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4602917 No.4602917 [Reply] [Original]

>Still believing the myth of capitalism and the free market economy

How. There are an insurmountable amount of works out there that completely debunk capitalism from the ground up. What is your excuse for still believing that capitalism is anything a system designed by the elite and for the elite to keep the elite at the top while maintaining an underclass of 2nd class citizens.

How could any scientist worth his salt support capitalism? Explain yourself if you are out there.

>> No.4602921

What the fuck does it mean to "support" capitalism? If I make something and then sell it, how is that evil?

>> No.4602922

Pick one, then GTFO.

>> No.4602925

Capitalism is not designed, it is the consequence of a free market economy and pretty much the most natural and basic system available to man kind. It may not be right but it certainly isn't "designed" by anyone, if anything it is certainly a step up from living in your own shit.

>> No.4602926

You can move to a communist country today if you want. Enjoy North Korea, arsehole.

>> No.4602931

Well you are clearly wrong in that. The capitalist system is very, very finely tuned by the people whoa re taking most advantage of it, at the expense of everyone below the line.

Bad Samaritans, Ha-Joon Chang. Give it a read.

>> No.4602933


Go read Marx, you faggot, people who own their means to productions isn't in any way those to blame, but the superstructure they're operating under.

If you're going to criticizes capitalism, you better start understanding it works more like a game of lemmings than the Illuminati.

>> No.4602936

Whats your suggestion then? I can't just stop supporting capitalism without switching to an alternative. So OP what do you suggest we do instead?

>> No.4602941

>implying I support capitalism

I try to spend as little money as possible so that the whole thing crawls to a halt.

>> No.4602944

How do you "debunk" capitalism?

>> No.4602947

What's your first language?

>> No.4602960


communist countries have never existed so far retard

>> No.4602967

Lol marxists are the creationists or AGW deniers of economics. Any self-respecting scientist cannot be a marxist. Or austrianist for that matter.

>Inb4 huurrrr durr economics is not science
you are wrong, no gtfo.

>> No.4602978

Economists are the Creationists of the scientific community. Any self-respecting scientist cannot be an economist. Or use "hurr durr" as an argument, for that matter.

>> No.4602986

Economics is the biology of the pseudoscientific community.

>> No.4602988


>Economists are the Creationists of the scientific community.

>speaking about things you dont understand

Economics is a science. Deal with it.

>> No.4602991
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>a hard pseudoscience

>> No.4602992

If you want to 'rank' socio-economic systems from most adapted to mankind to least, you'll get this:

1. Fascism

>> No.4602996

>Deal with it.
The slightly more articulate version of your "hurr durr" argument.

>> No.4603000

Economics is the social *science* that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

>> No.4603004
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Oh my god this is awful.

Capitalism is one of those words that can mean whatever the hell you want it to mean. Its 99% connotation and 0% definition. One person can use the word as an implicit criticizism of greed, and another person can use it as an implied praise for freedom. Because there is no consistent meaning, its basically a worthless word. If you want to talk about something serious, use something well defined.

But at the same time, there isnt anything really well defined to talk about in this discussion. Anyone who is pro or anti free market is advocating their ideas as a sense of opinion. There is nothing objective about it. Anyone who talks in favor or against a free market is just lost in a fog in my opinion. It all depends on your values, and even then, no particular values would suggest that "the free market" would be a good or bad thing. Fuck, how could anyone even mean by "the free market"?

I am all for talking about this subject, but we need to start with a set of internally consistent moral values, and a scientific mind set that is not going to enter discussion with some predetermined view of how the world works.


We can be scientific when we want to. We can build models and test hypotheses. Where economics isnt scientific it is at least mathematical, and clearly logical.

Economists certainly are unique in that they can come up with something very logical, and then just stand back and appreciate the idea for what it is without the need to verify that reality actually works that way. It only becomes a problem when someone claims an economic idea to be absolutely true simply because it makes sense.

>> No.4603014

>Best Korea
Choose one.
Anyway, I like the idea of a free market, but the industry is becoming more and more mechanized, so we need to turn to communism. If we don't, then almost everything will be owned by a few and there will be no way for the rest of us to attain wealth, because there is no jobs. The elite will give us just enough for free for us to not revolt and if we don't beahve (AKA stay in the mud) then they will stop. Society will eventually become slaves if we do not instead share the wealth created by robots.

>> No.4603015

>social *science*


>> No.4603016

Everything you said proves unequivocally that economics is not a science in any way and that economists are the lowest tier of sub-humans below even biologists. How does that feel?

>> No.4603020

Not in use in the US anymore
>free market

What you're seeing now is old fascioned corruption. Fucks up every conciveable system once you lets it get a hold.

>> No.4603021

>below even biologists

Woah, woah, woah. Those are mean word.

>> No.4603028
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>> No.4603099

>every fucking nordic country

all doing fine with capitalism with a tinge of socialism and finance regulation

>best korea

not doing fine


Doing fine with no freedom


Fucked cause of Reagan

the Bolsheviks thought that they were on the precipice of a utopia. The fact is the capitalism is the most effective model in practise

>> No.4603121


>The fact is the capitalism is the most effective model in practise

That's fascism with capitalist economic policies

>> No.4603127
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I still respect you as a person with feelings.

>> No.4603135

>Those are mean word.
>are mean word.
>mean word.
Biologist detected

>> No.4603141


feels good since you need to suck my dick to get a grant =)

>> No.4603143

>doing fine

>doing fine

you have a fucked up view of doing fine, kid.

>> No.4603161

So you concede the point, then?

Also, God-tier scientists are usually government funded and this is distributed within their department by other scientists and so on. Sure some sub-human tier neurophysiologist probably "fellaished" at some point but that's hardly conclusive. The fact you believe it is only provides further evidence you know nothing of the scientific method. But you seem to have conceded this already so I suppose that deduction is superfluous.

Get on my level.

>> No.4603163

>What is your excuse for still believing that capitalism is anything a system designed by the elite and for the elite to keep the elite at the top while maintaining an underclass of 2nd class citizens.

I don't need an excuse because I see this as a good thing.


>> No.4603175

Wow. The autism is strong in this thread.

You may now all flap your hands.

>> No.4603181

Any form of economic system, that attempts to delude its followers into thinking that there even exists a system that works so fucking well that it will trump those factors which propagate corruption, are full of shit. Corruption is a natural part of human interaction, vis a vis business. Look at any black market economy. Self-regulating, *loaded* with cronyism, but cronyism isn't disguised by false legitimacy in the form of bureaucratic structures such as lobbies, etc. If you're my buddy, sure, you get first dibs on a deal. If you keep bringing shite to the table, your customers will fuck off elsewhere. A government-regulated market solidifies market trends in the form of purchase contracts & paper trails. Fuck insurance, cunts need to take responsibility for their own fates.