In fact that equation isn't even valid in a non-intertial refference frame.

>> No.4624050

major: biophysics/nanochemisty
college: MIT
published author

>> No.4624060

double major? impressive.

>> No.4624066

my friends in medical school:

mech engineering x2
physics x2
comp sci (worked as software engineer for a while)
world history

>> No.4624068

I'm not a doctor because I've never been interested in being a doctor. Biology is just not very interesting to me.

Intelligence is also not the primary determining characteristic of being an effective physician.

In fact, intelligence isn't a virtue at all.

>> No.4624079

you are right, but the admission is hands down the most stringent process, mind you, not saying that idiots don't make it through, but if you look at averages:

the relative intelligence between
math/physics professors
are skewed toward physicians simply because it is flawed due to selection. It is easier to enter the world of math/physics for graduate school, but medical school is damn near impossible. Doesn't mean that people in those field are all dumber, it just mean they have more idiots in their field than we do.

>> No.4624084

>Also, most of my classmates in med school went to top undergrad/grad schools and usually were in comp sci/engineering/math, placed UIL/IMC, basically better than physicists at physics
>basically better than physicists at physics

No. If you think that the top engineering and math/physics students go to med school or that med students are the best mathematicians/physicists, you're delusional.

>It is funny because physicians can go into anyone else's field including math/physics and become the top in the field but the opposite does not hold true
>physicians can go into anyone else's field including math/physics and become the top in the field

Not a fucking chance.

>> No.4624090
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yet still insecure enough to be bragging on an online imageboard

for your sake, I hope you are a troll

>> No.4624096

music, really? lol

>> No.4624136


>> No.4624237
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You know it's true.....

>> No.4624247
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>claiming to make 600k a year
>morons on the internet believing it

>> No.4624255

>OP samefag bumping thread for more attention
>shiggidity diggity bang da hop biggity diggity etc.