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File: 36 KB, 600x400, 4-24-12-Asteroid-mining_full_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4611079 No.4611079 [Reply] [Original]

Put on your party hats motherfuckers, asteroid mining thread part 2

Live Video of announcement (will be going until 11:45 Pacific):

Video of their opening video:

"This company is not about paper studies...there's plenty of talking, we're about doing"


>> No.4611090
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>> No.4611092

mfw i would gladly spend the rest of my life working in space.

>> No.4611093

>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
>24 Months
My body is ready.

>> No.4611097

>24 Goddamn motherfucking Jesus Riding a Bicycle with a cherry on top months
Holy shit

>> No.4611100

>24 months


>> No.4611101
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>24 month

>> No.4611102


>> No.4611108

>24 months
>swarms of spacecrafts


>> No.4611109

>implying it's the plans for this won't fade into oblivion soon

>> No.4611113

It's happening guys.
It's fucking happening.

>> No.4611120


>> No.4611121

face it.
Its happening.

>> No.4611129

How can I invest in this? I need to know who will be building their parts and shit so I can be fucking rich and build a ranch on a comet in 50 years.

>> No.4611130
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>24 months
>Swarms of spacecraft

>> No.4611134

>People flipping shit over spaceships in 24 months
>mfw they already said it's just telescopes
>mfw the real, manned ships wont go up for 20 more years
>mfw I have no face

stay deluded, optimists

>> No.4611135
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>> No.4611136


>> No.4611137


>> No.4611138

I dont think its public

>> No.4611141

>we will have a space economy in our lifetime
>we will have great technology in our lifetime
>we will discover single-celled life in our lifetime

I'm crying I wish Sagan was here to see this

>> No.4611144

I had the same idea
can you imagine how much this will be worth in 20 years?

>> No.4611145

Telescopes and SWARMS of other spacecraft.

>> No.4611147

>mfw I will still be alive in 20 years and they will know exactly where and how to mine by then

A month ago, 20 years would be laughed at for something like this. Fuck you you party pooper, that's still goddamn amazing. Right now he's talking about half the point is so spaceships have gas stations. If that's 40 years I'm ecstatic. Once again, fuck you pessimist.

>> No.4611150
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>> No.4611155

So can you list every awesome things about this?

>> No.4611156
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>> No.4611158


>> No.4611159
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>> No.4611161


>> No.4611162
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He would be so proud..
He is looking down at us and smiling for our ambition.
Rest in peace you glorious, brililiant man.

>> No.4611166



>> No.4611169

>hurr we can simply go into space and claim resources

Tell that to the rest of the world. Big American corporation claiming materials in space? This will end well.

>> No.4611170

1. They want to take resources to use as gas stations for space travel.
2. It will save the world's economy

>> No.4611172
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>> No.4611174


>> No.4611176
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>> No.4611177

>implying there's a shortage of fucking asteroids
>implying countries will be relevant in 50 years

>> No.4611178
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>> No.4611179

What's happening in 24 months?

>> No.4611180

you fucking retard. you are for sure not going.

>> No.4611181

>implying countries will be relevant in 50 years
I'm waiting for the country boarders to become irrelevant.

>> No.4611183
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>> No.4611185

Not much, just swarms of robots and space craft scanning asteroids to look for big payoff.

>> No.4611187

why would Sagan be happy to see humans defiling and finally destrying the thing he spent his whole life studying?

>> No.4611188

>dat break for water

You deserved it.

>> No.4611189

They are launching the first spacecraft of their custom line.

>> No.4611191

>Implying just because a few Americans claim countries will no longer be relevant that countries like China will feel the same.

Stay deluded, Americans

>> No.4611192
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>china decides to put pressure on resource exports
>western companies say fuck you and go mine from asteroids

>> No.4611193



>> No.4611194
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How many of you have signed up to be an asteroid miner yet?


>> No.4611196

>actually I'm going to take a break and get some water

Dat autism.

>> No.4611202

FUCK been waiting for this all day and forgot about it, did they say anything interesting so far?

>> No.4611203



>> No.4611204
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>> No.4611205

So americans think they fucking own space now to?

>> No.4611210


Put a rudimentary telescope in low earth orbit to begin searching for the ideal asteroid.

>> No.4611212
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and then theres THIS faggot..

>> No.4611214

that is one awesome job application

>> No.4611217
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>> No.4611219

This is like a dream
Is this real life?

>> No.4611220

Not just the USA bro.

Russia and Europe are helping out.

>> No.4611221

He'd be fine with drilling a few rocks and being kings of space.. In case you didn't realise, there's a whole lot of universe out there. A fuck load.

>> No.4611223
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>> No.4611227

oh my god. why didnt i become a miner. oh my god i cant handle this. im going to send it in anyway.

>> No.4611228
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>> No.4611231

I guess America got tired of shitting up earth? Now they have to ruin space to?

>> No.4611233

>personal space telescopes

My god

>> No.4611235


>> No.4611238
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>> No.4611245
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>> No.4611248

It doesn't have anything to do with living in space retard. It's mining...

>> No.4611249

>please respond

>> No.4611250

I lol'd.

>> No.4611252

that's what they said about the oil, now we have peak oil.

