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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4594612 No.4594612 [Reply] [Original]

Because of the increase in philosophy/writing and the proliferation of the internet, the western world has placed itself into a position where it will become the "Philosopher Kings" of the world.

As the rest of humanity begins to connect to the internet, they will be blasted with the propaganda of an entire generation of websavvy hipsters.

Furthermore, as companies begin rely more on viraling their products, these same people will become increasingly valuable in this new emerging job market. They will be paid to do nothing but sit at home and constantly spout their opinions on products that companies will sell to foreigners.

How does it feel knowing that these "Burger Flippers" will be rewarded for their psuedo-scientific behaviors in the years to come?

>> No.4594622

>>They will be paid to do nothing but sit at home and constantly spout their opinions on products that companies will sell to foreigners.

it's like this job was made for me

where do I sign up

>> No.4594689
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I'm not sure if you understand.

This job was designed for people who can troll, derail, and expertly spout bullshit. In the years to come, basement dwelling losers are eventually going to be considered necessary and valuable assets to every company.

The pirating industy, holy fuck, the pirating industry. If you want to know how to get your game to sell, NEVER hunt down your pirates. Don't make it easy for them, but for the love of god, MAKE THEM AS HAPPY AS FUCKING POSSIBLE!