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File: 69 KB, 256x256, thorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4621159 No.4621159 [Reply] [Original]

thorium and helium 3

>> No.4621163

Thorium reactors (LFTRs) are going to kick so much ass.
Planet cores in bottles. LOVE it.

>> No.4621165

Nothing but hype pushed by greedy investors and Libtards

>> No.4621166

Thorium? "Pushed by greedy investors"
Projection much?
But honestly, go check out "LFTR in 5 Minutes" because the information density of that little film is mind blowing.

>> No.4621168
File: 98 KB, 239x254, Rape-Mario to death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China is developping it.
Do you think the chinese government is composed of "libtards"?

>> No.4621182

As communists, I think they're libtards by definition.

Also, ITER called. They want their wild overconfidence about the future of nuclear power back.

>> No.4621187

>so fucking ignorant that he thinks that China is communist
>doesn't realize that since Deng they've been capitalistic

>> No.4621199
File: 163 KB, 500x474, usa vs china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is composed of homosexuals.

>> No.4621201

i c an confirm that thorium is the largest laod of bullshit around, the chinese are studying thorium simply becaue they copy absolutly everything our companies do.

Let me tall you something about chinese., lol, they dont know anything that they are doing complete jokes! lol. To hype something that the chinese are doing just because they are doing it is like getting excited that your dog shit on the carpet again. The chinese steal everything that we do and tehy saw some of our scam stock shells and didnt realize tehy are shell games and stated trying to beat them.. lol too much hilarious.

Yes thorium is bullshit and a shell game, those moveis you ahve watched.. follow all tha information back to the original sources and youll find its all made up/ greatly exaggerated bullshit, and the company putting this info out is paid by a company that doesn't make any profit but survives by shoveling thorium stock paper to idiot investors fora long time. Every country has turned them and thier retard idea down one by one tehy are shut out of the international market.

>> No.4621212


have you been living under a rock?

>> No.4621213

>saying nuclear power is liberal

What in the Baskin-Robbins 32 flavors of fuck is this?

>> No.4621222

>Thinks China is a Communist state
>Using the term libtard non-ironically in 2012
You are too stupid to be on /sci/. Please get out.

>> No.4621241

Seems we have a troll in the thread. Two can play at that game!

Got any particular complaints?

So, any particular complaints that we can talk about?

And the US liberals like nuclear? Oh wow lol. You'r so out of the loop.

>> No.4621246
File: 2.46 MB, 938x4167, LFTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]