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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 457x303, Dolphin-Dive-with-Sub-457x303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4606236 No.4606236 [Reply] [Original]

They are smart enough to have thoughts but too dumb to be especially rational so do they just think we're gods or are we the UFO aliens to them? Are there dolphins released from parks who tell abduction stories that other dolphins mock? How come they save drowning humans, recognizing we need air, but don't try to "rescue" scuba divers? Could they somehow understand what scuba gear does for us, if not how it works?

>> No.4606249

Probably "hrr durr Imma fish". They are jus tdolphins dude

>> No.4606254

are you high?

>> No.4606256

Dolphins are animals and thus do not have souls so they cannot have thoughts. Nicw try OP.

>> No.4606265

For them, the ancient aliens shit is true. I wonder if there's a georgio tsoukalos dolphin somewhere.

>> No.4606270

[Dolphins debating whether or not the two-tails created them]

>> No.4606289
File: 72 KB, 640x432, 3885898976_d9e33f86f4_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the dolphin thinks he is having a profound encounter with higher beings but they are just dumbfuck tourists

Dolphin: "I welcome you in peace, share with us your technology and great wisdom, being from beyond the surface!"

Human: "Durr hurr murrica"

>> No.4606292

Sorry but doesnt this belong in >>>/an/

>> No.4606297

I laughed.

>> No.4606302

Dolphins are more intelligent than your average american I'll bet.

>> No.4606308


Jesus christ that is depressing. The only reason dolphins save us and remain friendly is that they don't know how shitty and stupid we are or how we treat them.

>> No.4606310

dolphins can't even fill out a gun application.

>> No.4606313

Most of the world treats them fine. Its wastefull americans who are shitting up the oceans.

>> No.4606317

>british petroleum

>> No.4606322

What if most alien visitors are also dumbshit tourists?

>> No.4606327

>we wish to know more about your species and how you travel such great distances through space
>hurr durr mars

>> No.4606334
File: 25 KB, 678x509, grey03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What do you suppose they think when they see our ships?"

"For fuck's sake Fred they are only monkeys, they don't have thoughts."

"Would you fuck one though?"


>> No.4606338

I bet humans are smarter than your average martian.

>> No.4606351

Distress is an emotion usually recognizable despite differences in species. I'd think dolphins aren't trying to sort hoomins into above the surface creatures indiscriminately, rather its the frantic physical & emotional display that they can empathize with. I guess we'll have to wait for a scuba diver in distress to get saved by a dolphin to find a suitable example for my point, but having just gotten into scuba a couple months ago, here's hoping we can just be happy with this as a thought exercise...

>> No.4606359

That would explain why their visits seem to have no rhyme or reason to them and they haven't accomplished anything (conquest, or altruism) in the decades they've been visiting the planet.

>> No.4606367

Dolphins can't reproduce symbols and have no way of generating culture. So they're all feral, even if their capacity to learn from infancy is great.

This meme that these animals have some sort of special intelligence or wisdom beyond our grasp is the dumbest shit.

>> No.4606373


>implying you need symbols to have culture
>implying man in his most primitive state was cultureless

>> No.4606375

Why yes, you do need symbols to have culture.

Read a fucking anthropology or sociology text from time to time. This is basic stuff.

Symbolic Interaction is Soc 101.

>> No.4606385


Alright I am going to take a step back. You said reproduce symbols. I thought that implied written symbols.

I think language, and behavior is inherently representative and thus symbolic. I dont know that dolphins have language but they are obviously pretty social with each other.

>> No.4606386


Symbolic interaction doesn't mean literal symbols like letters and shit. It's talking about symbolism as in what something implicitly represents when perceived by a person.

>> No.4606392

Language is what constructs the symbolic order. Dolphins do not have a language.

>> No.4606396


>language is what constructs the symbolic order


>dolphins do not have a language


>> No.4606399

Disagree all you want. You're wrong.

>> No.4606406


No you are wrong!t

>> No.4606409
File: 34 KB, 441x280, relaxed_prole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolphins suck.

>> No.4606506
File: 19 KB, 320x197, dolphinswithguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606522
File: 113 KB, 614x476, dolphinrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone shows dolphins footage from 'The Cove', a documentary about Japanese slaughter of dolphins for meat
>They explain to the dolphins the content of the video
>Dolphins demand reparations, begin raping and killing all humans they come across

>> No.4606523

Dunno but dolphins can communicate through images, therefore dolphin community is essentially the purest form of a Chan.

