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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4607478 No.4607478 [Reply] [Original]

Biology > chemistry > math > psychology > engineering > physics > art > political science > computer science

>> No.4607483
File: 53 KB, 510x370, george-costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art and political science
>not retard tier

>> No.4607486

maths > biology and physics > chemistry > social science and all that shit

>> No.4607489

More like...

Maths > Biology, Chemistry, Physics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marxist Horseshit: The Class

>> No.4607488

maths > physics > chemistry > biology > everything else

>who needs art?

>> No.4607540

Mathematics > physics > astronomy > computer science > engineering > chemistry > medicine .rest is shit tier

Engineer talking.

>> No.4607547

enjoy your unemployment

>> No.4607558


>engineering above chemistry and medicine


>> No.4607559


Of course. Engineering is way more exciting than these two.

>> No.4607584



name a country where doctors are jobless
because i can name a lot of countries where
engineers physicist chemist are jobless

>> No.4607590


2/10 you almost got me

>> No.4607595

Look at this faggot, equating biology with medicine.

Protip: premeds can be any major as long as they do specific courses.

>> No.4607612

True, but most of them are in bio. Engineers are too stupid to do medicine so they go the easy route.

>> No.4607637

rt Degree

We're talking about job prospect and money right?

>> No.4607711

>>4607612 implying medicine is difficult

It doesn't take a genius to be a doctor.

>Doctor doctor, I have explosive diarrhea

>Ok, let me just check my gigantic fucking book of disease.


>It says too much cocks in rectum so now I'm going to finger you

>You're a bad doctor

>What can I say, it's a subset of biology so now I'm going to finger you

>> No.4607724

>Doctor doctor, I have explosive diarrhea

>Ok, let me get a nurse to solve everything for me. I just hand out pills


>> No.4607735

Physics>engineering>biology>maths>political science>computer science>everything else>psychology.

Art isn't comparable, art and music is a great thing.

Math is useless without science, but not the opposite, pure math sucks, and science without maths does not suck. Math is useful, but studying only maths is useless and boring as fuck.

>> No.4607751

>Poli Sci above a useful subject such as Comp Sci

>> No.4607756


>implying you know anything about medecine

diagnosis is only application of what we study (Biology chemistry physics embryologie anatomy ...)

>butthurt ?

>feels good to be a doctors

>what do you do for a living faggot

>> No.4607759

You couldn't do physics without maths, or any science, or anything for that matter.

>> No.4607765


political science is about how a society is controlled, and how a society is controlled may determine it's survivability and wellbeing of it's citicens, so yes I'd say political science is pretty important.

>> No.4607766

What the fuck is wrong with just doing what you enjoy? I'm a physics major and I like art, history, and psychology. Who gives a shit?

>> No.4607785


this, it's funny seeing those pretentious autistic fools who study maths and play pokémon in their spare time, than judge people who study music because it's what they love to do.

>> No.4607800

Why? Every day on 4chan people trying to rank the sciences like they are bloody pokemons. There is some really tough shit in maths and there is some really tough shit in biology. Why can't you just live with the fact that the distinction between them is infintile in the first place? Science is broadly speaking a methodology to study the universe, the overlap between all fields is extensive.

>> No.4607805

There's a lot of jelly over my 50k starting salary with Computer Science here.

>> No.4607812

Math > physics > engineering >chemistry > computer science > biology > psychology > political science > art

>> No.4608068

Math > Physics > Computer Science > Chemistry > Biology > Engineering > Political Science > Art > Psychology

>> No.4608081

no we are talking about purity

>> No.4608148

DoWhatYouLove > DoWhatYou'reGoodAt > DoItForTheMoney > DoItForYourEgo > DoItBecauseItRanksHighOn4ChanThreads

>> No.4608154


60k starting chemical engineer.
100k + after a few years of experience and finding the right jorb

enjoy learning a new code in 5 years

>> No.4608173
File: 208 KB, 652x543, 1303675054694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2012
> People still ranking Glorified Code Monkey degree amongst real sciences

Computer Science a shitty subset of Maths. It should be ranked way lower next to economics or other babby-tier degrees.

>> No.4608184

Physics>scraps of scientific knowledge fed to the rest of the sub-humans in their pigpens and cages. Fucking pig disgusting.

>> No.4608186
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Nice fucking try.

>> No.4608189

What if all of them are the same, i.e. math?

>> No.4608201
File: 155 KB, 475x348, Bruce Willis stares into your soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physics > Astronomy > Chemistry > Biology = Psychology > Computing > Shit

Get the fuck at me.

>> No.4608203

Chemistry >< Chemistry

>> No.4608212

>in school for software engineering
>so much love for chem. engineering on /sci/ and /g/
>so many 50k starting claims, 80-100k in few years
>I really enjoyed my chem class this year
>To switch, or not to switch...entering sophomore

>> No.4608216
File: 125 KB, 450x293, solomonoff_and_chaitin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We think that's highly unlikely

>> No.4608244

Why not both?

Never hurts to know more.

>> No.4608251

Because I'm poor and I'm not going into debt for an education I can easily get at the library. I'm on full tuition scholarship + financial aid.

>> No.4608314

*4 years only

>> No.4608325
File: 722 KB, 1543x2128, Feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw advancement in computer science literally controls the advancement of all natural sciences

>> No.4608351

no advancement in computer technology do. computer science is not about computer (nor is it a science)

>> No.4608409

Engineering > Chemistry > Physics, Computer Science > Biology

Everything else is shit.

>> No.4608489

bump for helpful insight

>> No.4608495

sex > money > study > vidya

anything else is shit tier

>> No.4608538


yeah except that every science is actually physics with the help of mathematics

>> No.4608550

I hate these shitty threads. Isn't there enough room in the human endeavour for multiple disciplines?

You silly bastards?