>> No.4611255

Guys I'm supposed to be designing to a tight deadline right now. But I can't concentrate. Holy fucking red herring, I'm so excited!

>> No.4611256



>> No.4611257

It's a little fucking different dude. Why are you anti progress? Why is the earth/universe worth saving, if it's not for us?

>> No.4611258

i still cant believe it....

i WAS born in time to explore space...

>> No.4611259
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>> No.4611262

High hopes. I'll wait a decade before judging whether I should care about this enterprise. As of know they don't even have studies done yet. WTF are you people cheering for? Also remember that unlike NASA, what these guys do is completely off limits unless you're company can shell out billions for the technology and patents and whatever else.

>> No.4611263

dat delicious water!

he'll personally drink the first asteroid empty.

>> No.4611266

>dis nigga

>> No.4611274
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>> No.4611275

they do have billions. do you even know who is involved?

>> No.4611277


>> No.4611280

Well, you just haven't watched the stream at all. Why do you base your opinions on 4chan posts instead of the original source?

>High hopes.
That's the point
>I'll wait a decade before judging whether I should care about this enterprise.
Good luck being poor and missing the opportunity to be a trailblazer
>As of know they don't even have studies done yet.
They work for fucking XPrize and NASA and shit, and have been planning this for 2 years
>WTF are you people cheering for?
Space mining
>Also remember that unlike NASA, what these guys do is completely off limits unless you're company can shell out billions for the technology and patents and whatever else.
Nope, their numbers show single digit millions for a lot of the stages. It'll take initial capital, but what tech didn't? The payoff will be ridiculous, and they aren't just about profits...they're in it for the excitement

in short, fuck you contrarian

>> No.4611287


What is this space exploration that everyone is talking about? NASA already put robots on Mars and around our solar system. These guys are putting some robots on a rock. Big fucking deal.

>> No.4611283
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Yeah, we're not talking a few finite oceans or deserts here nigger. This will give you an idea of the scale.

>> No.4611284
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>> No.4611285
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>tfw hoi polloi will not be going into space or profiting from asteroid mining, only rich privateers looking to get even richer

>> No.4611289


They're decreasing scarcity of resources. They're creating jobs, not just dumb McJobs but science and engineering jobs. They're stimulating the imagination of people and hopefully will start a new space craze. The resources they collect will make the technology you buy cheaper which means companies can afford to create bigger and better tech that was too expensive to create previously. They already said they'd rent their fuel stations for NASA, which is public.

There's nothing wrong with making money while advancing the human race. Keep in mind that this wouldn't exist without capitalism.

>> No.4611290
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>> No.4611292

Even if this is so, this is the right kind of capitalism. This isn't bankers or traders or oilmen making money off imaginary trading. They're actually bringing actual material goods into the economy that would never exist otherwise. And you can work for them, too:

>dat application

>> No.4611294

i have no problem with this.

>> No.4611297
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>> No.4611298

Very little of their mining focus will be on bringing these asteroids resources down to earth. It's really a stepping stone to use said resources in space travel, from space.

>> No.4611299

>implying the russians wont send their crafts in 12 months

>> No.4611300


You didn't understand what I was saying. When NASA did something, the technology and science that came out of the enterprise were supposed to be public domain. When these guys do something, the technology and science will be privately owned and we won't benefit in the same way that we did before because it would cost us billions to get in on their advances in technology and science.

>> No.4611301
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>> No.4611303
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>I have no problem with being exploited or excluded from experiencing the wonders of the universe
>tfw people really feel this feel

>> No.4611304


The initial money they make will be selling water to NASA. Because water is expensive in space. free market and that.

>> No.4611305
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>> No.4611306

>implying we benefit from the taxpayers paying $500 for a hammer.

Private enterprise is always more efficient. And for them to get rich they have to introduce these resources into the marrkets. Which will help the economy.

>> No.4611307

Show the GORRAM slides!!!

>> No.4611308


They are NOT fucking around about grilling. They must have some god tier cook outs with $40 bison meat

>> No.4611309

i want to be an astro miner. please take me with you. i will be your guinea pig.

>> No.4611310


>When NASA did something, the technology and science that came out of the enterprise were supposed to be public domain.

No they weren't. Chill the fuck out collectivist bro. They're not going to create an evil corporate space empire and make you hold a regular job.

>> No.4611311

You wouldn't be exploring it if they WEREN'T going too.

So your attitude is "if I can't pioneer space and profit from it, no one should"?

>> No.4611314

You guys do realize that china is going to beat america in this right? You ameritards put way to much faith in your country.

>> No.4611315
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>> No.4611316

[picture of earth]
>Yeah, we're not talking a few square kilometers here nigger. This will give you an idea of the scale.

we heard it all before. this will just create more problems for our children than we already have. we completely destroyed all the resources we can use, used up all our sources of energy and the whole ecosystem is collapsing. our children wont even have air to breathe, and now you want us to go fuck up space too? and for what? nothing that is mined will ever be used to help people in any way, it will just be used by the rich to make thing for the rich to use while they run the whole solersystem into the ground. the government would ban any man mane abject from leaving the atmosphere before its too late (if it isnt already).

>> No.4611321

COUNTRIES DON'T MATTER ANYMORE. China will have an emergence of private entrepreneurs? Great. Love it. Hail progress.