>> No.4606528


Hey, I remember the last time you said that in a dolphin thread.

>> No.4606535
File: 132 KB, 812x498, dolphintank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Tell me, surface being. What is this barrier between us that holds back the water, yet is invisible to my eye? How have you turned the surface sideways to view me in this manner?"

>"Lol I dunno I'm just a kid"

>> No.4606533

really? thats weird, I don't think I've ever said that on 4chan.

>> No.4606545
File: 38 KB, 500x322, dolphindome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolphin: >"This land does not belong to you. We did not authorize you to build a settlement here"

Human: >"Shut up and do a trick"

>> No.4606563 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 800x533, aquariusoutside2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They are so slow in water. It would be easy to kill them."
>"That accomplishes nothing. They'd only send more, we must destroy their settlement."
>"That's impossible. It's harder than any coral I know of."
>"Not that round pat we can see into. At full speed I think I can break it, and fill their big shell with water."
>"But they can breathe water, I've seen it"
>"Only when they wear the shiny things. They don't wear them inside. If we caught them off guard, they would drown."
>"Let us wait until they sleep, then we will strike."

>> No.4606567
File: 60 KB, 800x533, aquariusoutside2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They are so slow in water. It would be easy to kill them."
>"That accomplishes nothing. They'd only send more, we must destroy their settlement."
>"That's impossible. It's harder than any coral I know of."
>"Not that round part we can see into. At full speed I think I can break it, and fill their big shell with water."
>"But they can breathe water, I've seen it"
>"Only when they wear the shiny things. They don't wear them inside. If we caught them off guard, they would drown."
>"Let us wait until they sleep, then we will strike."

>> No.4606572


lol that dolphin looks high as fuck

>> No.4606597

is this true? theres evidence or atleast a theory of this? if so that is fucking awesome, though I guess it would make sense in a way.

>> No.4606607



>> No.4606612



Pictue quality is shitty,but they don't recognize what it's a image of by the outline as much as the fact that materials make different sounds and therefore images according to density. So even a poor quality image tells them at least what it's made of and the outline tells them more or less what it's shaped like.

>> No.4606638

so theres no evidence that dolphins are able to communicate through images? I guess that would hinge on whether or not dolphins could reproduce the sounds necessary to display an image.

>> No.4606648

>so theres no evidence that dolphins are able to communicate through images?

Yes, there is. It's presented in those links. Did you click them?

>> No.4606653

Yes? Well, I read the entire first one. There was no discussion about whether or not they convey images to other individuals through echolocation. Just that they could 'see' what they echo-locate off of.

>> No.4606659

First of all, dolphins are more than likely capable of electrocommunication. There's also probably smart enough to detect various types of "signals".

They're probably curious about us to an extent. We emit weird bioelectrical signals. So when we come by, they're probably like, "Whoa, holy fuck! What just walked in the room!?"

>> No.4606663


Not you again.

>> No.4606667
File: 23 KB, 278x225, dolpin lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, different anon here.
That was me. Or at least I said something like that.

Although, I gotta say. Dolphin threads are some of the funniest threads to read on /sci/. For numerous reasons.

>> No.4606669
File: 18 KB, 499x297, dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks dolphins don't post on 4chan

>> No.4606673
File: 57 KB, 480x360, rapewhistles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight. You.

>> No.4606678

>thinks OP is not a dolphin

>> No.4606679

Hey, man, I don't know what to tell you.

I can't help the fact that dolphins communicate through brainwaves. It's how they associate certain "words" with positive or negative emotions.

>> No.4606684
File: 9 KB, 260x206, dolphins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still thinks there's not a dolphin conspiracy

>> No.4606685

dolphins are the rare animals that looks like they belong to another planets animals

>> No.4606687
File: 14 KB, 320x203, yougetoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't help the fact that dolphins communicate through brainwaves.

>> No.4606694

Water makes a great medium medium for eletcrolocation and reception.

If this link shows that they are capable of verbal communication on an advanced level, what makes you think they aren't capable of electrocommunication on an advanced level?

>> No.4606698

We will create the first dolphin neckbeards before 2050, mark my words.

>> No.4606700
File: 40 KB, 585x371, gigolodolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had your wife. It was a disappointment.

