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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 500x489, Grace-Kelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4594476 No.4594476 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when no hot women in upper level science and math courses
>just smelly asian womenz
>that feel when the liberal art women look down on you when you say you are an engineer

le sigh

>> No.4594483

Is it a meme that nobody on /sci/ knows what liberal arts means, or are people really this stupid?

>> No.4594486
File: 65 KB, 320x415, 081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No engineer pride?

>> No.4594492


I'm studying Mathematics and it's like 50% women and most are average looking to attractive.

Engineering is your problem. It's like if I did computer science and then moan that no girls do it. Well, no shit.

Should done a real science and not Engineering.

>> No.4594505

I love the Asian women, especially the Chinese. They're also very tall, which is surprising to me.

>> No.4594508

But asian girls are the best.

>> No.4594520

just wondering whar school/where do you go to?

>> No.4594524

>yfw when even if they were girls, you wouldn't be able to hit on them because you're an aspie
lol ok foreveralone faggot

>> No.4594527

>That feel when a bisexual physics grad
>That feel when I've never used my classrooms to hook up with b/g friends.

>> No.4594532

>mfw there is a 70% female ratio in ChemE
>mfw 80% of them is absolutely boner material.

Damn it, I love ChemE.

>> No.4594538

>that feel when physics major
>that feel when I tell girls and they're like, "Oh, so you must be smart huh?"
>that feel when hot asian girls like smart men

le happy frog

>> No.4594545

I agree with this gentleman. I am a woman myself, who quit engineering to try physics.

Engineering is the easy mode of science and math courses. It disgusts me. Go invent some refrigerator or something.

>> No.4594546

I couldn't see an asian girl be the type that Jennifer Connely played in "A Beautiful Mind." I don't think I've seen such a suave, sexy, and smart girl that wasn't white. That's the great thing about western society, the women actually know how to defend themselves when it comes to intellect, instead of just being passive about everything.

Enjoy your lack-luster conservations with your obedient wives, instead of having a bro-tier wife who will challenge your ass, mentally.

>> No.4594550
File: 137 KB, 640x360, Feels Bad .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just smelly asian womenz

b..b..but I like asian women...

>> No.4594552
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From my experience it has been
Math classes:
>general mix of people
Bio/Chem classes:
>hot bitches everywhere
Physics classes:
>Saudis everywhere

>> No.4594555

Hey, that's a stereotype. Not all asian women are like that, and OBVIOUSL not all white women are how you described. At all.

>> No.4594556

When I started grad school, there were 73 grad students entering the Natural Resources program at my school. Of them, 72 were female, pretty much all smoking hot. That one guy would have been the luckiest guy ever... if he wasn't gay.
Physics had 11 new students, all female. This is probably a world record of some sort.
Chem, where I was, had 6 new students. All guys.
> le sigh

>> No.4594557

Screw you OP, asian girls are the best.

I often feel racist for that fetish

>> No.4594564


I spent two-years living with a guy from Japan. Dated a couple of his friends and generally hung around with his social circle ever so often. It's a pretty damn true stereotype that asian women are passive and obedient to a man or someone of seemingly higher "worth". Good luck getting a Japanese person to tell you to fuck off, let alone a Japanese woman, but you'll get an earfull from west or east coast american women.

>> No.4594573

god there are so hot women doing phds in molecular medicine.

>> No.4594575

I want a cute asian housewaifu

anyway, my experience:

EE - smelly, boring asians

CS - neckbears, reddit faggots, and some people acting really cool or /fa/ to compensate

I really like the theoretical computer science that's more like math. How do I get more of that? If it were just programing shit, I'd do math or chem or physics

>> No.4594579


Maybe you should ask your advisor instead of a faceless group of people who's credentials you don't know.

>> No.4594581


yeah I guess you're right

>> No.4594585

>bases argument on a movie
>pretends no stereotype
>talks about 'western society'

>> No.4594590

Married to a hot PhD biochemist. Not even asian.

>> No.4594591

Actually, one of the most attractive looking women I've ever met was a physics major and she graduated the same year I did. We had a lot of classes together and are still friends.

She had a great, fun loving personality too, but there were definite cons. She was a Christian to point of saying "you are an atheist? But you are such a nice guy!" when she found out I was an atheist. She is also very socially conservative. If the topic of foreign aid comes up she drops everything, puts on poker face of stone (ironic as she sucks at poker), and says something like "it's their own fault for being lazy, I believe in survival of the fittest, they deserve to starve if they aren't strong enough to survive". It is also ironic that she goes on and on about "survival of the fittest" when it comes to society and she is a creationist.