>> No.4611323
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>> No.4611324

>tfw you arent in any way qualified for those positions

>> No.4611330

They'll find plenty of potential (currently employed NEETs) workers on 4chan, that's for sure

>> No.4611332

>swarms of robots


>> No.4611329


>we completely destroyed all the resources we can use, used up all our sources of energy and the whole ecosystem is collapsing.


>> No.4611335

>implying that's stopping me from applying and listing my skills as a mid-level manager

They need operations guys too order pencils and shit, too, and I will gladly be that guy.

>> No.4611336

>Corporate space wars


>> No.4611337
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>> No.4611340
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>Get up everyday, turn on news
>Always get up and look at the science section in Google news
>Hope that when I wake up the news shows some new alien life form, figure out warp drive, etc.

Instead I get.....

>Death and destruction
>All economies are doomed
>You are fucked because of some policy you don't understand
>Angry niggers being niggers

But no, NOT FUCKING TODAY. I can't tell you how happy this makes me and the emotion that is running through me, I literally live for Science shit like this.

Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.4611343

You realize china is miles behind right?

>> No.4611345

YEP. And I thought the James Cameron ocean shit was a feel. That wasn't a feel. THIS is a feel.

>> No.4611346

>Private enterprise is always more efficient
>implying private enterprise is not bankrupting UK public services


>> No.4611348
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>> No.4611350


on top of that, an asteroid can be anywhere from a rock the size of a soccer ball to one the size of a city. And a majority of that asteroid is just a shitton of materials.

We're good, unless you're native american, then you're gonna get really superstitious

>> No.4611353

there are literally solid fucking iron asteroids. There are asteroids with more platinum or gold than has ever been mined on earth. There are fucking millions of these shits all over our solar system. They are JUST ROCKS. There is no reason not to mine all of them out because theres an effectively limitless amount of them and they provide nothing else other than minerals.

>> No.4611354

>implying that's capitalism and not corrupt government-aided-cronyism

Learn the difference between real capitalism and bail-outs, please.

>> No.4611355

Planetary Resources ‏ @PlanetaryRsrcs
#AsteroidMining Fact: one 500m water-rich asteroid contains enough rocket fuel to launch EVERY rocket in history http://www.spacevidcast.com

>> No.4611357

those services were running like shit since start.

they are normalizing it.

because companies can not make budgets like the state, they would have to file for bankrupcy.

>> No.4611360

We needed this 30 years ago. It's a shame we can't have nice things because of kikes ruining the world with their usury money grubbing faggotry and anti-gentile scheming.

Just look how sad it is, it takes a movie director and some old guys to start a private investment to do what the entire world should have done a long time ago.

>> No.4611364
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>> No.4611368

>having a space program

>> No.4611369

fuck you biotaist. why do we have the right to fuck up asteroids becasue we deem them not "alive"? people cant even decide when things are alive yet you use the definition to commit genocide of whole classes of matter.

>> No.4611371

America once again, being the GOAT

>> No.4611372

More evidence that the nation-state is dying and Ayn Rand was right all along.

>> No.4611373

>This is what liberal leftist greenfags actually believe

>> No.4611375
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>> No.4611377

>Why do we have the right
Because we can. Why DON'T we have the right?

>> No.4611381


Robotics wise, 30 years ago we didn't technology sophisticated enough for this.

>> No.4611382
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>> No.4611385

>not real capitalism
Correct. Nationalised services should be nationalised because that would be cheaper.

>they are normalizing it
What, by increasing the cost of maintaining schools and hospitals and with worse results?

>> No.4611388


becasue its biotaist. men can rape woman, so its morally acceptable to do that?

>> No.4611395


How do you define when something is fucked up or not? As far as I'm concerned until we implode the universe everything is fine and well and how it's supposed to be.

>> No.4611396

Don't even start, americunt. These words have value in other parts of the world, which makes possible what we are witnessing right now.

>> No.4611390

We can recreate them later.

>> No.4611391
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>> No.4611392
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>> No.4611399
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>that ross investor on the phone

Shit this was a good show, felt empowering, nomsayian? A big effort for our civilization, and flight pilot Mr dipshit on the phone had to go out and say "its good because its an all american idea".

Fuck you. You ruined fucking everything, you shattered what little hope there was left and what little meaning this conference had.
>hurrr murrika #!1
>hrur we bezt nao hurr hurr come at U.S. bro

These dipshit don't know whats best for huemanatee. Now more than ever we need to forget we're a shitty planet made of nations.

>> No.4611404
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>> No.4611406

>What, by increasing the cost of maintaining schools and hospitals and with worse results?

welcome to the REAL costs of public services. (not talking about college tuition here, that's a fucking uber scam)

>> No.4611413

He's one investor, and from texas. Chill the fuck out, that's not the focus of most of the guys involved. And even if they love america, who the fuck cares? They're breaking frontiers.

>> No.4611418
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>> No.4611419

>we can use all the oil, we can make more latter
>we can rape all the woman, we can clone more latter
>we can eat up all the food, we can grow more latter

this is always the solution, but it never works, the 3 i mentioned were all things people said 100 years ago and now we are in a crisis because we CANT do it just because its 100 years later.