>> No.4606702
File: 28 KB, 765x510, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when I'm an autistic dolphin

>> No.4606704
File: 42 KB, 200x113, areyousquiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4606707


>If this link shows that they are capable of verbal communication on an advanced level, what makes you think they aren't capable of electrocommunication on an advanced level?

The latter does not logically follow from the former.

>> No.4606710

Why should I? Those guys are already doing it.

Plus, we need to be able to communicate with them first before we can even confirm it to begin with.

Doesn't stop it from being true, though.

>> No.4606715

>Why should I? Those guys are already doing it.

Link me.

>> No.4606716

Sure it does.

If Helen Keller can be taught how to "speak" without eyes or ears, I see no reason a dolphin couldn't be taught how to speak using electrolocation.

It makes perfect sense and you know it.

>> No.4606719

I just gave you a link showing that they're communicating with dolphins.

Electrolocation is the next step.
It's pretty obvious that this is where they're going with this.

>> No.4606722
File: 117 KB, 900x598, DeepWorker-Atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm high as fuck right now and this thread blasted my mind wide open. To dolphins WE ARE THE ALIENS

>> No.4606724

Unless she learnt electrolocation, you make no valid point. Dont compare apples and oranges

>> No.4606727
File: 158 KB, 600x480, laughing dolphins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I heard they only move in 2-Dimension"
>"Really? That's pretty lame!"


>> No.4606732

My point is that even without images or sounds, you can teach a person language.

And if helen keller knew how to use electrolocation, why, hell, I bet she would have learned twice as fast!

>> No.4606733
File: 133 KB, 500x374, ithaadouchebags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I will feel no guilt for killing these ones."

>> No.4606764
File: 28 KB, 420x274, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4606770
File: 32 KB, 450x338, laughingdolphins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They are so pathetically slow in the water"
>"They're still faster than we'd be on land"
>"Ooh looks like we got a humanlover over here"

>> No.4606773
File: 50 KB, 460x288, laughing dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, you keep on laughing!
>You're just jealous of our superior human waifus!

>> No.4606776

Penn and Teller made a great episode on dolphins and people who think they're highly intelligent. It's on Youtube.

>> No.4606777
File: 105 KB, 640x480, dolphinlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Pathetic landaboo. Two-tails don't love you. Watch "The Cove" some time."

>> No.4606779
File: 31 KB, 400x345, dolphinbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are Pen and Teller right about everything all the time?

Dolphins aren't wise psychics as hippies believe, but nor are they dumb animals. Mainstream science places them between chimp and human level intelligence.


>> No.4606782


People are weird sometimes

>> No.4606784
File: 21 KB, 421x291, dolphinloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Cool aquatifat propaganda, normalfin. Looks like you're jellyfish of my kawaii loli two-tail waifu."

>> No.4606785

penn and teller are some of the worst libertarian scum on the earth

>> No.4606787

>Dolphins aren't wise psychics as hippies believe
Well, let's not jump to conclusions just yet.

We have no way of knowing whether dolphins are capable of electrocommunication or not.

All we know is that they are capable of electrolocation and that they have some language capabilities.

>> No.4606788
File: 67 KB, 822x566, manatee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neckbeards of the ocean
That role is already occupied, thank you.

>> No.4606789
File: 122 KB, 200x193, waitasec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have no way of knowing whether dolphins are capable of electrocommunication or not.
>All we know is that they are capable of electrolocation

>> No.4606790

If they were capable of electro communication then they would not also communicate normally, yes? Because it would be less efficient.
They still do, so it must be their only way.

>> No.4606792

Is there something wrong with what I said?

>> No.4606794
File: 8 KB, 300x400, manatee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go to Wavestop
>Try to trade in some coral for a conch shell
>Cute dolphin at the register asks me to speak up
>"Mroooo nrooo"
>Seagrass blasts out of my cheek pouches all over her fins and the register
>I sink to the ocean floor, weeping and mooing softly
>Some dolphins come out of nowhere and beat me to death for sport
>Fucking Wavestop

>> No.4606795
File: 18 KB, 359x472, 9comingcloserwith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they were capable of electro communication then they would not also communicate normally, yes?
Horrible logic.

Humans are capable of communicating verbally, visually, bodily, and physically.

Why would you ever assume that people, let alone dolphins, would rely on just a single form of communication? It takes a variety of languages combined to communicate an idea optimally.