She is real smart though. She had a higher GPA than I did by the end of our B.S. degrees. She had this crazy way of learning though. Apparently she could remember anything she wrote down. She just needed to write out all the example problems given by the professor and she could ace his test.

>> No.4594597


Asian women = passive. Their men are passive, their women are ... well... even more so. Movie or not, this stereotype is very much true.

>> No.4594599

> major in physics
> plenty of girls for such a small department
> most of them nerdy and cute, some really attractive, only a few whom I would never bang
> suddenly realize in my senior year that I'm in love with at least three of them
> never get to fuck them because I was already in a solid relationship that wasn't worth ruining

> inb4 "hurr relationships are gay just get pussy you beta faggot derp"

>> No.4594609


> suddenly realize in my senior year that I'm in love with at least three of them
> never get to fuck them


>> No.4594610


Seems like you're using a GPA to provide evidence she's smarter than you. Hell I know a guy who only had 3.8 by the end of his BS because he had, by the time he graduated, wrote a high school physics book and a program for determining a more precise distance of stars using b/r shift.

Anything higher than 3.5 and I just look at what ELSE they've done besides good grades.

>> No.4594615
File: 13 KB, 633x758, thatfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not you, but I probably know all your feels.

>> No.4594618

...and in this dismal place in the asshole of the internet, two young men found solidarity with each other. It was a signalling of a new change. The bonds of our generational obligations no longer seemed negative. We were together, getting ready to fight the elders for control of the world and how it should be run.

>> No.4594624

how do you guys seem to know everyone in your department? Does that change as your classes get more advanced? I just do my homework and try not to fail.


>get to fuck them

I just want to cuddle ;___;

>> No.4594626


pick one. grades != intelligence

>> No.4594627

sounds like every grade-grubbing girl ever. It's so annoying how they write down EVERYTHING everyone says, even when the lectures/notes are online

>> No.4594631

typical woman

>> No.4594635

Hell I look down on you when you say you're an engineer. I hope you are better than the guys who just plug and play without knowing the science.

>> No.4594639

> how do you guys seem to know everyone in your department? Does that change as your classes get more advanced? I just do my homework and try not to fail.

In my first two years, I didn't really know anybody except for some girl who also went to my high school. This is probably because, at the time, I was taking all the general courses (like general physics and calculus) that are mostly filled with students from other majors. Once I started taking courses that were exclusively for physics majors, I started seeing the same dozen people every day. (The department was pretty small, as I said before.)

So in my last two years, I was pretty good friends with everyone. They were some of the nicest people I've met in my life. Now that I think about it, I spent more time hanging out with the girls in the department, but this probably wouldn't have given me any advantage even if I were single, since almost all of these girls had boyfriends.

But that's life. You either have to get lucky and find someone who is between relationships or be a total dick and try to steal someone's girl.

>> No.4594641

that feel when computer science isn't really a science but you want it to be :(

>> No.4594648

please....tell me what hanging out with girls is like. I'm an ass pie

>> No.4594652
File: 25 KB, 381x380, blackbabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attend Stanford University
>during summer at home every asian girl I meet is instantly impressed and brings me home so her parents above
>her parents always rave over me and tell me how successful I am
>slay her pussy later

Asian girls really aren't my favorite, but it's so easy.

It was even easier as a second semester senior when I was deciding between Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth etc. Every single Asian girl I knew dragged me to their house to meet their parents. I was smashing them left and right.

>> No.4594660


I'm both jealous of you for getting into those schools and angry at those Asian girls for being so transparently and obviously shallow.

>> No.4594662

approve not above*

>> No.4594665

Dartmouth?, harvard?, yale?
Seriously if you were "deciding" between dartmouth harvard and Yale plus others you were doing it wrong or were one confused cat about your future

>> No.4594667


>> No.4594692

It's so sad because it's so true. I know it's coming. Those girls whose conversations make me want to kill myself.

Also, is it normal for me to just hate the voices of 95% of the girls I meet? Seems to be around 25% for guys. Just something about their poor syntax and the sound of their voice just makes me want to punch them.

>> No.4594699
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Their entire culture is based on excelling in academics and then getting into a good college.

When they saw a white boy style over them (and all their asian male counterparts), could they help but want my dick?

One girl even had a boyfriend when she introduced me to her parents. Her parents said right in front of me to "dump that bum" and hang out with me.

