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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4610712 No.4610712 [Reply] [Original]

Tell /sci/ what grades are you expecting this semester?

Expected grades
Bio: B+
Bio Lab: B
Chem: C
Chem Lab: C+
Comp: C
Pre Calc: B+/A
Psychology: A


>> No.4610725


>> No.4610727

Digital Logic Lab: B
Senior Design: A

I sadfag.

>> No.4610728

>Pre Calc

>> No.4610731
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I'm a freshman, I should have been placed in calc but they wouldn't allow to make up my placement exam. I missed my placement exam.

Feels worse man

>> No.4610746
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Come on sci I know you want to share your grades with me

>> No.4610778

Calculus 1, 2 and 3: A+
Mechanics: B
Introductory QM and relativity: B
Chemistry: B

>> No.4610824

Diff EQ: B+
Intro to Circuit Analysis: A-
Physics II (electricity/magnetism): B

>tfw finals make or break you

>> No.4610846


Worst feel ever.

Linear Algebra: Lowest I can get is B, should get an A if I did well on the final I just took

Prob and Stats I: A

Linear Regression Analysis: A-


>> No.4610864

i got a B in my modern history of africa gen ed class. only gen ed i got a B in, and that was because the hippie professor doesn't grade mathematically. yes, he really said that.

>> No.4610872

Signed up for 6 subjects. Only going to pass 3. This is not going to look good in my files but oh well

I passed all my freshman courses so now they cannot kick me out from the university

>> No.4610892
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>mfw grades don't have any value, I juste have to do well on the competitive exams that still await me

>> No.4610926

Computer Methods for Chemical Engineering: A
Thermo II: B+ to A- it really depends
Physics III: B to B-
Physics III Lab: Already know I got an A+
Orgo II: I dunno lol. I was 2% behind the average, been studying my ass off over 2 hours a day and revisiting old material. If average is curved to B/C line, then hopefully B.
Orgo II Lab: A
Music in the Andes (lol): A

Physics and Orgo are where I might slip to C's

>> No.4610942

Depending if I get 90+ on my finals ...

Statistics - A.
Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometries - B+ / A-.
Linear Algebra II - A / A+.
Formal Logic - A- / A.

Scored an 89 on my Logic midterm; scored 90 and 80, respectively, on my Stats exams; barely passed my Euclidean/Non-Euclidean Geometries exam; second one, getting results today; for LA II, I scored a 91 on the midterm.

Not so bad of a semester. Geometries is the course kicking my fucking ass, though.

>> No.4610968

How is linear algebra 1? I'm taking that over the summer.

>> No.4610983

Wow, it turns out that the 150+ IQ that everyone on this board has doesn't go very far.

>> No.4611019

Fairly straight forward. I understood all of it. Conceptually, it is very gratifying and enjoyable. I can't say anything bad about it, to be quite honest. It was a nice class.

Get ready for a lot of calculation, though. Some proofs and useful definitions here and there, just don't get fucked up with the calculations. If you're the type to screw up negative/positive signs or mess up on minor arithmetic mistakes, then LA will be a nightmarish experience. Most of the work(excluding the proofs/definitions) has a fuckton of numbers and if you screw it up, your professor may take everything off.

For the midterm LA exam, the professor gave us two complicated 3x3 matrices(fractions, decimals, sqroots -- professor was a real asshole) and we had to find the inverse of both and multiply it out. He put it as 30 pts(exam was worth 100), so a lot of people thought that it was going to be piss easy. It turns out, the matrix was designed to give people a huge fucking amount of arithmetical problems. Calculators can only help so much when you're dealing with several arithmetic operations. People lose track after a while.

Only about four people got the question completely correct and it took 3 pages of hand written calculation. If a person didn't have a negative sign correct, or a few numbers were off, he'd just mark ALL of it wrong.

>> No.4611435

Alright thanks for the heads up. My mistakes generally lie in my misunderstanding of my own handwriting so I'll be sure to pay careful attention to that during this class.

Also, you professor sounds like a right cunt.

>> No.4611462

stochastic probability : A
Bio: idunno
C++: C+ fitting but not what i hoped for

linear algebra can be an A or a B+ or a B depending on that damn final.

>> No.4611465

Computer Networks - A
User Interface Design - A
Principles of Programming Languages - A/A-
History of Science - A

My school doesn't do A+, A is the highest they have. Networks and UI both have lab components as well as lecture.

>> No.4611472

Freshman here

Integral Calc - B+ or A-
Chemistry - A
Biology - A+
Macroeconomics - A-
Physics - A

Feels medschool man

>> No.4611513

3 A's
1 B
1 That can still end up anywhere (currently at a 91), have an exam in 2 hours and a final next tuesday.

Also, we don't have a A+/A- system.