Image very related.

>> No.4606797


> electrocommunication
Oh, c'mon, now. Everyone stop with this stupid shit.

>> No.4606799

Best post in this thread.

>> No.4606801

Good point.

>> No.4606810


>Weakly electric fish can also communicate by modulating the electrical waveform they generate, an ability known as electrocommunication.[5] They may use this for mate attraction and territorial displays. Some species of catfish use their electric discharges only in agonistic displays.
>In one species of Brachyhypopomus (a genus of South American river fish belonging to the family Hypopomidae, commonly known as bluntnose knifefishes), the electric discharge pattern is similar to the low voltage electrolocative discharge of the electric eel. This is hypothesised to be a form of batesian mimicry of the dangerous eel.[6]

It's only a matter of time before it's confirmed that dolphins do it too, bro. They've already shown to be capable of electrolocation. We just need a means to finally interpret what they're saying.

>> No.4606812
File: 37 KB, 320x244, dolphinloli3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Wavestop with my kawaii loli twotail waifu
>While browsing the newest plankton releases a bunch of sharks surround me and ask me what I am doing with a twotail
>Try to explain superior surface culture
>They call me a landaboo and knock Plankton 3: Rising Tide out of my hand
>I start to cry
>Waifu says she needs to go to the surface for some air
>When I crawl out of Wavestop I see her leaving with the sharks
>Fucking Wavestop

>> No.4606813


> hypothesised
Key word. That means it isn't proven.

Go to the corner.

>> No.4606815

Fucking pisces.

>> No.4606816
File: 19 KB, 278x225, manateeugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave cave for the first time in six days to go pick up some new coral from Wavestop
>On the way some twotail tourists wearing bubble helmets pass by me
>One of them is pretty hot and staring at me, my heart rate goes crazy
>She says "Something's wrong with that dolphin, it looks all lumpy and retarded"
>Blast seagrass out of my blowhole and swim home crying
>Fucking Wavestop

>> No.4606822
File: 157 KB, 615x545, 1333780825834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4606823
File: 1.92 MB, 300x238, manatee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have sufficient reason to believe that there is communication occurring in these interactions

>> No.4606829 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x254, manateeeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sneaking around Wavestop looking for a copy of "Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei" for my Wavestation
>Petty dolphin clerk comes up behind me and asks what I am looking for
>I am so statled that seagrass spills out from the spot between my rolls of fat where I was storing it for later
>"You keep food in you fat rolls?" She looks disgusted
>I panic and begin to frantically eat it so others don't see
>She pukes all over me
>I puke on her
>Everyone else is grossed out and starts puking
>The water becomes so cloudy with puke I can sneak out with Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei without paying
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.4606832 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x254, manateeeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sneaking around Wavestop looking for a copy of "Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei" for my Wavestation
>Petty dolphin clerk comes up behind me and asks what I am looking for
>I am so statled that seagrass spills out from the spot between my rolls of fat where I was storing it for later
>"You keep food in you fat rolls?" She looks disgusted
>I panic and begin to frantically eat it so others don't see
>She pukes all over me
>I puke on her
>Everyone else is grossed out and starts puking
>The water becomes so cloudy with puke I can sneak out with Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei without paying
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.4606834 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x254, manateeeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sneaking around Wavestop looking for a copy of "Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei" for my Wavestation
>Pretty dolphin clerk comes up behind me and asks what I am looking for
>I am so statled that seagrass spills out from the spot between my rolls of fat where I was storing it for later
>"You keep food in you fat rolls?" She looks disgusted
>I panic and begin to frantically eat it so others don't see
>She pukes all over me
>I puke on her
>Everyone else is grossed out and starts puking
>The water becomes so cloudy with puke I can sneak out with Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei without paying
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.4606835

