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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4607825 No.4607825 [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay for professors to favor a student and increase his or her scores in exchange for sexual favors?

>> No.4607831

Sure, as long as it doesn't affect the curve there's no reason why not

>> No.4607830

If she's hot

>> No.4607832

Oh boy here we go..

>> No.4607833

Sure, why wouldn't it be?

>> No.4607836


Perverted professors detected.

>> No.4607844


Because..... that's unfair. a professor should favor a student according to the level of excellence he shows , and give scores which represent the student's knowledge.

>> No.4607847

A professor should favor no student.

>> No.4607849

Of course its fair. Did YOU suck the professors cock? No? Then you aren't working hard enough.

>> No.4607850

>you will never do "homework" with a sexy partner.

>> No.4607852

This said, obviously its only fair if the professor is willing to let ANYONE suck his cock for an A.

>> No.4607853


I'm not sure the professor wants me to suck it. Do you think i should offer him?

>> No.4607854

Well it's a good thing that most universities look down upon this sort of practice then, eh?
This is a fucking obvious question to anyone.

>> No.4607856 [DELETED] 

Back to /hm/, you engineers.

>> No.4607857


It takes legitimacy away from the curriculum and the accreditation of the school if grades are determined by anything other than the students performance based on that curriculum

If sexual favors were on the curriculum, it would be okay, but I doubt that a school with that curriculum would be accredited

>> No.4607861
File: 57 KB, 500x461, iknowthatfeelbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4607862
File: 36 KB, 499x381, trollindungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4607868

>by anything other than the students performance

After you suck his cock the professor can give you a score based on your performance.

>> No.4607864

This is the perfect thread I'm looking for. Literally, perfect thread is perfect.

I could give a shit less about OP and his problems, so let's derail this to a slightly less academically fucked up sexual dilemma.

I am a mathematics major and I just came across one of the sexiest women, ever. She's in her late 30s/early 40s, has such a beautiful figure and is just..gorgeous. Absolutely, positively gorgeous.

The problem is that she's a mathematics professor and I'm a senior. I'm also pretty sure that she's married. Denizens of /sci/, allow me to tell you this: She gave me heart palpitations. Jesus Christ. She also wore tight spandex pants with her panty lining showing through them. What the fuck, man. What the fuck. She's the atypical mathematics professor, by the way, in how she always looks so disorientated or seemingly in disarray.

I just need to have her, /sci/. How can I achieve this? I'm getting ready to graduate soon, so what the hell can I do? I've never taken a class with her; should I register for her class next semester?

>> No.4607881


surprise buttsex. Kidnapping her and locking in basement is fine too.

>> No.4607886

I'll give you a 7/10 , OP.

>> No.4607894

>Thread about sex in /sci/
>Asking virgins about sexual matters

>> No.4607895

No. I need to woo her somehow.

How can a lowly mathematics undergraduate senior woo a woman like that? She's known to be one of the toughest professors here and she's extremely intelligent. To be honest, she makes some of the male professors here look stupid as fuck. She is insanely precise and on point, all of the time. She's also a huge troll to students.

>tells students that if they solve this one problem, they can skip the final and final presentation
>problem turns out to be a 40+ year old conjecture in her field.
>students face when they all fucking mad.

>> No.4607910


1.Pay her for private tutoring ( by your description , you'll have to offer pretty fucking much ). While she's teaching you , offer her a cup of coffee / water / whatever.
2.Dissolve some drugs in it.

>> No.4607917

No, but it will continue to happen unless we get even more crazy surveillance. That's how men and women function: men trade resources and favors for sexual favors from women. It will always be like this unless we change the genes in some substantial way.

>> No.4607919

>Is it okay for professors to favor a student and increase his or her scores in exchange for loadsa monneh?


>> No.4607930

>unless we change the genes in some substantial way.

And just who are the guys who can do that?..... that's right , and those guys have every reason NOT to do that.

Pretty paradoxical , isn't it?

>> No.4607931

Th..this is not helping.

I do not want to drug her or do anything else of that sort. What can I do to make her notice me, to smile at me? If I can get a smile, a smirk, a hello -- something -- I'll be happy.

I've been told I'm good looking, but I'm a bit overweight. I'm exercising daily now and I've lost about 22 lbs(th..thanks, /fit/). Should I speed up exercising or keep at the same pace? Is there something I can do, anything I can say, to make her notice me from a female/male perspective?

At the end of the day, I'm male and she's female. I can work with that dynamic somehow, can't I?

>> No.4607934


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do , faggot.

>> No.4607952


When you walk pass her, say hello.. be assertive. As a female, I say this makes you noticeable. Also, since you are from /fit/ too, you should learn how to be alpha. Not the ass type, but the assertive type.

>> No.4607966

Sigh..... First thing - this is probably never going to happen. Since she's an actual professor , not a fucking BangBros hired porn actress for school scenes.

Anyway , here's the deal which MIGHT get SOMETHING to happen.

1. Yeah , speed up dat exercise.
2. First approach - talk to her about Math. Ask her about some stupid Theory you invented , have a discussion about whether an equation can be solved or not...things like that.
3. From there , chance demands that 1 of these times she would slip from the subject and perhaps ask/talk about non-academia related things.
4.once she does , keep it in that direction.
5. Now depends on what you're talking about you would probably get that "smile , happy" thing you want occasionally.
6. Ok faggot , here comes the down-to-reality part , you'll have to take a fucking risk. Invite her for a lunch or a coffee.
Now if she's a strict moralist - she'll gently refuse and never talk to you again , there will also be a weird feeling between you.
If she's not , then well , congratz.

You know the drill from there.... invite her another time , then for a "date" , and then fuck her in the pooper.

>> No.4608039

>how to be alpha
>implying /fit/ is alpha.

Protip: It isn't. They just exercise a lot and some of them, not all of them, have gained decent physiques. Most of them are still autistic as fuck. There's also some homo-eroticism going on there ...

Anywho, back on point. Okay, saying hello. Should I try to dress a bit better also? Also, should I wait until I see her AFTER I graduate? I'm a patient man; at least after I graduate, I can have a leg-up in the sense that I actually do have a piece of paper behind my name. Something.

From 1-6 is genius, but the thing is this: I'm not even sure if she's married! Secondly, why would she feel weird if I wasn't a student anymore/not taking her class? At the end of the day, she'd probably feel great about a younger man flirting with her/trying to fight for her attention. And fuck, I would definitely try to fight for her attention.

What type of conversation do you think most women at that level enjoy? I'm an avid Chess and Poker player; could those attributes help me a bit? After chatting with her a few times, invite her to a game and joke around/flirt with her? Off campus, of course.

>> No.4608048

>Since she's an actual professor , not a fucking BangBros hired porn actress for school scenes.

Also, I'm aware of that. I don't want to just fuck her. I don't believe in true love or anything of the sort, but this is the first time I've actually kept my eye on a woman so long, other people started noticing. I wasn't staring, per se, I was analyzing. She just looks so .. phenomenal. I can't explain it.

>> No.4608075

just (dis)prove the conjecture she used to troll you to troll her back.

>> No.4608082

>What type of conversation do you think most women at that level enjoy?

I told you , start talking about Math related stuff at first.

>After chatting with her a few times, invite her to a game and joke around/flirt

First follow steps 3-5 , and then do that. After that , proceed to stage 6. And from there on just do whatever you do when you date a girl. Find a dating success guide/advice on the internet if you don't know what to do , there are plenty of these.