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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongsci2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4613607 No.4613607 [Reply] [Original]

The normalfaggotry that infests this place these is very disturbing.

>> No.4613759

Don't post that here, it's not summer just yet.

>> No.4613761

Agreed OP. Normalfags pls go

>> No.4613772

I read laymen\s math books like Chaos, The Poincare Conjecture, and Goedel's Proof (Nagel and Newman)


I'm in a computing science degree lol

>> No.4613782

Time to leave then

>> No.4613803

I am a graduate student in mathematics, I have published many papers, I have a husband whom I frequently engage in intercourse, I play on a soccer team, and in my spare time I obsess over Ray Kurzweil.

>> No.4613806

woops, I meant to write im a biology major dropout and havent published anything

>> No.4613810

I'm a transsexual, futurist painting major at a community college!

Hi guise! ^_____^

>> No.4613814

I pass 2 through 6, and I'm also a fat neckbeard that simply enjoys science and math. Is that not the name of this board? It's not /r9ksci/, just /sci/.

>> No.4613818

I'm an affluent and attractive in demand dinner guest with a DPhil in Acoustic Ecology.

>> No.4613822
File: 24 KB, 396x385, 219102-feels-bad-man-sad-frog..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw normalfags don't follow the rules and leave

>> No.4613825
File: 10 KB, 185x185, l (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of those applies to me, le problem?

>> No.4613827


>> No.4613836

>Nuclear engineer undergrad. Petroleum E minor.
>Enlisted in the Military.
>Married to a roughneck.

Life is good. I cannot wait to be a space miner.

>> No.4613841

>Enlisted in military
Haha faggot.

>> No.4613846


Take your teenage angst and your want to 'fight the man' elsewhere. Adults are talking.

>> No.4613848

>wanting to be in the military

>> No.4613855

Go ahead, kill yourself.
Go ahead kill yourself for your country.
Go ahead kill yourself in the name of democracy
Seriously, go ahead and kill yourself I mean seriously humanity doesn't need you.

>> No.4613860

4th year Engineering Physics undergrad reporting in. Guilty of:
2) Having a social life
3) Attending parties
6) Exercise in any manner (say hello, Kendo and biking!)
7) Does reading Asimov and Peter Hamilton count?

>> No.4613858

So you're angry at him for making a choice with his life?
Wow. Your underage is showing.

>> No.4613863


My jimmies remain un-rustled. Let's think of all the pros of joining:
>Security Clearance
>Get college paid for
>Get current loans paid for
>Get paid myself.

>Being deployed/change bases.

Also, you two are implying I will be on the front lines. First thing is know that not all MOS have you go slinging guns and shooting 'those damn terrorists.' When I get my MOS, Intel, I will be fucking stuck here in the US a majority of the time due to security issues. I will also get to work in nuclear facilities that I want that require top secret clearance.

So, nope. Not mad.

>> No.4613864

No, I'm not angry at him, but humanity doesn't need more mentally challenged people(Since only people like that can enroll in the military). Also i am not underage.

>> No.4613870
File: 231 KB, 471x354, patrick wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a science

>> No.4613872

You forgot:

Go ahead kill yourself in the name of protecting the land of science

Oh shit. What now, faggot? Luckily people like him exist to prevent your lab from getting blown up by Al Queda.

>> No.4613873


Hey, I'm sorry, but when the nuclear navy is the only nuclear program that hasn't had accidents, and thus the only good positive example of nuclear energy on the planet, I'll accept your comments.

Also, are you frustrated that civilian energy technology doesn't even come close?

>> No.4613878

Only thing that I have on there is exercise. Since when can't /sci/entists be fit? All I do is class/study/workout/sleep

>tfw 4.0 and <10% body fat

>> No.4613879
File: 77 KB, 348x313, 1325376039948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy
just blow into town, newfriend?

>> No.4613890


Not going into the Navy. Besides, I would have very limited ratings open to me if I did.

Also, what do you mean with your last question?

>> No.4613895

I was commenting to a dumb poster in this thread.

I did the E side of the nuclear field before I turned over to the dark side of officerhood.

(My rate was/is one of the few fields immune to PTS and we get bonuses, but thats /k/ shit.

Anyway, the OP is a terrible virgin neckbeard, peace out.

>> No.4614006



>> No.4614032

Any institution that offers a 2 year degree, or
some institutions that do not offer graduate degrees.

>> No.4614193

> Every one of those applies to me, le problem?

You're a woman and have had a girlfriend?


I pass 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (only in summer), 7, 9. Feels good man. What is wrong with you people? :P

>> No.4614198

Is there any interesting discussion in this thread?

>> No.4614202

Obviously not... why would you expect interesting convos in a shit-tier thread?

>> No.4614209

I'm studying molecular biology, but have a strong interest in physics and chemistry. Who cares if bio isn't as "pure" or "hard" as other sciences? It's still fucking important. Lick my urethra, tryhard faggots.