Her boyfriend was going to Berkeley... Asians be crazy.

I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my future at the start so I left everything in consideration. If you know anything about anything, you know that Dartmouth has amazing undergrad and excellent ties to the financial industry.

PS. It came down to Harvard/Stanford for me.

>> No.4594702

can I still go to a nice school someday if I have a 3.6 after two years at Michigan State? :(

>> No.4594704
File: 17 KB, 220x292, 220px-Salvador_Dali_NYWTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being an artist and fucking dumb art chicks who think you are deep and shit.

>> No.4594717


Your stories play off like an old man trying to impress some young guys.

[x] Sexual promiscuity
[x] High intelligence
[x] High social status (choosing between ivy leagues like candy)

Hell I'm surprised you didn't throw in anything about your 15 inch cock you fucking fraud. Requesting a timestamp with your school id. Obviously you don't really need to provide it, because we all know your full of shit.

>> No.4594748

Around here, it is called the "California accent." It is characterized by turning every statement into a question? Like, you know? I suspect it comes from stating something, but needing the approval of your peers? And it, like, suggests insecurity? It's like, really annoying?

And just to be clear, many guys do it too.

>> No.4594761
File: 57 KB, 660x473, Stanford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have this bad boy on my computer

>> No.4594773


FUCK! I'll be in my corner.

>> No.4594774
File: 62 KB, 533x794, beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to be jealous though, friend. To be candid, if you are qualified enough to get into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford.... the others are likely to follow suit. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting into only one of the super elite schools unless they are legacy.

>> No.4594799

yeah I figured a /sci/ guy wasn't a dartmouth folly. Really though why stay eastern when you could have gone to even better schools in the west and midwest.

Yeah and before you say stanford was the best at.... or Harvard is the greatest in the.... everyone knows both schools get extra credit for being in the eastern block.

there are better engineeering, science and math schools all across the country, many of them cheaper with hotter women.

hell I went to a state school that was #4 in my program worldwide and US news said it was 15th against all the private wankers in the east.

>> No.4594808
File: 23 KB, 500x375, harvard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that I disbelieve you, because I don't, but this isn't my acceptance letter to harvard.

>> No.4594836


Is there any chance for a person to transfer into an ivy league or is prep school -> ivy league only?

>> No.4594847

engineering girls are pretty good

i think i have found your problem though

>le sigh

you're a faggot, try men.

>> No.4594860
File: 93 KB, 600x800, Sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody in academia knows that Stanford is vastly underrated by most ranking services because they don't want to break up the "Harvard, Princeton, Yale" orgy. Acceptance rates don't lie. Stanford and Harvard are vying for the top spot.

If you have any interest in anything quantitatively based...the Ivy league isn't the place for you. I was seriously considering Harvard until I realized I could do whatever I want at Stanford and still be in a top program.

Harvard was my top choice for a while because I understood that I could go straight to Wall Street as an investment banker or a top paid consultant.

I came to a realization I would be offered the same investment banking job or consulting gig if I went to Stanford, the only barrier is that I would have to fly out to the East Coast upon graduation for the job hunt. At Stanford I could also be an engineer...or a computer scientist... or anything I wanted. I also love the entrepreneurial spirit that exudes from Stanford. I still remember an interview of Mark Zuckerberg I watched a while ago. He said if he was a college student now, he would have went to Stanford over Harvard.

>> No.4594888
File: 68 KB, 720x461, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, you only have a serious chance at transferring to an Ivy if you are a minority or do something that is absolutely amazing. Or you have a reason for not going there in the first place. IE Community college because your dad had cancer, something along those lines.

>> No.4594889 [DELETED] 


>> No.4594897

>investment banker or a top paid consultant.

what majors does this require? What kind of consultant?...

that feel when literal pleb

>> No.4594903
File: 54 KB, 704x576, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when team of hot chicks from business major comes over to the lab to talk about potential joint CS/EE projects and try to explain their next facebook killer app or some other nonsense while everyone just stares at their boobs.

>> No.4594910


Well I am native american so how about that? It seems so far-fetched but I need to give it a shot.

>> No.4594956
File: 41 KB, 329x500, Stanford---Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your only hope of making 80-120k starting as a Investment banker/analyst or a consultant is to go to a top school.

At Harvard, Yale, Princeton you would major in Economics.

At Stanford you would major in Economics or Management Science and Engineering.

At MIT you could go to Sloan and get a finance/business degree or enter as an engineer

At UPenn you would go to Wharton and major in finance.