>> No.4611423
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>> No.4611427

All NASA does is waste billions on scientists with no real world skills. Who actually cares if plants grow in zero gravity besides these self serving wasters?

>> No.4611428
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>> No.4611430

It's not the same. It's just not.

If we DID run out of asteroids, what's the harm? With your latter two examples, that's the problem. Here who cares if we ran out (implying we will)

>> No.4611431

Regarding food, are you aware of the Green Revolution?

>> No.4611432
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>> No.4611436
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>> No.4611437

>we ran out of oil
>we ran out of women
>we ran out of food
WTF am I reading?

>> No.4611438
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>> No.4611440


I like where this is going

>> No.4611441

Who cares, we're doing it now dude. Christianity fucked over humanity's progress for nearly a thousand fucking years. We'd be gods now otherwise... but complaining can't undo the past. We're going. That's all that matters right now.

>> No.4611445

>not even knowing the word that describes discrimination based on if something is alive or not

>> No.4611446

nigger can you even fucking grasp the amount of shit there is JUST NEAR EARTH? not to mention the Asteroid Belt or Keiper Belt or Ort Cloud. Even then that's just our solar system. Do you understand how long it would take to mine all of that? We need this.

>> No.4611447
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>> No.4611448

This is what atheists actually believe.

>> No.4611454
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>> No.4611455

We have the right because it's our fucking planet and our fucking solar system.

>> No.4611463
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>> No.4611464

We fucking get it. I really don't care to waste billions of my dollars on a few useless pretty pictures. It doesn't actually matter what distant galaxies look like to anyone outside of your selfish nerd circle.

>> No.4611466

>implying I did not look up that word on Google
>implying I got any results

>> No.4611457

the dark ages fucked things up and religion in general still holds things back, though not as harsh as some say, it still has an effect.

>> No.4611460

Don't care man.
A bigger fronetier to break is the one where we're not citizens of earth, but citizens of france, or germany, or america, or spain.
That shit is holding everyone back, even your dear space travel shit.
We're just not working together.

The spoke person didnt even say "this is not just america's breaktrough, its a breaktorugh for all of us as a species".

These people are rotten, no good will come from them.

>> No.4611468
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Gentlemen, it is a privilege and my personal joy to share these moments with you.

Let's not bog this down with discussion about politics or belief systems.

>> No.4611475

>Let's not bog this down with discussion about politics or belief systems.

You must be new here.

>> No.4611476


Commercial enterprise is only cost effective in the short term. In the long term they'll become yet another huge inefficient corporation and will resolve to monopolies and lobbying to keep their market share. Have you guys never learnt anything from the rise of Silicon Valley? How is this going to be different. At least with NASA it was supposed to be for the benefit of everybody. This is a totally private entity. Yes it will create jobs but what about the new technologies that get created? More patents and more bullshit like that?

>> No.4611477

This is what bad trolls look like.

>> No.4611478

>If we DID run out of asteroids, what's the harm?
then they will be come, the space-system depends on then. if we mine them to extinction the whole galaxy is fucked. open a textbook once and a while.

>green revolution
the earth cant support more than 4 billion people (unless you use GMOs, but that will kill all life on earth in 20 years if its ever used) we are already using up all the food.

again, same argument with oil, (do you know HOW big THE EARTH IS DURR), and now we have peak oil,.

>> No.4611479
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and I'm out.

>> No.4611482


Too late. All the contrarians and trolls are just starting up. They missed the first two threads which were pretty decent. Now subsequent threads will be increasingly negative as all the hopeful people leave and the idiots take their place.

Prepare for weeks of space political debates.

>> No.4611486
File: 53 KB, 500x647, human_consciousness-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to talk about chinese space pirates
we future now

>> No.4611488

So if we keep bringing shit to earth from space over long periods of time won't that affect the gravitational force on the moon or between the sun?

>> No.4611489


they remove all articles that talk about it. all corporations do it. use one of the free search engines that dont fuck its users over.

>> No.4611490

Yes, more patents. They get cerdit for their work. How awful. And then there's competition and other companies make patents and we get more and more technology and the patents expire and we get even more. Are you seriously talking about how the internet revolution is an example of how it could be bad, when you're watching the live feed from Seattle and arguing with me in New JErsey instantaneously? You don't see how the technology trickles down? Really?

>> No.4611491


You mean I get to experience Mass Effect? in real life?


>> No.4611493


I can already feel the conservatives sharpening their keyboards.

>> No.4611494

>that feel when you are going to witness the start of mankinds golden age before you die

>> No.4611495

I'm glad I'm not someone like you. What colour is the sky in your world? Grey?

>> No.4611498
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So, I sent an application
Which mee good luck, bros.

>> No.4611499

can everyone just PLEASE IGNORE THE TROLL? Let's be honest, he's pretty much the single worst troll in the history of the internets. Ignore the blinding retardation and pay attention to the stream.

...and how FUCKING AWESOME this is.

>> No.4611501

Fuck the contrarians. We were here when
>24 months
I have enough enthusiasm to last me a lifetime

>> No.4611502

asteroids are people too! YOU MONSTERS!

>> No.4611504


I'm bullshitting out my ass, but wouldn't this happen only if we brought like, a SHITTON of materials rivaling the earth's mass?