is this going to become another weird /sci/ thing

seriously guys

>> No.4606838 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x254, manateeeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sneaking around Wavestop looking for a copy of "Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei" for my Wavestation
>Pretty dolphin clerk comes up behind me and asks what I am looking for
>I am so startled that seagrass spills out from the spot between my rolls of fat where I was storing it for later
>"You keep food in you fat rolls?" She looks disgusted
>I panic and begin to frantically eat it so others don't see
>She pukes all over me
>I puke on her
>Everyone else is grossed out and starts puking
>The water becomes so cloudy with puke I can sneak out with Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei without paying
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.4606841
File: 8 KB, 200x254, manateeeating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sneaking around Wavestop looking for a copy of "Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei" for my Wavestation
>Pretty dolphin clerk comes up behind me and asks what I am looking for
>I am so startled that seagrass spills out from the spot between my rolls of fat where I was storing it for later
>"You keep food in your fat rolls?" She looks disgusted
>I panic and begin to frantically eat it so others don't see
>She pukes all over me
>I puke on her
>Everyone else is grossed out and starts puking
>The water becomes so cloudy with puke I can sneak out with Kyun Kyun Twotail Princess Battler Zwei without paying
>Everything went better than expected

>> No.4606844

>is this going to become another weird /sci/ thing

Bad news, sci has petty much always wanted to fuck dolphins.

>> No.4606851

Even if it's psuedoscience, this thread still discusses actual scientific topics.

Personally, I find the concept behind electrocommunication to be pretty fascinating. It's several grades above standard /x/-fanfare.

Plus, this is probably stuff we're going to be studying in the near future. It's probably a good thing we're talking about it in advance. I see it being no worse than "terraforming" threads.

>> No.4606852



>> No.4606854


>Implying I was talking about your stupid thing and not the dolphin fetishism

>> No.4606857
File: 154 KB, 247x318, 1334445389830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606860
File: 9 KB, 300x200, dolphinloli2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It pains my heart to the very depths of the sea to part with you darling but society doesn't accept our forbidden love"
>"Play big fish!"
>"No my jewel of the surface world, there will be no more playing. My body is battered and broken from the attacks of cruel shark bullies who don't understand how moe twotail lolis are"
>"No play? Swim?"
>"Yes I must flee from you on fins of dark regret for ours was a romance not meant to be. Know that I will always hold the superior culture of the twotail people in highest regard even if it means my people must shun me, and that I will never forget you"
>"Gotta go bye bye big fish, mom calling me"
>"I know what you really mean is that your wise twotail heart is breaking in perfect sync with mine, two beings from different worlds torn apart tragically by-...I'm not done, come back here"

>> No.4606862

>Could they somehow understand what scuba gear does for us, if not how it works?
I doubt they understand what the scubasuit does. But they probably understand that the people wearing them aren't in any danger.

>> No.4606863

I don't know how dolphins see us, but I do think psychic dolphins should become the standard response to "qualia are not physical because they can't be communicated." If asked for evidence, claim to be a dolphin.

>> No.4606866
File: 600 KB, 800x1067, 1103275931696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4606868

Oh my god, yes.

>> No.4606869
File: 79 KB, 550x340, girl sucking on gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606872
File: 80 KB, 223x262, itbegins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy

>> No.4606873

Oh great.

Whale schlong.
Exactly what I needed to see.

>> No.4606876
File: 196 KB, 606x454, itbegins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait till someone posts dolphin pussy, then you'll see some real shit

>> No.4606885

I'm reminded of that old dolphin fucking copypasta

>> No.4606895

me 2

>> No.4606903
File: 24 KB, 396x360, killeveryone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606908
File: 27 KB, 500x325, dolphinairtank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If we keep obeying them, marking these mines, rescuing the ones who struggle to swim and performing tricks in their theme parks, surely they will reward us by sharing their technology and helping to repair the mysterious degradation of our home waters."

>> No.4606920

>dolphins lack culture

What shitty biased anthrocentric university did you go to? Dolphins have culture and language, so do killer whales. Killer whales from different populations speak in different ways and cannot understand each other.

>> No.4606941

>How come they save drowning humans, recognizing we need air, but don't try to "rescue" scuba divers?

A drowning human looks desperate and in distress. You don't need a very advanced brain to recognise humans are not aquatic animals and so they can drown. A trained dog would do the same.

But.. Don't dolphins breath too? Most fish breath but they get their oxygen from bubbles in the ocean water. Mammalian "fish" like dolphins need to go above water from time to time to breath too.

>> No.4606947

Marine mammals have adapted to spending long periods underwater, they can drown but it takes a very long time and they can swim far better than we can/

>> No.4606953

I guess that makes the dolphin murder-rapists the smart ones for fighting back.

>> No.4606952

>they can swim far better than we can/



>> No.4606955

You stupid fucker, get in the water naked and outswim a dolphin using only your own body, tell me how it goes.

