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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 266 KB, 1279x755, babaschess-pandaemonium[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4598603 No.4598603 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/.

I'm sure a lot of you guys are above average to very skilled at chess, and seeing that chess is the 3rd nerdiest game ever (right after MtG and Warhammer) why don't we have a delicious chess thread?

Join now the Free Internet Chess Server
http://www.freechess.org/Login/jin/index.php (play as guest and put any name beginning with sci so we can identify each other)

>I can't be bothered to use this shitty interface/my PC is from 1995 and doesn't have java, don't you have any better?

Any variant of chess with any timing is available there - just challenge a fellow 4chan bro and let's games going!

>> No.4598615

Hey you faggots, anyone here who wants to be checkmated?
Post a link.

>> No.4598655

how do I get good at chess?

>> No.4598658


Play 100 games
Lose as many as possible.

Also, read some chess theory - openings, moves, endgames etc.

>> No.4598668

Moves, endgames, openings - in that order.

>> No.4598672

That theme... where can I get it?

>> No.4598687


>> No.4598698

Awesome, bro. Thanks.

>> No.4598713


oh my god what the fuck am I doing

>> No.4598717

Hey fag fuckers, is Chessmaster a good engine for analysing games? Or should I export my games and load them into Fritz?

>> No.4598719

How does one 'analyse' a chess game?

>> No.4598721

Examine, (ex [game] in fics), use engines.

>> No.4598723


I've rarely played in my life, but I get the basic gist. Someone want to give me some pointers?

>> No.4598724

Rybka is best engine.

>> No.4598728

For a beginner looking for game analysis, is there really much of a difference between Rybka or Fritz?

>> No.4598755
File: 35 KB, 410x452, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games like Dota and Starcraft exist

>> No.4598777 [DELETED] 

Would-like-to-be-nimzowitsch tier

>> No.4598782

chess is not science

>> No.4598783

[spoiler]Yes it is

>> No.4598786

smart people might play dress more but it certainly doesn't make you smarter

>> No.4598789


So far the record on sci tonight is 1-0. Good game to the last guy I played.

Anyone up for a game?

>> No.4598793

You too, good luck.

I'm bookmarking this thread and I'll try and keep room for a few games tomorrow when I'm less busy, that was good fun.

>> No.4598796

What are you trying to say?

>> No.4598802

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.4598803

Are you any good or just another patzer?

>> No.4598808

Black sucks.

>> No.4598812

Come watch!
Having a HELL of a rematch, we're both playing relatively fast.

I'm up 1-0 on him... but it's fucking brutal.

>> No.4598814

>but it's fucking brutal.

Nah, you're annihilating him (assuming you are black).

>> No.4598816

Yes, Medfag is playing as black.

>> No.4598821


He left or something. so.. 3-0 (I won't count it)
Anyone care to play? I'm starting to get the hang of this chess business.

>> No.4598826

Yeah, I think he got a little tunnel vision on my queen and tried to take it rather than simply blocking it.

Oh well, we were both playing really fast so mistakes happen.