As in, if we just brought some shit in, condensed it, and let it rot, nothing would happen, but if we brought in asteroid materials by the pound and ended up having mountains left would that cause an issue?

Pretty sure the answer is no, but again, bullshitting

>> No.4611508

>implying we're bringing most of it down and not mining it out there and using it for space travel later

>> No.4611510


That how it was supposed to work. That's not how it actually works. Again, just look at the current tech behemoths. I don't want a space microsoft, too.

>> No.4611511

So many idiotic questions. So many fucking idiots with tickets. What The Flying Fuck!?

>> No.4611512

They're not like us. They're different.

>> No.4611514

Why not? I do, as long as they're competing with a Space Apple and a Space Google

>> No.4611515

>cant refute his point
>call him a troll.

and unless he can post 10 times a second, there are more than one.


>> No.4611521

Good luck, bro!

>24 months
And you will tell your children, you were there that day when everything began.

>> No.4611523

OP of both threads here.

ITT: I realize that some people really are simply anti-progress.

I don't like this feel.

>> No.4611524

Is anyone listening to the questions portion? I want a /Sci opinion on it. They seem to be dodging questions a lot. but i'm overly paranoid so

>> No.4611525

This is technology we'll need to deflect that earth killer texas sized asteroid hurtling toward the planet.

>> No.4611530

>millions and millions


>> No.4611531

We can't mine asteroids, what about Galatic Warming?



>> No.4611534

going to space is anti-progress becasue it stops progress on earth in fafor of ignoring the problems and just escaping to space. we came from earth so we should face the problem we created.

>> No.4611537

They haven't stopped anything, as you can see by 24 months.

How about that feel?

>> No.4611541

The Texas-sized killer of humanity is already here. It's called Texas.

Don McLeroy was at the board of education there. And almost reappointed.

>> No.4611542

ASK THIS if possible:
Will the "space fuel stations" be developed beyond the need for space mining, since they can be extremely useful for various more industries that may open up in space.

>> No.4611543

>mfw you believe Homo Sapiens should just go back to africa and learn how to be happy living in trees in the serengeti, since that's where we came from.

>> No.4611546

I don't get it, how a mostly water asteroid would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars?

>> No.4611550


They're not dodging they're being realistic. People keep wanting to a specific date and time for when they'll bring the first payload back. They have said many times they don't know. Right now they're surveying everything. They're going to launch probes to collect as much data as possible. They said only a very small percentage of asteroids have been identified and they want to identify the majority. Only then, when they have the data, will they start picking their targets for mining and actually collecting materials.

The public wants instant gratification, they're not going to get it. Prepare for frustrated journalists and bad articles about pipe dreams.

>> No.4611551

because thats how much idiots will pay for one

>> No.4611552


Only because you are ignorant of the current ecosystem. There is hardly any competition going on. Every company has a market monopoly on something or another. No real benefit and high barrier of entrance for start-ups leading to stagnation.

>> No.4611553
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>> No.4611554


Hydrogen and Oxygen fuel.

>> No.4611555

They just realise that media are idiots and will take everything literally "BUT YOU SAID THAT OPTIMISTICALLY MINING WILL START IN 10 YEARS, IT'S BEEN 10 YEARS AND TWO MONTHS WHAT THE FUCK WHAT A SCAM"

Plus they are scientists. They are skeptical about everything by nature. I would be suspicious if they were sure about everything

>> No.4611556

that would be best, but we are already way past that unless we kill a coupe of billion people (which i would consider to save the earth).

>> No.4611557
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>> No.4611559

Water = fuel

Unlimited fuel = you can mine how many asteroids you want

>> No.4611560


We have plenty of that here. what makes space water different?

>> No.4611561

Because due to wasteful countries (america)we are running out of water.

>> No.4611563

This. Today's journalists are mostly bad jokes.

>> No.4611573

It's here, not there. It costs a lot of money to bring water up to space.

>> No.4611574

>Your logic
>Europeans should've fixed their problems at home before wasting money and time esplorin' da world and setting up fuck-awesome new civilisations

>> No.4611575

it's cheaper to transport it from the asteroid to a base than to have tons of water launched from earth

>> No.4611569

It's in space, idot.

>> No.4611570

Point that thing at nude beaches and circulate the photos please.

>> No.4611571

Why does the earth have value if it's not for us?

Green arguments only make sense when they're centered around the premise that we're saving it for our later generations. The earth has no value for the sake of itself. What the fuck kind of religion is this?

>> No.4611580

Water weighs a lot.

The weight of the fuel is the main cost of sending things into space.

If you don't have to think about that because you'll be getting your fuel from space, it just became orders of magnitude cheaper.

>> No.4611576


We don't have plenty of that here. Desalination of oceans is expensive and we can't drain the oceans for fuel. We can't use freshwater because it's scarce and we need it for drinking.

Space water isn't being used for anything. It's all open for fuel.

>> No.4611579

waste of a fucking question.

>> No.4611581
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>> No.4611583

ITT: people who didn't read Speaker for the Dead

>> No.4611585

Launching anything into space is expensive. So it helps to utilize the stuff already up there.

>> No.4611588
File: 1.37 MB, 200x113, 1326628357853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything about all this
>"Science fiction is fiction right up to the point where it's science fact"
>"The best way to predict the future is to make it happen"

>> No.4611589

its not religion, its called being logical. but a humanist like yourself who only sees things in terms of humans will probably not understand that everything has value by just existing, and humans are corrupting this and destroying the universe around us.

