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File: 11 KB, 350x262, 2237213702_monsanto_milk_xlarge..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4602422 No.4602422 [Reply] [Original]

Why do humans drink/eat dairy products?

Our bodies are clearly not made for drinking it into our adult lives everyday. It's poison and cancer.

>> No.4602430

A couple ten thousand years ago, the humans who domesticated goats, cows, and other animals genetically developed the ability to ingest dairy products into adult hood. It's a prominent example of genetic mutations in humans incurred by the domestication of animals.

>> No.4602429

OP, I honestly dont know. I havent drank milk (except with cookies) in years

>> No.4602434

To be fair, the human is not made to live beyond 30 or so.

Milk tastes good.
Smoking feels good.
Weed feels good.
Drinking feels good.
Jumping off a bungee feels good.
Fucking the tight ass of a 14 y/o feels soooo good.

If you wanna be healthy all your life, just die already.

>> No.4602432


I dont know why we originally did it, but the reason we probably still do it is because of the huge "got milk" type propaganda campaigns by dairy companies (so much for the free market)

>> No.4602441

If we were to remove one worst drug included in all of food, sugar (or in backwards countries, HFCS), we would live much longer, reduce obesity and cancer rates.

>> No.4602443

>Our bodies are clearly not made for drinking it into our adult lives everyday. It's poison and cancer.
[citation needed]

>> No.4602444


>To be fair, the human is not made to live beyond 30 or so.

I hear this misconception at least once a day.

Humans have been living well past 30 for thousands of years. Most living to 50-60 depending on wealth and other factors.

The reason that everyone says that people died young is because infant mortality rates skew the actuarial tables, bringing the average age of death down to 30.

>> No.4602445

It's a good source of protein, calcium, and some vitamins. You should drink a gallon a day.

>> No.4602446

If you read the bible, humans used to live for hundreds of years. Then some bullshit happened and a new age limit was set much lower by king faggot himself.

Source: The Holy Bible

>> No.4602449

If you read the b 1 b l e, humans used to live for hundreds of years. Then some bullshit happened and a new age limit was set much lower by king faggot himself.

Source: B 1 b l e

>> No.4602451

Well, then its correct to say half the human bodies are not made to life past infancy, and half are made to live up to 50-60.

Its like we dont understand what average means or something.

>> No.4602453

>a gallon of poison a day

and many more

>> No.4602465

You do know that everything is poison, depending on the quantity you get?

Drink 2 litres or water a day and you're fine. Drink 50 litres of water in 2 hours and you're dead.

>> No.4602470

Wait, so is it safe to drink milk or not?

>> No.4602471
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drink any amount of milk and you're poisoning yourself

>> No.4602474

no, there are many legit health risks with drinking milk.

>> No.4602479


What this guy said.

Our bodies actually are made for drinking it into our adult lives. THAT is exceptional. Most mammals lose the ability to digest milk. The human genome has changed in response to the availability of animal milk and now we can survive off it.

I have a genetics friend who told me that two mutations independently arose among human populations that enabled them to digest milk.

>> No.4602477

What about organic milk?

>> No.4602486

That doesn't mean it's good for us.

I can eat my own shit, but it's not healthy.

>> No.4602487

There are many legit health risks with drinking water.

>> No.4602488

I drink about a gallon once every three days.
I've been doing it for a few years now.
Am I going to die?

>> No.4602491
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What do you mean its not good for us? Our bodies extract nutrients from milk, even when we are adults.

You could eat your own shit, but your body has no biological capacity of using your own shit.

>> No.4602494

Yes along with everybody else, regardless of whether you drink milk or not.

>> No.4602497

eventually, probably before me. Most likely you'll end up on heavy medication for an assortment of problems in your later years.


The denial with you is unbelievable, it's like you enjoy people getting ill and other heath problems associated with it.

>> No.4602499

my grandma has been drinking like 600 ml a day, since she was a kid.

She's 95 now. Gotta go tell her to lay off the milk if she want to make it to 96.