>> No.4611547

>Americans using letters to express something better expressed in numerical values
>i scooby dooby doo

>> No.4611565

Further Maths: A
Maths: A
Biology: A*
Physics: A*
Chemistry: B/A

>> No.4611568

>implying letters aren't ordered

>> No.4611600

>i scooby dooby doo
You know
That phrase used to have some meaning
Now you /v/ faggots have taken it and bashed it into a pile of un-identifible shit.
Please go back to your hell hole, if you haven't figured out yet, NO boards want you, not /a/, /sci/, /g/, or even the shit hole that is /jp/ and /pol/.

>> No.4611728

Ecology: A
Intro Microbio: A
Intro CS for non CS majors: A
Immunology: A

First two I already took most of, but had to drop due to missing an exam in one of them late into the quarter without an excuse last quarter. Other 2 are interesting.

>> No.4611755

Calc: A
Bio: B+

>> No.4611771
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>C+ in C++

>> No.4611789 [DELETED] 

Inorganic Chem I: B-
Biochemistry I: B
Physics II: A
African Literature: A
Environmental Conservation: A

Yeah. Liberal-arts education can go to hell (public school)

>> No.4611799

Inorganic Chem I: B-/B
Biochemistry I: B-/B
Physics II: A
African Literature: A
Environmental Conservation: A

feelshorribleman. And although liberal arts education keeps my GPA afloat, I still hate it.

>> No.4611845

Expected grades:

Experimental methods: B+ (I literally have no clue, this guess is probably low)
Signal processing: A
Complex variables: A
Ordinary differential equations: A (if I do as expected on my final friday)
Linear algebra: A- (might be pessimistic, we'll see after my final on monday)

>> No.4611854

Astronomy: A+
Molecular Biology: A-
Software Engineering: A-
Compilers: B+
Immunology: B-
Psychology: A-

Fuck immunology. Rote memorization course.

>> No.4611866
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>African Literature

>> No.4611889

biochem - B
Research in Biomedicine -A
Physiology - C
Imunology - B
Genetics - B
Neuroscience - B
Sociology - A
Clinical skills - A

these are my current grades

>> No.4611896

Game Theory: 70
Finance: 87
Econometrics: 75
Economic Growth: 99
Political Science: 80

>> No.4611923

Radiation and Nuclear Systems Chemistry: 82
Radiological Physics: 84
Nanomaterials: 79
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 86
Behavioral Genetics (Psychology): 87

>> No.4611936

Physics - A
Statistics - A
Chemistry - (close, but A)
Java 1 - A
Linear Algebra - W got a shitawful teacher

>> No.4611939

>rote memorization
>doesnt know about memory palaces
seriously man, I used to hate Chem. for the memorization. Memory palaces - learned my strong acids, strong bases, and solubility rules in ~20min, 4 months ago, and still remember them.

>> No.4611956

The fact that there is a memory palace doesn't negate the fact that it is a rote memorization course. Which is shit.

>> No.4611967

Read "MoonWalking with Einstein." The author's a bit arrogant, but it's short and the skills it explains how to develop are great to have in college (and high school...wish so fucking much I had known about this five years ago)

>> No.4611979

Ochem D
Ochem lab D
Bio D
Bio lab D
Quantum mechanics D

>> No.4611981

Philosophy: A
Music: W
Math: W

>> No.4611987
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Awww yeah. I finally grew the balls to look at my latest biochem exam grade after having it in my possession for 2 weeks. I thought I seriously couldn't have scored any higher than a 50 when I completed my exam. 79/100 up in here... it's not even an OK grade, but it's 5 points better than the average.

/sci/ is my diary

>> No.4611991

Physics: at least 26/30
Linear algebra and geometry: same
Business organization and economics: 26/30 I hope

>> No.4612043
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Gen Chem II: A
Gen Chem Lab: A
Gen Physics I: B
Gen Physics Lab I: A
Calc II: A
Interpersonal Communication: A

>> No.4612051

composition 2 A
psychology A

taking it easy this semester because i'm taking summer courses

>> No.4612138

PhysGeo - A+
PhysGeo Lab - A+
OOP Data Structures - A+
Calc I - C-

If anyone knows that math feel and could suggest better ways of studying, I'm all ears. All of my study time goes into Calc and I still can't seem to stop drawing blanks on test day. Tried KhanAcademy, Rootmath, re(re)eading the text, loop through notes...idk.