>> No.4611592

>Orson Scott Card

OH. You're in high school. I get it.

>> No.4611593

Who else here just regained his hopes for mankind? I know I did!

>> No.4611594

I want a job with these guys.

>> No.4611595

welp, the QA was mostly garbage.

>> No.4611597

>Science fiction is full of stories where a single company comes out of no where and sets up space travel

That bitterness in her voice. That implication that all this is just science fiction.

Fucking "journalists"

>> No.4611591

Ok, that makes sense. Thank y'all

>> No.4611599

I have some bad news for you...

>> No.4611602


Your missing the point.
Its for use in space rather than for use on earth. people will pay for fuel and infrastructure that readily available in space.

>> No.4611603

>being logical
For something to have value, it needs to have value TO something. It's a relative verb. How can something have value if there's no valuer?

>> No.4611604


Water is $20,000 a litre to move up to space. So, getting it from space saves some cash. It's opportunity cost.

>> No.4611605

So... impressions?

This got me interested but I am still a little bit skeptical, like that lady who posed the question said., all of this pretty comes out of nothing. I'll do some research about this and their 'partners'

>> No.4611606


I can dream.

>> No.4611609


>> No.4611610
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>> No.4611612

you regained it becasue humans found another way of destroying the universe? why dont you just co blow up fish and rape baby children while you are at it.

>> No.4611613

Supply and demand, nigga. There's a demand for water in space, but very little supply.

>> No.4611615

I agree it was a little fast, but the profit motive is pretty obvious.

>> No.4611616

Humans are more important than anything else on this planet. If you don't agree, you can just kill yourself.

>> No.4611617

I was going to suggest Fallen Dragon, but that was a little out there, and Speaker had many of the same messages.

Also, what's the connection between Card and the US education system? I don't see it.

>> No.4611618

Fuck yeah baby rape... IN SPACE

>> No.4611621

>this is what humanists actually believe.

>> No.4611622

And then there's this asshole.

>> No.4611623

I think you're blowing it out of proportion just a tad. Scraping some rock off an asteroid is not the same as raping a baby and killing fish. Rocks don't have nervous systems or brains.

>> No.4611620

>implying profit is bad when it provides a motive for opening up new frontiers

Welcome to real capitalism.

>> No.4611626
File: 157 KB, 589x564, Fail+_0e01c96df5cc4e529e1303921ce337af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fail troll is fail.

>> No.4611627

What are the messages you take from Speaker for the Dead?

>> No.4611629
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>Water in space

You still have to supply the fucking energy you dullards, and cracking water into hydrogen and oxygen is inefficient as fuck.

>> No.4611630


>> No.4611631

>And there's this troll
Fixed it for ya

>> No.4611632

Because you basically just created the first space gas station. If you can't see the long-term value of a space gas station in billions of dollars of potential profit, you're not thinking like a businessman.

That's not to mention that it generates profit by simply being a resource the company can tap and thus save costs by never having to refuel any of their craft via Earth.

>> No.4611634


Humans are also the only thing in the universe which we know of that can restore lost species or environments after they have been destroyed, and which can purposefully expand life beyond the planet. By that logic alone, we are the most important species.

Rocks do not have intrinsic value. Various forms of life do, in ascending orders of complexity and understanding. We're at the top of our totem pole, but I leave open the possibility that there are others who are above us.

>> No.4611635
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>Real life EVE

I have been preparing for this for almost a decade.

>> No.4611637

Thats not fucking funny you autistic fuck.

>> No.4611638

The ones mentioned in the foreword primarily.

>> No.4611633

I didn't say it was bad, I said it all did feel to come a little out of the blue as the other guy said, but the profit motive is obvious and explains it.

>> No.4611639

Pretty much this. Yeah, it's speciesist but we're sentient beings that build rocket ships to traverse the stars instead of sitting in a field masticating. Yes we're beginning to care more about the rest of the animal world, but at the end of the day, we are the most important thing.

>> No.4611644

Small NPPs trickle-charging large capacitor banks can do exactly that. You don't need constant refinement for this level of spacecraft flying around, you need JIT manufacturing.

>> No.4611647

>We're at the top of our totem pole
>the top of our totem
>top of our totem
>our totem

see the problem?

>> No.4611648 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4611650

Since I don't own the book, could you summarize them?

>> No.4611651
File: 30 KB, 290x277, The Fucking Sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If only there was a giant self-sustaining fusion reaction available all the time which constantly put out 20 orders of magnitude more energy than our entire civilization needs to function which was accessible from space.

Oh wait.

>> No.4611654
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>Living breathing things


>> No.4611658

>The Fucking Sun.jpg

>> No.4611662

exactly. you know, there are some cool animals out there, and I'm not looking to get rid of them, or compete necessarily, but do you think a tiger would think twice about knocking my head off my shoulders because it's hungry and has cubs to feed? No!! We are our own species, and we must also do what we must to survive. If you care about every other critter more than people so much, why don't you find a way through science to turn yourself into that animal and you can go gallop around fields and shit all day why us humans get some real shit done.