>> No.4602502


Why do you hate science?

>> No.4602510

The "got milk" is yet another scam scheme within the USA.

1)Jews advertise milk/drugs on TV like hell
2)Milk produces use Monsanto's drugs on the cows for more milk producing
3)Americans drink it like crazy and get high cholesterol
4)Americans then have to buy medication from the drug companies
5)Monsanto and drug companies pay for more ads from the Jews

Endless cycle of abuse

>> No.4602513

bad for the body, good for the soul, etc..

Like once i saw a documentary about some fag that wanted to prologue his lifespan, so he practically starved himself to a super strict diet consisting of mainly nuts and some vegetables.

Maybe the fucker will like 10 years or so, but is that a life worth living?

>> No.4602514
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>Fucking the tight ass of a 14 y/o feels soooo good.

The fuck you doing.

>> No.4602516
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My mon works for monsanto...

>> No.4602518

>MFW I should stop drinking the Glorious Milk

Shit's good, yo. Better milk than some fucking Coke.

>> No.4602519

Does she buy you a lot of dairy products?

>> No.4602517
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>This thread

>> No.4602522
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>> No.4602523

For now on I'm going to eat cereal without any milk.
Thank you for saving me.

>> No.4602535

>not living on a diet of water, berries, roots, nuts, and wild grains

I sure hope you homo sapiens sapiens don't do this

>> No.4602541
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We buy a lot of milk. Plus, It's one of my favorite drinks.

>> No.4602576

you can use oat milk (is what i do). it really is a lot cheaper (about 10 time i reckon) if making it yourself, doesnt take much time either AND you have made it one step closer to eating vegan (not that im saying its what we need, just interesting how easy it can be)

>> No.4602585

Thank you very much for your advice.
I don't know if I have enough willpower to make my own so I might take the lazy route and buy it at the store.

>> No.4602856
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Everyone put on your tinfoil hats.

>> No.4602865

Europeans and Middle Eastern humans evolved to digest dairy into adulthood in the last 10,000 years.

>> No.4602863

Oh look, someone is butthurt that they're not a caucasian with the ability to digest milk products throughout their entire lives. Sucks to be a nigger, I guess.

>> No.4602873

Uh, I don't know if this has been mentioned, but milk is an eccelent food (seeing as it's made specifically AS BABY FOOD!) and we've evolved to still be able to digest it.
I've heard that tribal races like the aboriginies cannot into dairy very well because they haven't evolved for drinking milk.

>> No.4602876

Hmm... I didn't know Monsanto got to cows to. Fuck.
Do you know if they've pushed their shit into Australia too?

>> No.4602882


where is the research , studies , experiments to prove your claims ?? stop believing everything you read on the internet.

also stop with naturalistic fallacies and other illogical faggotry

>> No.4602907

god gave us sharp teeth for a reason. we're flesh eaters not milk drinkers, get over it

>> No.4602914


endless articles about it

>> No.4602929


> eating vegan

That shit's not really healthy, yo. All carbs ends up as sugar. And sugar are litterary position. A good diet consist of vegetables, diary products, fish and meat.

>> No.4602930

This one has nothing to do with the OP's claim.

>> No.4602932

The articles you have provided are about milk intolerance, we don't judge a food by its affects on those who cannot tolerate it, nuts are good for most peoples hearts but leathal to others. Humans have co evolved with milk consumption, other animals do drink other animals milk (cats steal milk from seals, certain birds whose names I can't remember take it from antelope type things), if what you are saying is true there would be well recorded evidence of vegans living longer and healthier lives, this is however not the case. Just STFU.

>> No.4602935
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Milk causes autism, by the way.

>> No.4602939

>other animals do drink other animals milk (cats steal milk from seals, certain birds whose names I can't remember take it from antelope type things)
I'm not objecting to this point, but I think it's important to emphasize that this line of reasoning is irrelevant either way. What does or doesn't happen in "nature" is in no way indicative of how humans should optimally behave.