>> No.4612163

Physics A
Digital Systems A
Differential Equations A
Computer Organization A
Complex Analysis- Dropped and will retake this summer

>> No.4612171


you just gotta enjoy it man

>> No.4612176

Britfag here with a question, is an A+ the equivilant of an A* in Britain?

>> No.4612184

Done practice tests?

>> No.4612189


>> No.4612193

Use the linear algebra series MIT has on youtube. The professor is really good, even if he's really old and spacey and has an annoying voice sometimes. You'll learn so much.

You are my future.
Studying signals. Using Oppenheim's videos on youtube.com/MIT this summer before I even take DSP and signals and systems. Already aced the fuck out of linear algebra. Hope that'll do me good.

>> No.4612201

Okay then, here goes:
- Physics - A*
- Chemistry - A
- Maths - A*
- Further Maths - A*

>> No.4612203

Practice as in do problems or as in similar conditions as my real test? Do problems? Yes, on both Khan and WebAssign. Similar "testing" conditions (quiet room, no notes) no I have not.

>> No.4612207

You should try to do some testing conditions things if you can, but have some people to help you with it and stuff.

>> No.4612215


I really do enjoy it. I love math, it just doesn't seem to love me. It's still a foreign language to me, I rarely see any real examples of application, something to link it too in my mind. I'm not sure if that's the problem or not. For ex, I understand differentiation fine and good, but up until I started watching Khan videos I never knew what a derivative physically was.

>> No.4612229

BC Calc - A
AP Bio - A
Physics - A
Other non-Math/Sci subjects - Hoping to average a B

>> No.4612242

Maths: A*
Physics: A*
Chemistry: A*
Biology: A*
History: A*
English Language: B
English Literature: B/A
Product Design: A

lol GCSE's

>> No.4612250

Structural Geology: A
Sedimentary Petrology: A
Western Civ 2: A
Linear Algebra: A
Statistics for Scientists and Engineers: A

>> No.4612256

Engineering analysis 62%
Aerothermodynamics 55%
Dynamics & Control 65%
Propulsion 69%
Mechanics of Flight 64%

funny thing is, those are decent marks in england

>> No.4612312

I like how these kids think anyone cares about their high school grades.

>> No.4612560

Nah—That's pretty typical in engineering. There's a course at my university called "Stochastic Processes for Engineers" which currently has a class average of about 25%. I take it in the fall. Luckily, I already know way more linear algebra than most students know when they enter the course (or leave it, for that matter). Watch the vids on youtube in everything you can. They help.

>> No.4612649

Finance A+
Time series analysis A
Demand consumption models A+
Portfolio analysis A+
Risk analysis B
Accounting A+
Banking A+

in one take, feels good man

>> No.4612668

satisfying my woman A+
satisfying my best friend's woman A+
introducing lesbians to anal pleasure A+
penile laryngoscopy A+
differentiable manifolds C-

>> No.4612770

Calc II: A
Physics I: B (hopefully, could easily slip to a C though)
Discrete Mathematics: A
Orgo II: A
Orgo I Lab: A

I kind of disregarded physics and really immersed myself in proofing shit for Calc II and Discrete instead.
Don't really regret it since I want to take an Analysis or Number Theory course as an elective next year after I finish Calc III. Interesting stuff

>> No.4612827

controls II: A
analog circuit design: A
power systems: A
systems and signals lab: A
EM2: A

feels good to be a huge fuckign nerd loser who studies 24/7

>> No.4612880

Electromagnetism II: A
Classical Mechanics II: A
Network Centric Programing: A
Numerical Analysis and Computing: A
Principals of Programing Languages: A
Experimental Modern Physics: A or B+
Differential Geometry: A or B+
Intermediate Japanese II: passing...

>> No.4613231

Calc III - A
Proof Writing - A+
Modern Physics - B-

>> No.4613245

Computer: B
Introduction to Education: B
Developmental Psychology: B
Statistics: D

>> No.4613255

is A seriously the best score in the US? Whatever happened to A+? A is shit tier compared to A+.

>> No.4613259

We drop the pluses and minuses in middle school. An A is an A and a B is a B. There's no need to know whether or not you're "ALMOST AN A!".

>> No.4613272

WOW buddy. So, what, 80-100% is all an A? What the fuck is that?

>> No.4613273


Many of the highly ranked uni's use +/- grading in the US. I know mine does.

B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.6

>> No.4613275
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>Look at the grades I have in my engineering classes
>Goodbye, cruel world

>> No.4613279

Chem Lab 1: B+
Chem Lab 2: C
Chemistry : B-
Calculus II : B+
Physics I : A-
Vector Geo : C+
English II : B+

>> No.4613280

listen guys. if yuoure doing good in classes, i salute you. i graduate from uni in 4 days with a 3.53 in chemical engineerin, and i am dirnk. if youre doinjg well, good on ya. congrats. and keep up the good work

>> No.4613281

I know that feel man.