>> No.4611664


No. No amount of intelligence allows you to take into account information you do not have. The only logical thing is to act according to the information we DO have, which states that there is nobody out there to help, and anything we do will have to be done by and for ourselves.

Just be ready to update when new information comes in.

>> No.4611665

so what are they going to do in 2 years?

>> No.4611666

>arguing about the rights of rocks
Okay I'm out.

>> No.4611669
File: 39 KB, 430x453, pointless-pets-pet-rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE BE SO HEARTLESS! Asteroids have feelings too. I had to put my rock in the other room when I saw this thread cause I didn't want him getting scared or freaked out by it.

How can you people justify murdering innocent space rocks? I mean they're probably 100 years older than you. You wouldn't cut down an ancient redwood to make lumber would you? Why is space rocks any different?

>> No.4611670

Launch telescopes.

>> No.4611671

Send out swarms of robotic telescopes to circle the asteroids and figure which ones have the big payload and where the veins are so that they can commence mining soon thereafter.

>> No.4611672
File: 12 KB, 252x270, niiiiice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it *sunglasses* just got brighter in here.

>> No.4611673

Begin surveying our surroundings with their Arkyd-100 series to survey nearby rocks that they will vigorously exploit for profit once found.

>> No.4611677

but we do have the information, we know the universe doesn't revolve around us. thus the only logical thing to do is to give the same right to all matter. including asteroids.

>> No.4611678

Humans are dependent on other species.
Most pills you took in your life came from another living species.
A lot of technological innovations were direct inspirations from other living species.

Not to mention that a good part of the Earth's biomass is helping us survive every day, by letting us breath.

>> No.4611680

So, this conference is over entirely now?
Didn't they say there was a break or something?

I don't know, my connection fucking died as I was watching it.
Hope it is recorded.

>> No.4611682


You keep using that word...I don't think it means what you think it means

>> No.4611683

your filename betrays you

>> No.4611688


>implying there is anything wrong with biotaism (lol)

You are either a troll or an idiot of incredible proportions.

The source of any value is humanity, or higher animals at most. Any lower lifeforms or non-living matter has value only in reference to higher, sentient life.

>> No.4611690


Yes, and we keep those species alive because they benefit us.

We were the best thing that ever happened to dogs, cats, cows, chickens, pigs and horses. Those species would be much, much less diverse, hundreds of thousands of times less populous, and in some cases may have gone extinct without us.

>> No.4611691
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How are they going to power than many telescopes? NASA is almost out of plutonium-238. Oh that's right, they're going to make some a liquid thorium reactor.

Liquid thorium reactors confirmed, 24 months from now.

>> No.4611689

>Not to mention that a good part of the Earth's biomass is helping us survive every day, by letting us breath.

And if all goes well, we will break off those chains with our technology and master the fucking universe with nanobots and rockets built and programmed by us.

Used to be that we depended on the seasons and fluctuations of the earth to decide when we would eat. Until we invented agriculture. Do you lament that technology too?

If you're so anti-human, why don't you do the earth a favor and kill yourself? Your computer is transmitting heat and the earth is crying.

>> No.4611692
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>mfw the mined asteroids later turn out to have contained the only form of extraterrestrial life in the universe

>> No.4611694

if only we could harness the power of this energy source.


>> No.4611697

>Humans are dependent on other species.
Minus all the biomass "generating" oxygen, most of those species were made in the first place by humanity.

And the trend, contrary to what hippies want to believe, is not to go all natural selection.

>> No.4611700
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>> No.4611702

if it were possible to create dyson spheres we could

>> No.4611703

>liquid thorium
Oh boy here we go.

>Molten salts can be highly corrosive, more so as temperatures rise. For the primary cooling loop of the MSR, a material is needed that can withstand corrosion at high temperatures and intense radiation. Experiments show that Hastelloy-N and similar alloys are quite suited to the tasks at operating temperatures up to about 700 °C. However, long-term experience with a production scale reactor has yet to be gained. Higher operating temperatures would be desirable, but at 850 °C thermo chemical production of hydrogen becomes possible, which creates serious engineering difficulties. Materials for this temperature range have not been validated, though carbon composites, molybdenum alloys (e.g. TZM), carbides, and refractory metal based or ODS alloys might be feasible.


Let me know when you thorium idiots find something to hold the reaction.

>> No.4611704
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>> No.4611707

But that's a statistical impossibility.

>> No.4611708

They're wanting to mine naturally occurring, solid, minerals (Rocks) that are flying through space at high speed.
They want to take advantage of them for the sake of profit (Exploit).


>> No.4611709
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You'd think they'd have gotten it the first time. I thought it was pretty explicit.

>> No.4611710

Solar panels cost more energy to make then they will every produce in their useable lifetime.

>> No.4611713
File: 65 KB, 374x594, eve_item_20090617_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think they'll hire me?

>> No.4611715

you think china and russia will move their asses and do the same now ?

>> No.4611719
File: 46 KB, 402x600, v_sagan_cosmos25_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imagine what Carl Sagan would think of all this, of the push for commercial spaceflight in LEO and now this grand announcement...

He would probably herald it as a giant leap in the right direction, hell maybe he would even back the venture as well.

