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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4608199 No.4608199 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't know where else to post this. Perhaps this is a question of neurology, perhaps a question of psychology (which I know is generally regarded to be a pseudoscience on this board), but I'd really like some help.

Since I was very young, Whenever I ran a high fever, I would hallucinate uncontrollably

Last night, I fell ill very quickly and was shivering all night and could hardly get to sleep. I would wake up probably every 10 minutes but not know if I were awake or if it was a dream.

(cont. into next post)

pic unrelated: thought it'd grab your attention

>> No.4608202
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So I finally woke up for a period of time, but I was either tripping balls or in a half-dream half-awake state. It was 4 am and I can't pinpoint a start to the dream, but I was in a dark thick jungle at night with vines and trees everywhere (probably because I just saw Disney's Chimpanzee last night) in my bed. Even though I could visibly see the room and walls around me, I could have sworn that I was in the middle of an incredibly vast and gigantic jungle. In this jungle was some sort of competition, like battle royale (hunger games), but there were all kinds of different rules that really broke the competition down to people just slaughtering each other as soon as they saw each other. All the people in this jungle were Japanese. Mostly samurai. It was just a fucking bloodbath. Every second or so one person would be walking around looking for shelter and then he'd be split down the middle with a Katana. Blood would spray everywhere. My bed was soaked with it. This went on for hours. I tried to sit up and go get some medication (because I still consciously knew that I was sick as hell and had a very high fever), but the thickness of the jungle constrained me to my bed (which I think in the real world translates to: it was too cold for me to get up out of my 3 blankets). With every death, however, the jungle became less and less thick (as it was being destroyed in the process of this "game"), and it became easier and easier to sit up and almost get out of bed. Finally, enough had died for me to untangle myself from the vines and get up. My bed was floating in a pond of blood. Each step I took and each movement I made away from the bed depleted my energy, because the weight of the souls of those who had died were on my shoulders encumbering me. I had to make it to the medicine cabinet for those lost souls to stop this hallucinatory bloodbath.

>> No.4608206
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It's been 9 hours since that happened. I've had some icecream, had some water, and my head is now fairly clear, but I still feel as if the dead haunt me; like I have some sort of unfulfilled obligation to them

What the fuck does any of this mean? I feel like I'm going insane. Why do fevers make me hallucinate?

final post.

>> No.4608221

>look at my febrile delirium

Cool story bro.

>> No.4608225
File: 208 KB, 626x1792, Little_Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's febrile delirium?

>> No.4608227 [DELETED] 

You're dreaming right now.

>> No.4608232
File: 6 KB, 200x291, PANIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dreaming right now.

>> No.4608233

I like that you asked the faggots at 420chan before /sci/. What are we, chopped liver?

>> No.4608234

>What's google?

>> No.4608240

I want help :(

>> No.4608264
File: 162 KB, 500x375, 4315712376_3ee35bc5b4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enzymes work best at or around normal body temperature. Any significant heating or cooling, and body chemistry gets out of whack due to proteins' activities declining. Luckily, this also interferes with bacterial or protozoan chemistry and slows up cellular machinery that may have been coopted by viruses. The idea is that your body can withstand this interference better than less-organized pathogens can; it's a defense mechanism that we've evolved.
Of course, the whacked-out body chemistry can lead to some crazy things going on in your brain. Such "fever dreams" are often disturbing and feel eerily real; whenever I get a fever, I find it hard to tell the difference between dream and reality.
Take some anti-inflammatories, drink plenty of fluids, and get lots of rest. It'll freak you out less once you recover.

And you're not going to get useful psych advice from the stoner community.

>> No.4608303


>high fever
>I would hallucinate uncontrollably
>I would wake up probably every 10 minutes but not know if I were awake or if it was a dream.

the first one explain it all

solution paracetamol 1g

>high fever

>Take some anti-inflammatories

what the fuck are you doing nigger ?

are you even a doctor or med-student ?

>> No.4608321

I'm neither a doctor nor a med student. If YOU are, though, you should know that such easily available over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are recommended for fevers.
Hell, your suggestion is a pain reliever with mild anti-inflammatory effects. Why are you so buttmad about my suggestion?

>> No.4608322

Thanks so much. This is the response I was looking for.

>> No.4608353



protip: acetaminophen=paracetamol

it's an Antipyretic not anti-inflammatory


what ? you should really stop posting now

Compared to Ibuprofen which can have adverse effects that include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain paracetamol is well tolerated
the side effects of paracetamol are mild to non-existent

>your suggestion is a pain reliever with mild anti-inflammatory effects

i don't even want to talk to you please learn google

>Why are you so buttmad about my suggestion

it's retarded a doctor would never suggest that


>> No.4608388

yes, acetaminophen and paracetamol are the same thing. you figure I maybe looked that up before responding to you the first time?
Now, from the Wikipedia article on paracetamol:
>Though acetaminophen is used to treat inflammatory pain, it is not generally classified as an NSAID because it exhibits only weak anti-inflammatory activity.
Like I said, it's a pain reliever (AND antipyretic, yes) with mild anti-inflammatory properties.
From the Wikipedia article on ibuprofen:
>Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used for relief of symptoms of arthritis, fever, as an analgesic (pain reliever), especially where there is an inflammatory component, and dysmenorrhea.
Bear in mind, I was NOT specifically recommending ibuprofen; I recommended an anti-inflammatory. If you think ibuprofen would be a bad choice, thanks for the info.

Your suggestion, while more specific, isn't really that much better than mine. You're not trying to help the OP; you're trying to pick a fight and get attention. Take a chill pill, bro.

>> No.4608465


>You're not trying to help the OP you're trying to pick a fight

look recommending anti-inflammatory for a fever is a bad idea

i m not trying to pick a fight i m saying you should not just go around and start prescribing medicine which what you did by recommending anti-inflammatory more important it bas wrong

>I was NOT specifically recommending ibuprofen

you did quote :<<you should know that such easily available over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as >ibuprofen and >acetaminophen are recommended for fevers>>

>Your suggestion, while more specific isn't really that much better than mine
yeah that's my job if you want a doctor you want him to be specific precise

it is better than yours deal with it

recommending anti-inflammatory for a fever is a bad idea i will not say it again

>such easily available over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and "acetaminophen"
>Though "acetaminophen" is used to treat inflammatory pain, it is not generally classified as an NSAID because it exhibits only weak anti-inflammatory activity.

first you are wrong then you correct yourself what the fuck ?

anyway think i made my point