>> No.4613285

3 more years and then I will be you!

>> No.4613287


Darn, tough semester (for a freshmen I'm assuming). Guessing gen chem was a weed at your uni?

>> No.4613289

> Comp Sci 112: A
> Partial Differential Equations: A
> Real Analysis II: B+

I am so mad right now.

>> No.4613296


Yeah, never took it in high school, and I plan on majoring in chemical engineering now. Grades aren't great, but I like how ChE is really applicable to a lot of real world things.

>> No.4613310

Physics: B- (less than a point away from a B)
Physics lab: A-
Nutrition: A
Dev Psych: A-
Bio: B+

I had a terrible freshman year (lots of C's) so I probably need to have all A's for the next two years to get into my post-undergrad program :(

Why do they look at GPA so much? My major has the lowest average GPA at my school and yet people with a 3.6 in psychology will have a better chance at acceptance than me


>> No.4613313


No they wont.

>> No.4613315


I got a 2.0 my first semester and dominated the next one to get my GPA to above a 3.3, which allowed me to transfer into the ChemE program. (Where I'm a Junior currently)

Weed outs are brutal if you get shitty profs, keep 'ya head up anon

>> No.4613376

Hey /sci/.
I'd like to further my education on anything. I have an insatiable hunger for knowledge.
I'm 13 years old, and I take Accelerated Classes in Secondary School, (which isn't difficult at all) but I feel as if the class moves too slow for me.

What would be some good materials to learn? I'm up for pretty much anything that I can learn at my local library and/or behind a computer screen.

>> No.4613381


Learn trigonometry, calculus, and then physics.

>> No.4613404

Thank you.
Could you recommend me any specific materials/lesson plans, or would a general Google of each topic lead me to good sources?

>> No.4613411


Check the sticky, go to khanacademy.org, get some free textbooks on the subjects.

>> No.4613430

>that feel when I can't get myself to study and am a horrible student in general

Why am I even here.

>> No.4613884


Gettin' sweet sweet lovin' from a fellow ChE in /sci/ honestly cheers me up more than most things these days.

>> No.4613896

Bio 2: B
Semiconductor Devices: B
Networks and Systems: B but probably C
Mathematical Modeling: B

Fells bad man

>> No.4613937

Graph Theory I: A
Stat 1: B+ because I fucked up the second exam (A- first exam, B- second). Maybe if I"m lucky the final will push me back to A- but the final is supposed to be actually difficult
Organic Chem: C or C-
Quantum Chem: I have no idea. I have 94% HW average, but we've had two exams so far and he hasn't graded either for anyone.

>> No.4614166

AP Gov: A
AP Lit: A
AP Music Theory: A
All band classes: A
Economics: A
Forensics: A
Engineering Prep: A

Senior year, bumped it down a notch from last year. I wish I had the opportunity to take AP Physics or Bio.

>> No.4614171

Psych: A+
History: A+
Genetics: A+
Cell Bio: A+
Stats: A-

I hope I become doctor, because if I don't then being a virgin at the end of second year will not be worth it...

>> No.4614174

LOL high school and their inflated grades... Come back when you take REAL classes at uni.


>> No.4614175

Yeah yeah I know, I know it will be a lot different doing undergrad engineering

>> No.4614176

AP Calc - C
AP Phys - C
AP Econ - C
Comp - C
Yoga - B
Comp Religions - B

feels like hell, but it's my senior year last semester, haven't done homework this year.

>> No.4614178

E&M : B+ or A-
Properties of solids liquids and gases: B+ or A-
calculus 2: B+ or A-
statics: B
intro to circuits: B

>> No.4614180

>Engineering Prep

>> No.4614182

Oh shit son that's a terrible sign. You better pepper your angus over the summer. I'm assuming you took APs because you had all A's before, but you can't stop while you're still in high school! You're probably not retarded, but you best pull your shit together and learn to put some serious work in. You get one shot at this, don't fuck it up!

>> No.4614188

C++: A
Java: A
Linear Algebra: A
Physics I: don't even want to think about it. A- right now, thanks to online exams from the textbook manufacturer...but the in-class final will kill us all if not curved. Fuck everything about physics.

>> No.4614189

No one gives a fuck about anyone's high school grades.

>> No.4614196

Strength and Materials: B
Astrophysics: A
Quantum Mechanics I: A
Classics GE: A
Space Environments: A

>> No.4614199

College Teaching: A
Independent Research: A
Geology 3xx: A
Geology 4xx: A
Math 3xx: A
Math 1xx: B

Took a lower-level math course "for fun" and haven't put in enough effort.