>> No.4611724

if only 6,000 people watched this online video, i doubt it. it will remain under the radar until 24 MONTHS

>> No.4611725

Ever try making a solar panel? Solar cells are super cheap. The expensive part is the glass that covers it. The glass alone costs more than 50% of the entire product.

>> No.4611726


How much money will I make if I put 1k on the line?

>> No.4611733

Not talking about $.
Talking about J.

>> No.4611734

He is dead. His opinion no longer matters.

>> No.4611739


Solar panels are a lot better in SPACE

>> No.4611740


>>citation nee, I'll just do it myself.

>>Over their lifetime, crystalline silicon solar panels generate 9 - 17 times the energy required to produce
them [4].
>> Depending on the type of PV technology, the clean energy payback of a PV system ranges from one to four years


That took 45 seconds, and it's four years old. Efficiency increases exponentially. Shut up and multiply.

>> No.4611736


It was just posted about on geekologie. Word will spread, but people will probably be highly skeptical.

>> No.4611745


Wrong company bro, these guys are not publically traded yet.

>> No.4611752

in 30 years that 1k will be worth billions
mark my words

>> No.4611757
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I guess that was it, then...

Still giddy all over.

>> No.4611760

My thoughts:
Production costs are inevitable. What they need is trickle-charging, JIT, manufacture and a low, constant, power source for their onboard systems.

How they achieve that is mostly immaterial until it comes to the cost of weight. Most power systems will cost far less per pound than the simple poundage they pay for every pound they add to the satellite's weight. They're hitching a ride on somebody's rocket to launch them and the price to launch each one is calculated by how much the thing weighs.

So their objective requirement would be a dual or single power system which weighs almost nothing but can provide a low level of power and some means to store enough of it to catalyze a small amount of fuel ever so often (if that's even necessary)

>> No.4611761

What is the point of the Universe if no one is there to enjoy it? If we didn't exist nobody would ever witness the solar system. Why do you want to preserve something that has no purpose being preserved? When our sun dies out most of the solar system will be gone, billions of asteroids gone, what is there to preserve now?

>> No.4611770

>in 30 years that 1k will be worth billions

Quite possible ..... also quite possible for a cup of coffee to cost billions.

>> No.4611775

idiot spotted !!!
do you know what's the purpose of those plants ?
hint : plants make oxygen out of CO2

>> No.4611792

good, in 30 years I'm gonna need a cup of coffee.

>> No.4611800

So how long will the prospecting phase last?

>> No.4611802
File: 15 KB, 650x498, 1315460550047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea you kiddies need to get your priorities straight. Occupy wall street children are making more significant progress then this.

>> No.4611807

Nobody knows. Knowing how long it would last would mean that they already would have the knowledge that they're hunting for.

Possibly indefinite however, as I can see them launching prospectors even while mining ops begin on some other asteroids. No sense in not exploring the area since you've already got equipment up there; it might even lead to greater profits.

>> No.4611817

They said a decade to identify the twenty or thirty asteroids they will then begin mining

>> No.4611822


>> No.4611835

Aw, a decade?
2 years I can wrap my head around, but a decade?

Oh well.

>> No.4611843

So, how much money have they raised so far?

>> No.4611849


Billions, all from private investors. They aren't public yet.

>> No.4611860

>China wants to gather resources from underwater geothermal vents
>Newt Gingrich wants a moon base
>private corporations want to explore space for minerals

1945–1991 is marked as the Cold War era
2010-2050 will be marked as the period of the great resources race

>> No.4611862

2 years are for launching their first telescopes to begin looking for suitables asteroids. A decade is long but at least it's something.

>> No.4611872

if they announced this by 2002 we would be mining now

>> No.4611902

French presidential Jacques Cheminade had plans to mine the moon and terraform Mars. He actually had realistic plans over several generations and knew the subject very well, but he kept being mocked at for being a "candidate from space", and got the lowest score out of the 10 candidates at the elections last sunday : 0.2%. The world isn't ready for space yet, at least not this country. This initiative from Planetary Resources is refreshing and gives me a more optimistic view on the future of space exploration.

>> No.4611908

>French presidential Jacques...
should read French presidential candidate

>> No.4611935

>presidential candidate promises something seemingly impossible
>claim the world isn't ready for space mining

I think people are just jaded when it comes to Presidential candidates. Americans believe Newt because Americans are idiots. It'll just take a little time for the reality to set in that this has all been possible for a long time, we just haven't had the money (or budget rather) to do it.

Fear is the greatest threat to science right now. Fear that goat herders living in caves will nuke America. (we spend 55 times more on war than space travel) Fear that stem cell research will give rise to baby killing farms. Fear that nuclear reactors can be used to make nuclear bombs or will turn everyone into mutants. Can you imagine how far we could have progressed in a world where people weren't ignorant and fearful?

>> No.4611946


I've got nothing against technology, but disregarding all life on earth as "useless" is a little foolish.
We're still organic, no matter what you transhumanist faggots will say, and we have to take that into account for a while, still.

>> No.4611997

The guy does have some strange ideas though.
He is a fanboy of Lyndon Larouche, a conspirationist, and he doesn't recognize AGW.

>> No.4612264

So would this technology be able to be used to stop asteroids from hitting the earth?

>> No.4612293


Yes, and we'd probably then take the thing apart and make robots with it.