>> No.4606958

This thread is everything good and right in man.

>> No.4606964
File: 69 KB, 491x317, seabreacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using only your own body,

Do't have to, I'm a human. Technology is our evolutionary adaptation, no different from a lion's claws and teeth or a dolphin's fins and tail.

In fact I'll go you one better, pic related

>> No.4606965


Scuba divers seem relaxed and in charge, they clearly don't need help. Humans struggling, sinking slowly obviously need help, so dolphins will give them a boost up to the surface. Who knows, perhaps they help baby dolphins like this sometimes while they're learning to breathe properly.

>> No.4606967

Dolphins are cool, I find people killing them for food to be unnerving. I don't tihnk they have the same value as a human being, but they are teleological centers of a life, and have far more of a sense of themselves than most animals. I think they should enjoy some degree of legal protection from being used as food.

>> No.4606969

You do know dolphins aren't fish, right? Fish can do cool electrical shit with their lateral lines. Dolphins can't because they don't have lateral lines because they're NOT FISH.

>> No.4606970

Except than you are not swimming. Which is what I was talking about. You cannot outSWIM a dolphin.

>> No.4606974

Why do people think dolphins are smart?
They don't use tools, and evidence of their intelligence is no more impressive than the kinds of things pet dogs have done, yet nobody goes around saying dogs are so smart

>> No.4606975


You don't make the rules, shitdick. This is how humans swim when they want to beat dolphins.


>> No.4606979

You CAN'T use tools when you are a dolphin, it would ruin your hydrodynamics. Does not stop them being highly intelligent, which has been confirmed by experts using MRI.

>> No.4606981

Still not swimming, stop trying to change the definition of the word swim to make yourself feel superior to a dolphin.

>> No.4606985


If I outrun a dolphin using a machine who is gonna fucking disqualify me for it? nature's got no referees.

>> No.4606987
File: 9 KB, 360x313, dolphin using sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying dolphins don't use tools

>> No.4606989

I'm not sure choking on a plastic bag counts as tool use

>> No.4606993


Who the fuck needs tools when your dick is prehensile?

>> No.4606996


Lol beta as fuck loser detected. Sure, outrun a dolphin with your machine if that lets you feel strong, and hide from the fact that you can't swim legitimately faster than it can.

>> No.4607004

Dolphin Moms Teach Daughters to Use Tools


>> No.4607006

I meant in the sense he probably means, having tool manipulating limbs would be very bad in terms of speed.

>> No.4607015

>I meant in the sense he probably means, having tool manipulating limbs would be very bad in terms of speed.

So let's give them some cybernetic limbs.

>> No.4607020
File: 23 KB, 300x357, aquasapien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol beta as fuck loser detected. Sure, outrun a dolphin with your machine if that lets you feel strong, and hide from the fact that you can't swim legitimately faster than it can.

>Mfw I may actually be speaking to a butthurt insecure dolphin over the internet

>> No.4607049


Oh sure, let me just order some highly efficient, lightweight cybernetic limbs that don't need bulky short lived battery packs.

I'll use this invisible order form.

Dode do dedo dum doop doop...

>> No.4607795

they do use tools?


>> No.4607809

This is obviously meant to mimic a dolphin swimming, but It's not as nimble, and about half as fast as a dolphin can swim.

>> No.4607837

This has probably been said already.
Dolphins relate to the lifeless limpness of a drowned creature, or the helpess struggle of a drowning creature. They have advanced situation analysis and will attack sharks once the consequence of the shark is made clear. Dolphins can learn but I'm not sure the extent of their intelligence. In the ocean the surviving factors are empathy, strength, support of eachother. This seems to have overlapped to benefit other species including humans. The fact that they are mammals and need to breath oxygen is perhaps involved in their semi-automatic response to aid drowned/drowning humans.

>> No.4607899
File: 25 KB, 348x224, 1330447853747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolfins are dum

>> No.4608167

i am so glad this thread is still alive

>> No.4609360

>This is obviously meant to mimic a dolphin swimming, but It's not as nimble, and about half as fast as a dolphin can swim.

We're a lot faster in water than dolphins are on land.

>> No.4609456

Pretty sure baby dolphins (and whales) can drown. It wouldn't surprise me if a drowning human acts enough like a drowning dolphin that they recognize it. Also they're psychic.