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File: 10 KB, 200x284, 200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4604154 No.4604154 [Reply] [Original]

Nowadays many people say Freud's notions about penis envy, Oedipus complex and Castration anxiety seem absolutely absurd, but my question is do any of you think his theories hold any water?

>> No.4604185

theories are ideas, that is, they are abstract, and, hence, not material objects

only material objects can assume the shape of water-holding vessels

therefore, his theories cannot hold water

>> No.4604187

This guy was a flaming quack along with all the other weirdos from the 19th cenuy like Marx and Engels. It angers me that this clown is still taught in school.

The 19th century belonged to the real scientists.

>> No.4604195

read 'In Defense of Lost Causes' and you will change your disgustingly uninformed opinion

>> No.4604197


Your terminal autism is showing.

>> No.4604206

Thanks someone needed to point out how stupid that comment was.

>> No.4604222

do you believe humans are inherently evil?

>> No.4604238

Nobody pays attention to Freud anymore except for critical theory types. His "scientific method" was to make assertions and get his followers to parrot them.

>> No.4604242

Evil is subjective.

>> No.4604245

So this.

>> No.4604248

Freud is to Psychology as Newton is to Physics.

Sure, things have come along afterward that refined the ideas or showed that different things than originally thought were at work, but that doesn't mean there still isn't truth in the original thinking.

>> No.4604251


Define evil and I'll tel you.

>> No.4604253

Freud's main contribution was the introduction of the subconscious - a lot of the specific stuff is pretty silly

>> No.4604257

Omg you can't be serious.

Freud is to psychology like Ron L Hubbard is to religion.

>> No.4604259

good book, must read

>> No.4604260


Okay, maybe he wasn't quite as significant as Newton. My point is more that some of the stuff he had to say is worth considering. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.4604261

are dreams as freud said "the royal road to the unconscious" are we all maniacs who want to fuck our mothers and kill our fathers. Without laws and restrictions and "moral codes" arent we just as destructive as the next animal wanting to rape and kill?

>> No.4604269

Generalizations are bad. Stop thinking in absolutes, pleb.

>> No.4604271


The human preoccupation with creating laws and codes and standards of conduct shows that we have in innate tendency toward order and construction. If that were not true, we never would have progressed beyond our bestial stages.

You only have to look around to see that humans are, in net, more given toward "good" (order, construction) than evil (disorder, destruction).

>> No.4604272

Didn't he make up a lot of his research?

>> No.4604286
File: 30 KB, 400x438, 1331505552452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hold your fucking horses. William James and Freud was important to modern psychology in the sense that they helped the field forward. Say whatever you want, but Freud wanted a darwinistic approach to psychology. Even if they don't have much merit today they contributed to the field. If you're going to explain why a newborn child thinks that sucking on a tit are a blast, it isn't a that far fetched to believe it's due to inherent pleasure from doing it instead of "oh shit I need nutrition and I know tits have a lots of em."

Yes his theory had huge flaws and he made up some of his case studies, but holisism was kinda the big thing back there, give the dude some slack

>> No.4604298

Freud was a neurotic who based much on himself.

"Why am I angry when my father kisses my mother? I am jealous. I want to take the place of my father and make love to my mother. I bet everyone else is the same."

>> No.4604300

Holy shit humans have instincts, just like the entire rest of the animal kingdom??? Thank goodness Freud was around to point that out, but to do so in an incorrect and unscientific way so that Marxists could use his ideas to support their political ideology.

>> No.4604303


>> No.4604307
File: 29 KB, 516x311, carlyousexybeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say my name?

>> No.4604322

yeah but we're just a lot less upfront about it.

>> No.4604324

I have no idea why you would think that merely referencing a book would serve to change anyone's opinion, but it certainly doesn't help that the book was written by a loon like Zizek.

>> No.4604335

if i have a dream about any phallic shaped object then that item represents a penis! and if i dream about any repetative motion it represents sex. IM A SEX CRAZED MANIAC!

>> No.4604346

Sure sure, dismiss the book without reading it. Very smart of you. You really must be a genius to be able to judge a books worth that accurately, wow, can you please bestow some of that brilliance on the rest of us?

>> No.4604353


Wow, so not he's guilty by association? You're dragging politics into this? It's like you'd be hating on Einstein because of nukes. Faggot.

>> No.4604372

No, I just don't think that telling someone to spend dozens of hours reading a screed by a Freudian who is known to be more interested in word games than legitimate argument is a good way to support Freudianism.

If you have knowledge that suggests that Freud is relevant in 2012, you should be able to express that knowledge on your own rather than appealing to someone else and expecting the people who disagree with you to waste their time reading agit-prop.

>> No.4604403

Man, you sound like those /x/fags, who tell anyone that doubts Reptilian conspiracy theories to go read the collected works of David Icke.

Just present your point, if you have one.

>> No.4604416

do you think fantasies are the production of the unconscious?

if so, then you are influenced by freud

>> No.4604461


>> No.4606353



nigger? you say??

>> No.4606691

>castration anxiety

I was one of those 3-year-olds that would remove my clothes along with 3-year-old girls (during play dates and such) and we would examine one another. I felt this exact feeling the first time I saw female genitalia. Interesting, Freud.

>> No.4606692

Guarenteed replies

0/10 try harder, troll

>> No.4606723

Freud didn't undergo Westmarck imprinting. Westmarck imprinting is our built-in anti-incest psychological failsafe that makes you perma-friendzone anyone in your close family group from your infancy. Unlike normal babbies, Freud had a wet nurse and met his mom when he was past the Westmarck cutoff. So we can safely write off all the oedipal stuff as an unfortunate accident of 19th century child rearing practices. CASE CLOSED

As for the rest, he was a bona fide literary genius imo... he would probably be more "legitimate" today if he'd just gone into criticism and forgotten about his science. Read his stuff on prosthetics, it will blow your fucking mind and it's even more relevant to how we construct our subjectivity today.

>> No.4606725

I certainly wish I had a penis.

>> No.4606726

you can have my penis inside you whenever you like.