No school will ever be able to "teach you" how to work in the financial industry because each firm has a different set of rules or ideology. All the university can do is give you the connections, prove to your potential employer your intellect, and give you a solid foundation in the theory/critical thinking/quantitative you will need to succeed.

Consulting is a similar field. Usually you are explicitly taught how to do it, or it makes intuitive sense to anyone who went to a top school. If you ended up with a degree from a top school odds are you can find some ways to improve productivity, slash costs, and optimize.

>> No.4594960

There's an asian girl in my proofs class this quarter that wears a see-through mesh shirt with just a bra on underneath. She's got nice tits, too. It's essentially like she's just wearing a bra. I can't figure out why she dresses that way, it's rather odd, but I'm not really complaining

>> No.4594969

Also, you can slip in with an Economics degree from Dartmouth, and the same for Columbia.

Goldman Sachs has a hardon for Dartmouth grads.

>> No.4594970

thanks for this informative post

that feel when I feel like a patrician on the inside but my parents didn't go to college and I don't know what I'm doing

>> No.4594980
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>be philosophy and astronomy double major
>mfw i get best of both worlds

Should've done something better, sonny.

>> No.4594989
File: 42 KB, 1000x806, Calberkeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would an econ or ugba degree from cal fall into these categories? JC

>> No.4595020

I wasn't doing that. I explained why she did so well. She is better than me at some things and I'm better than her at others. But at the end of the day, she was the one with the higher GPA. The definition of what is "smart" isn't something I care to waste time debating.

>> No.4595032
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Yes, being Native American will help you significantly at Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. Not so much for the others. It works the best if you are like involved in the tribe.

Just be sure you are qualified for the school. Not to be overtly mean, but, I've met some minorities during my visit to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, and at my time here at Stanford, who clearly weren't on the same academic level as their peers. Everyone around you can tell too. Just be sure you are ready for the academic rigors if you do get in to an elite school.

I used to think it was completely unfair that minorities received such preferential treatment at top schools until I realized that the ones who were not on par academically were all majoring in "African American Studies, Native American studies, Ethnic Studies, International Relations etc." It seems fitting that those students would end up in the easy majors.

It's ironic how the point of affirmative action is to get these students into the top schools so they can have a better life, but once they are there, they end up in majors with poor job prospects because they aren't prepared for the other fields.

Every minority student that I've met who has a "real major" is exceedingly bright and I personally think would have gotten in regardless of skin color.

>> No.4595034

Astronomy is an actual major? As in, not astrophysics, but actual astronomy? You consider it a science major?

>> No.4595044
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>trying to pull that elitist shit

Good try.

>> No.4595045

Sounds like you are just mad.

Different people learn in different ways.

>> No.4595051

>yfw >>4594980 is the one who was elitist claiming astronomy as a science major

>> No.4595054
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>claiming it isn't

Yep, you mad

>> No.4595062

sorry meant yale.,....I realized I equated stanford with eastern seaboard Ivy leagues. That was so wrong of me.

But still, even if you grad a top school in the ivy going into financials also requires a lot of nepotism. I have friends that graduated top in their class in economics and received shit tier second rate jobs because their daddy didn't find them a bank. Rank has it's privilege and it's no more obvious than at Harvard or Yale

I would have gone to stanford but I didn't realize it existed. Both my parents were from bumblefuck nowhere and only my mom graduated from a community college. When they realized I was headed to be science nerd they tried to force me into trades programs. I was accepted into Harvard, mIT, Cal tech and Rochester but my parents refused to help and my school advisers didn't tell explain all the things I needed to do to get scholarships (we didn't have the internet widely available in my area) so state community college is where I went. Then onto Purdue, Columbia and now University of Chicago. Thats a long time to get a real degree

>> No.4595075

Where do you guys meet girls when not in class?

I've really only had one shot. It was with this asian girl who had a crush on me and was in my same major. I didn't really like her that much though. Besides I don't really want to date an asian.

Also, for the record. I hate parties. People probably wouldn't call me awkward if they've ever talked with me, but I can barely hold any conservation unless it's with something nerdy.

>> No.4595103


that's all for undergrad?

>> No.4595129

Actually that's only half of them, I have three degrees and wanted a fourth because I realized way late that I was into science. So I'm going to Uof C for geophysics

>> No.4595130

Unfortunately, that post does not apply to Berkeley students.