>> No.4614200

I probably should, but the classes bore me to death. it isn't the rigor of the courses, it is how slow they go.... i didn't have all A's before either, i haven't really cared about my GPA all too much, i haven't done homework this year, so if you look at my percentage grades it is hilarious, take my calc class for example, i have a 03.57% on homework, and a 98.91% on tests and quizzes.
ps, calc 3, physics c yada yada

>> No.4614205

Top marks all around in Topology, Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Numerical Solutions to PDEs

>> No.4614210 [DELETED] 
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Anyone else get sad about reaching the end of a textbook you spent hours with every day? I'm really dragging my feet on the last chapter of my 2 programming texts. If you know that feel, post pics of your favorite beat up textbooks here. Here's mine - plan to get a new cover for it after semester is over.

>> No.4614217

Pre-cal: A+
AP Biology: A+
AP Psychology: A+
French 3: A-
AP English: A
2 Music course electives, jazz and concert, both As.
Easy shit.

>> No.4614211

Operating Systems: A-
Compiler Design and Formal Grammars: B
Numerical Analysis: B+
Mathematical Logic: A-
Public Speaking: A

>> No.4614224

Calc 1: A
Chem 1: A
Engineering Graphics: A
Intro to Engineering: A
Economics 1: B

>> No.4614245

>Posting high school grades
>Pumping chest over "AP grades"

Boy, your high school grades don't mean shit for the most part.

>> No.4614249

Astronomy: A
International Relations: A/B
Fairytales of Russia: B/C
Discrete Math: C
Band: A

>> No.4614252

Case in point: Engineering Science program @ University of Toronto (one of the harder programs in Canada, not nearly the hardest, doesn't compare with Ivy-League schools)
Only people with 90%+ averages were accepted into the program; probably around a third had >95% averages
In 1st year, we had 381 students.
By 3rd year, we had 183 students - the rest had ALL FLUNKED OUT or SWITCHED OUT because they were borderline failing.

Yea, highschool marks don't mean shit except as an idiot bar.

>> No.4614254

Aspiring math and physics freshman here.

Modern Physics Experiments: A-
Intro Chemistry: A
Linear Algebra: A
Intro Chinese: A

That physics class is really killer. The rest of my courses are relatively low level so they shouldn't be too bad, unless I screw up finals week really hard.

>> No.4614265

UoT is fucking crazy. There are two PhD students here at UBC who had a GPA of like sub 3.0 from UoT. Guess that is equivalent to much more at other universities!

>> No.4614267

Probability & Stats: A
Real Analysis: B
Complex Analysis: A
Human Computer Interaction: A
Political Science: A
History of Mathematics: B+/A-
Senior Colloqium: A

>> No.4614272

all i did was finished my thesis project this semester and i have no idea whether or not you receive a grade or just get credit

all i know is that it was accepted

>> No.4614276

>Game Theory: 70
Finance: 87
Econometrics: 75
Economic Growth: 99
Political Science: 80

you do know econometrics is probably the most important class in your curriculum right? i guess you made a lot of standard errors ho ho ho

>> No.4614281

I'm taking econometrics, operations research, discrete math and grad-level actuarial science next semester, too much? or just right?

>> No.4614287

U.S. History I -- A
Astronomy -- A
Chem II -- A
English 102 -- A
Chem II Lab -- A
Astronomy Lab -- A

Fucking looooove gen eds.

>> No.4614313

Time series analysis - C
Chemistry - C
Operations Research - B
Theory of Science - B

Whatever man, I'm tired of studying right now.

>> No.4614775


Calc 3: A+
OChem 1 Lab: A+
Anthropology: B
OChem 2: A

>> No.4614785

Circuits: A
Intro to Microprocessors: A
Intro to Materials: A? I really don't know, the professor doesn't give a shit about his class
Mathematical proofs: A

Changing out of EE because I don't like it, so the EE courses wont count for anything.

>> No.4614794

Is it this easy to get an A in America?

Everyone at my University always goes on about how greater than 80 very, very, very rare.

>> No.4614791
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Bio A
Maths B
Chemistry D

>> No.4614809

In America the students get the questions with their answers before the exams to remember and they only have multiple choice tests.

>> No.4614828


>only multiple choice tests


>> No.4614831

if you reply, you have to give at least 1/10

>> No.4614836

>no one is ever allowed to post "0/10"
Unless you're saying he had already been replying seriously before that point, I guess.

>> No.4614875

Lol, troll harder.

(Eurofag here)