>> No.4602951
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i guess if over 50% of the world's pop are intolerant, we do judge

>> No.4602956

OP you are absolutely moronic. I came in interested seeing as I drink near a gallon of milk a day. All I see is irrelevant studies and fallacies. Please post something relevant and conclusive. Thank you

>> No.4602957

Over 50% of the world population also belongs to subhuman races.

>> No.4602968

one day azns will be your overlords

>> No.4602975

>I came in interested seeing as I drink near a gallon of milk a day.
Well, the guy's only real argument is that milk is unhealthy for lactose intolerant people. I think it's safe to say that you're not one of them.

>> No.4602980

all food is good for you as it prevents starvation

argument is about what food is optimal, which is pretty hard to study as lifetimes are a long time and many confounding variables

surprised there is nothing studied on vegan living in the west lifespan comparisons

>> No.4602982

>dat feel when you're a superior Caucasian whose digestive system is able to tackle dairy and... probably gasoline and bleach too. Nutritious.

>> No.4602983
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> a lot of japanese are lactose intolerant
>gord and lactose intolerance has similar symptoms in infants
>lactose intolerance can lead to IBS (oh golly mister, i'd have never guessed)

Well clearly there is an irrefutable, relevant amount of evidence that milk is evil and you should not drink it.

>> No.4602984


That's a fancy name for being butthurt.

>> No.4602987

Ditto. Where I come from all of our milk is free range and I've been drinking it my whole life. In fact, even when my food cupboard is empty, I only begin to worry when I'm down to my last cup of milk. I felt disappointed that I may have to give it up... but OP hasn't convinced me.

>> No.4603003

over 50% of the population is female, i guess we better stop making products for guys, some girls might hurt themselves with it.

>> No.4603024

Has the idiot actually provided any peer reviewed scientific papers about the health effects of milk on Caucasians who are well adapted to digesting dairy. Just looked like tinhat propaganda and papers that were completely irrelevant.

>> No.4603033
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Pubmed studies ahoy!

>These results suggest that low-fat dairy consumption is inversely associated with the risk of stroke.

>Our results provide no evidence that dairy products are associated with risk of CHD or stroke. High intakes of total and low-fat dairy may be associated with a lower risk of CHD among participants without hypertension, while fermented dairy could be associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

>It was concluded that feeding diets supplemented with yogurts exhibited antihypertensive and hypocholesterolemic effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats.

>This updated, 1-year review (2009–2010) reports on vitamin D, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, bioactive small peptides, low-fat dairy products, and low-fat dairy dietary patterns and provides further evidence that dairy intake may improve BP and decrease HTN risk. The unique dairy micronutrient composition together with low sodium, high protein, and bioactive lactotripeptides may offer combined protective effects.

>The results thus suggest that milk peptides IPP and VPP and plant sterols, in a low-fat spread matrix, produce a clinically significant reduction in systolic blood pressure as well as serum total and LDL cholesterol without adverse effects.


>> No.4603198

Thank you based anon

>> No.4603221

Why do humans drink water?

Our bodies are clearly not made for drinking it into our adult lives everyday. It's poison and cancer.

>> No.4603234

All these fools have been drinking water because of jew propoganda. Fucking Monsanto convinced you that you were thirsty for water with their brainwashing. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

>> No.4603247


Go away. I don't think you quite get what's going on here.

>> No.4603273

All about low-fat...
Is there anything about non-skim milk?

>> No.4603277 [DELETED] 

yeh, i inda wonder sometimes about the first ever human who ever decided to drink cows milk, before anyone else had ever done it
>"hey man, im gonna pull on those dangly things underneath that cow and drink the white stuff that comes out! those calfs seem to be enjoying it!"

>> No.4603281


>> No.4603321


>> No.4603404


>> No.4603935

So much FUD in this thread

>> No.4603963
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>> No.4604084
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>not a front for PETA

>> No.4604086
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>ignoring all the external sources it provides