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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 170 KB, 500x700, potassium cyanide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4601946 No.4601946 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, any chemfags willing to help me out?
I'm gonna try this, but I want to be insanely drunk before hand, for old times sake
Will this still work for the intended purpose?

>> No.4601970

How do you intend to get potassium cyanide?

>> No.4601974

"Death occurs not by cardiac arrest, but by hypoxia of neural tissue."
"Grigori Rasputin survived a potassium cyanide poisoning because his stomach acidity was unusually low"
"alcohol consumption can damage the cells that produce HCl in the stomach"

You may survive and just end up with brain damage.

>> No.4601981

They have them at jewelry places, I used to practice metalworking with things like silver, I can buy some there. It's relatively cheap, easy to obtain, unlike a gun

Any suggestions for greater efficiency?

>> No.4601998


fyi it may be quick but it's actually extremely, extremely painful

>> No.4602002

"The toxicity of potassium cyanide when ingested depends on the acidity of the stomach, because it must react with an acid to become hydrogen cyanide, the deadly form of cyanide."

Mix the potassium cyanide with muriatic acid from a hardware store, place the mix on a stove and take some sleeping pills. Go to sleep.

This also has the benefit of killing anyone who enters the room later.

>> No.4602003

why kill yourself anon?

>> No.4602014

Not OP, but I have questions

What is the ideal concentration for the KCN/HCl mix? Also, what would it taste like? Can you fake a glass of water for offering to someone?

>> No.4602016

Sounds good, but I might end ingesting it, I don't want it to look like suicide, if possible, and if I wanted to kill people I would just go on a shooting spree

Long story, doesn't make sense to anyone who I've told, so unless you're actually interested, does it really matter?

>> No.4602023

i am interested

>> No.4602025

Interested, for the sake of curiosity and the non-death of the thread.

>> No.4602029

I'm also interested, I also don't intend to discourage you as what you do with your life is none of my business.

>> No.4602039
File: 8 KB, 180x180, cant handle life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can find no purpose for my own life, not for others or for any cause, and I find it impossible to live for myself. I would live for knowledge, but I can't even understand most calculus. Also, friends all have a better life than I can hope for, don't see them much anyway, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm just done, I'm not enjoying this and I don't think I can contribute significantly to anything, so I'll just step aside and let humanity do what it does best, if you don't mind.
pic slightly related

>> No.4602049

why dont you just take every risk you can possibly imagine, if your willing to commit suicide you should be able to pursue any dream you have ever thought of without fear of anyones opinion or fear of harming yourself.

>> No.4602057

Yeah but that might make him lose interest in suicide which would defeat the purpose.

>> No.4602058

>if your willing to commit suicide you should be able to pursue any dream you have ever thought of without fear of anyones opinion or fear of harming yourself.
In general that's not how suicidal feelings work.

>> No.4602069

seems irrational.

>> No.4602074
File: 437 KB, 3000x2400, Black templar terminator cares for child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, I can't live for myself. I'll help people out, I'll do charity work or shit or help a friend out with almost anything but when it comes to doing something that benefits me personally other than working for money, I feel like I have no reason to do it and am in no way motivated to do so. I don't know why, but honestly, that in itself should be reason enough to stop living.
I might tell a girl I hang out with how great of a person in almost every way she is and how I'd have loved to be with her more before I go.

>> No.4602077

No it's just more complicated than your simplistic view. A lot of people are suicidal because they feel they can't do those things that they want and they can't change.

>> No.4602084

>It will look completely natural

Except that they can tell KCN poisining easily since it changes the color of the blood slightly (more cherry like). I'm sure there are other tests that reveal its presence too.

>> No.4602086

How long since you feel/think that way?

>> No.4602099
File: 183 KB, 1360x850, body loves us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe 8 years now, used to beat it with altruism and a mix of utilitarianism/nationalism, but I'm not feeling it now, I'm almost done with school and don't see myself doing anything worthwhile.

>> No.4602129

Do you have any interests? and if you need help with Calculus there are a lot of resources, even /sci/ is nice enough to help at times.

>> No.4602154
File: 875 KB, 900x548, Brotherhood of Feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy drinking, running, vidya, philosophy and history, I would have majored in on of the latter two if there was any real method of income from such majors.
I'm really not that good at math, something that's actually useful in a productive job. Kind of depressing, to not have the skills to be useful in society.

>> No.4602163

So you don't really have something you can point to and be like, "That's the problem."?

It's just that you're not really enjoying this?

Why don't you want to just make some changes in your life? I feel better after doing that. AND I have problems that I can point to.

>> No.4602179

First, regarding your other pic, suicide isn't selfish. Personally I find it more selfish for other people to demand you stay alive when you're so despondent you'd rather be dead. But those are words quick to inflame, so I think the word "tragedy" is the most fitting.

I'm not going to try to talk you out of it, but I want you to know that I was exactly like you in this regard. I wouldn't be surprised if, like me, you seem to be very detached yourself but love helping other people, especially making people happy. And you probably don't experience emotional extremes very often either. You might not even remember a time when you were truly, genuinely happy.

One day I realized that I'd rather be dead because it's just a lot easier than living. There are no commitments, no problems, no anything. After a few days of thinking about this I also realized that, whether I'm good at them or not, I enjoy doing things. Fuck everyone else.

I also realized that I had been living with depression my entire life--that there was no profound sadness to depression, but more like a void, a nothingness that permeated every aspect of my life. I realized that my complete apathy toward everything related to myself was not normal, and that it could change.

