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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4595864 No.4595864 [Reply] [Original]

1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Mechanical Engineering
4. Electrical Engineering
5. Chemistry
6. Biochemistry
7. Computer Engineering
8. Astronomy
9. Applied Mathematics
10. Medicine
11. Law
12. Business
9001. Any other soft "science"
90000001. English
9*10^9+1. Womens Studies

>> No.4595871

>In front of any other subject ever.

>> No.4595875

0. Philosophy

>> No.4595884
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>> No.4595894

>3. Mechanical Engineering
>4. Electrical Engineering

Get your shit together.

>> No.4595896

psychology, I guess my power ranking is OVER 9000!! Didn't know you guys took mental health so seriously.

>> No.4595905

switch EE with ME and its good, also economics and CS should be top10

>> No.4595909
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>1. Mathematics
>10. Medicine
The fuck?

>> No.4595914

I study both Maths and Physics.

When my kids ask me "Why dont you make any money daddy? Now you wont beable to pay for our university fees"

"Stop crying your hearts out, kids, I hold considerable worth on /sci/".

>> No.4595931


Fukken loled!

>> No.4595933

...where's my ChemE...

>> No.4595954


but seriously where did you get the data?

>> No.4595957

because we don't respect pill counters and greedy fucks who do jack all but tell you you have the flu.

All the people who actually do medical research are from biochem or chem or bio, or chemeng.

>> No.4596018
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ITT: My opinions are facts

>> No.4596029


>this is what butthurt biochem majors who get rejected from med school actually think

>> No.4596031

Where does econometrics rank?

>> No.4596036


>ME before EE

I don't think so Tim...

>> No.4596043

>mfw i'm EE and am speaking from the outside

>> No.4596061

Where does Genetic Engineering rank?

>> No.4596069

>Mechnical engineer ranked higher than electrical engineer
May nigga

>> No.4596102
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>3. Mechanical Engineering
>4. Electrical Engineering

Fuck you

>> No.4596608
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>> No.4596642

I'm not seeing Chem Eng. on there...

>> No.4596646

It's somewhere between 13 and 9000.

>> No.4596648
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>mfw that means you literally have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.4596667


So much butthurt in EE underace.

>> No.4596674
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>> No.4596680
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>> No.4596681

You need criteria to have rankings.

>> No.4596757

>Ph.D in Liberal Arts
>Any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.4596805

proof or gtfo

>> No.4596816

how in fucks name can applied mathematics be below all those things.

op do you even into numerical analysis of partial differential equations?

>> No.4596827

Not to rain in your parade but partial differential equations are a highschool subject.
Perhaps in the US its different thoughm, 4chan isnt stricly "US", we can't dumb down things to accomodate for your "degree".

>> No.4596831

EE is definitely above ME. It's the closest to pure physics any engineering major could be

>> No.4596833
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Where's biology?

>> No.4596837
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>EE is definitely above ME. It's the closest to pure physics any engineering major could be

Its closer than that

>> No.4596840

>unfinished bacherlors in fine art
>work anyway I want
>300k bid starting for any of my artfarts

>> No.4596857
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no EE knows even simple kinematics and dynamics..
>It's the closest to pure physics any engineering major could be
yeah, sure... not knowing basic physics..

>> No.4596875

>no EE knows even simple kinematics and dynamics..


>> No.4596883

Confirmed biology major with no.clue about either physics or engineering

>> No.4596885

owned + made me laugh

>> No.4596894
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>> No.4596903


you cant possibly fucking tell me that my school has a 2 sequence on graduate partial differential equations and that you know of its contents.

did you really learn things like Sobolev spaces and the calculus of variations in high school?

or are you shitting me?

>> No.4596968

No, in EU we have highschools with "specialization" so to speak, highschool lasts 5 years, first 2 depending on which starter branch usually has chemistry, physics and so on, the last 3 years are specialization, they can be aeronautics, mechanical, electronics&telecommunications (what I did, closest to pure physics, you study all the minuscule behaviours of currents, electromagnetic force, components, parasite currents, inductances capacitances and more etc.), and more specializations (chemistry, construction etc).

Depending on how good your teachers are and the class is, you can enter more or less articulate subjects, but to explore even the "core ones", you're pretty much required to be able to know how to solve and thoroughly understand calculus (expecially derivatives, integrals, partial differentials at least theory, trigonometry, sys analysis, some programming, mostly for integrates and microcontrollers, uh what else was there, well all the stuff tied to telecom so modulations, fourier, harmonics which also ties to trigonometry which is tied to AC current etc etc).

Basically, for what I can talk about (the specialization I chose), all of this stuff is interwined together, then you can go to university.

>> No.4596975


But yeah, education is a bit different in EU, I admit this school in particular is quite the exception though.
Lastly, I only know some theory about partial differentials/SS, we did some exercises but it was near the end so, nothing concrete, I'm not ashamed to say that I found them fairly involving, enough to not bother understanding them on my own, typical case of
>"I'm not going to explain why this happens and why its this way because we dont have time so lets just do some light theory and some piloted exercises."
which was tied to uhh, continuity of a function (differentiability and continuity of the derivative, and where to find its solutions), since partial differentials are very much tied to harmonic motions (which are, as you know, traced by rotatig vectors, that leads to sobolev's vectorial space), and in return to telecomunications (and other "electrical" phenomena).

Thats a long winded way to say "no, its safe to say I don't know much at all about sobolev spaces".

>> No.4596982

>zero mention of nuclear engineering
As if electricity is important, rite