I got therapy, and things have been a lot better for me OP. I'm doing things I want to do, and I'm happy with myself. I don't want to talk you out of this, I just want you to know there are viable alternatives.

Also, here's a collection of suicide notes:

>> No.4602181
File: 401 KB, 640x523, dolphin speaks to child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much of an opportunity to change things. They'll be pretty much as they are for awhile yet, and frankly, I'm at a point where I have no patience for dealing with it anymore. Money is a significant issue, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
Basically I have no hope for my personal future.

>> No.4602182

You seriously should take a trip to a 3rd world country. Go and live 8 weeks in Congo (hey you can blow the money right?) and check back.

>> No.4602186

Thanks. I'm not gonna leave a note, though. Maybe leave a few hints here and there. I'll straight up tell some of people beforehand, I think they'll understand
Also, therapy would be nice, I guess, what kind of process is involved?

>> No.4602202

Not the same guy, but there will be talking. You might be able to imagine it like this thread except with the therapist instead.

>> No.4602203

It really depends. You'll get better service if you tell them you're suicidal. For me, they used talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication. I was very iffy about the medication, but, combined with the other treatment methods, it really worked. Here's an article if you're skeptical too (what a coincidence, it was written only two days ago):


TL;DR there are real, physical differences in the brains of severely depressed people (and animals) and medication does, on the whole, work.

For just about anyone they have to go through multiple medications before they find one that works (this took over 6 months for me). In the meantime there isn't much they can do except ask you not to kill yourself, because they can't really help before you can think straight (as an analogy, you can't drive a car if the engine is broken).

It was a long process (and it delayed my graduation from college by over a year), but in the long run, I don't regret it.

>> No.4602205

Why die when you can live?

Seriously even if life sucks it's the only time you're gonna live.

>> No.4602210

>op comes and asks a question
You're fucking worse than yahoo answers, holy shit.

>> No.4602221

I don't think suicide is a topic many people are able to discuss rationally.

Anyway OP if you need a totally painless method of suicide, try buying a helium tank for balloons and attaching a breathing mask to it. Or if you have any way of obtaining laughing gas, try that.

>> No.4602247

OP, before you go read Atlas Shrugged. Objectivism is all about oneself. If you feel like you cant live for yourself it might help.

>> No.4602248
File: 1.95 MB, 446x251, mundane becomes absurd gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, thanks /sci/, I'll look over the helium method and others, I really wanted to know if I could still die drunk. I'm going to sleep, probably think things over.
Thanks for being reasonable and helpful, surprising on 4chan...

>> No.4602278 [DELETED] 

Death by cyanide would hurt. Fuck your CNS straight up. Just look up carbon monoxide death. Or death by hydrogen sulfide if you want it to be quick

>> No.4602290

Yo, you've got depression. The real kind. I was exactly like you, life just didn't give me any rewards so I was about to kill myself. Then I realized I was probably suffering from depression, went to a doctor, tried a couple different meds and now I'm fully functional again and lovin life.

Used to be an alcoholic like you by the way.

>> No.4602298


OP, considering how similar you seem to be to me, (feigning motivation with altruism, etc.) I would prefer it if you didn't kill yourself.

Or just do it.

>> No.4602303

Potassium cyanide is NOT painless. It causes a heart attack. An exit bag is a better option.

>> No.4602308


Cyanide poisoning works by blocking your hemoglobin and suffocating you. Not quick and painless, more like you can't get any oxygen and take 5-10 terrifying minutes to finally choke. And it's easy to spot, simple blood test for cyanide poisoning. If you want quick and painless strap a big block of C4 to your skull and obliterate your brain before it can process it's own obliteration.

>> No.4602311

It's really interesting how many people in a group will attempt to dissuade a person from committing suicide. Seems like such an in-consequence to anyone not personally involved with OP and yet we have plenty of people begging this person not visit the big black.

I don't understand it. Empathy is fine and all, but this guy will die now or later. Any actions he performs... or his friends for that matter, will most-likely never matter. Most of our lives will probably never matter in the long run, nor will our lineages. Yet we try to stop him from offing himself because he figured this out?... because he didn't hold some demented cognitive dissonance of continuing his life in loo of his experience with the world and understanding mediocrity?

Now or later doesn't really matter. An extension of 50-60 years doesn't detract time from the infinite amount of time in the big black.

OP I had a mentor and a friend of mine commit suicide within months of each other. I considered suicide for about a year after this. Someone offered me a trip to go skydiving, I took it... and realized that I enjoyed the act of almost dieing moreso than attempting suicide. It really makes no sense in the context of a chemically depressed person, but you should try some risky experiences to really see if you want to die. Consider it pulling the trigger and finding out the barrel was empty.

>> No.4602319

Participation in this thread is considered second degree manslaughter in many jurisdictions...

>> No.4602322


>mfw when you leave the fan/window on/open and you wake up feeling refreshed.

>> No.4602326

>nothing matters guys am i deep yet xD

>> No.4602327


It's a sad day when we're afraid of writing things down for fear of going to prison.

>> No.4602333


I garauntee most people on /sci/ have had a nihilistic viewpoint at some point. So what changed?... I bet nothing. The most they can do, when you look at the universe that way is say, "oh hrr drr, that just makes the universe so beautiful"

...no it fucking doesn't. It makes the universe shit and your trying to make yourself feel better and ignore one of the most sound views concerning life and purpose. So they just forget it, for what... 50-60 years 'till they're in a retirement home waiting to die?

Trying to bring me down a notch for having the same viewpoint as, in all probability, you do... is pretty dumb.