If you get a business degree from Haas as an undergrad you are looking at probably between 55-65k starting, which is great, but you will have a very tough time getting into the upper echelon of financial industry jobs straight away.

Berkeley is an absolutely amazing school, the problem is there is just way too many students graduating with your degree in a year. In any given year there are probably about 400-500 students graduating with an undergrad in Business there. At Stanford there is probably about 1/5th-1/7th of that graduating with an Economics degree from Stanford.

For employers, it's a nightmare to try to figure which Berkeley students are the most qualified for the position. At Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, UPenn etc. everyone is likely qualified and you can easily interview all of the seriously interested candidates.

>> No.4595134

If you are not taking in the culture and staying only in your science field then you won't meet interesting women. Smartest girl I ever met was an acting major. She was dating my physics professor though

>> No.4595141

> I have three degrees and wanted a fourth

what....name them all

also is it easier to get into better schools when you're older? Or do they forever class you on your SAT/ACT (i.e. IQ) score from when you were 17?

>> No.4595143

>Smartest girl I ever met was an acting major. She was dating my physics professor though

this makes me want to barf

>> No.4595145
File: 73 KB, 600x763, tball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is an understandable answer. Thinking about doing Econ here just because the business school is so saturated. Not to mention the fake go getter-ness of everyone who is pre Haas is sickening. If I hear the words start up or networking or leadership or elevator speech again I may puke. Is this how it is at the Ivies too? I know it's over populated here, I mean program wise/personality of students.
Thanks again for previous response.

>> No.4595148

and you didn't answer the question

What does taking in the culture mean? Getting drunk?

>> No.4595153

I have a theater degree, which was much harder than geophysics, I was in a fine arts program and did stage design, which helped me learn thermodynamics. My hardest theater class was ten times harder than my hardest science class.

I have a degree in lit crit, specifically brit lit crit. There was a girl I wanted to date, I only needed a few more classes so I got the degree. I have a BFA, and a BA because of those. I originally started as an archeology student so i went to a fourth college and finished a BS in Archeology with a minor geology. Now I am deep in debt but got a free ride to U of C for a BS to MS program.

>> No.4595162

city dwellers define culture as art movies, museums, plays, art exhibits, etc.

I would try to go less pretentious but still get involved. Take an art class (especially useful in physics), an acting class, go to plays go to art exhibits, hang out with the plebs at the coffee house. At a college town, there's not as big a difference between super intelligent and the rest of the university as you find outside a college town. There are a lot of smart people who don't all go into the sciences. To meet those women you have to move in their circles which means do what they enjoy

>> No.4595181

Well, I am currently choosing between Caltech and Princeton. I am also banging 3 asian girls...

>> No.4595240

Just trying to spill the truth. Stanford and Berkeley are also at a disadvantage for finance due to the whole West Coast deal, unless you have every intention of working in the SF Financial industry. The one side that Berkeley does have a significant advantage over the Ivies is if it is a quantitatively based position. Unfortunately, so is Stanford and MIT and they almost always take precedence... of course there's always those few Caltech'ers who defect to the financial industry as well.

To be honest, for how academically strong Berkeley is in business, economics, and math it is a travesty they aren't more adequately represented.

14% of Harvard, 10% of Yale, 8% of Princeton, 8% of Stanford all major in Economics and are shoe-ins for the financial industry. Everyone at Wharton, Dartmouth, MIT, and a majority of Columbia are also locks.

>"start up or networking or leadership or elevator speech"

Start up is probably the most ridiculously overused word here at Stanford. Almost everyone tries at least once. It has definitely had its success here, but you can tell from the onset whether they are going to find success in their business. One of the reasons I chose Stanford was because of the entrepreneurial spirit. The Start ups aren't as annoying as the ones that are doomed to fail. When a Nobel Prize winning Economist tells you that your business model sucks in front of his lecture, it's probably a good idea that shut your fucking mouth, admit you made a mistake, and take 100k a yr to work for Goldman Sachs. The Professors will tell you when you have a good idea and should pursue it.

>> No.4595242

Start ups aren't as prevalent at the Ivy League because a vast majority of those students have mommy-daddy money and have no real ambition to become millionaires/billionaires from the onset because many of them are there or damn close. At any top private school all you will hear about for 4 years is networking and making connections. Though it's true, if you are qualified you can find a good job without being given one

Once again, at these top schools almost everyone has portrayed leadership somewhere throughout their career. Once you get to this level you can tell who are the natural born leaders and who are the fakers. You can't describe charisma, but you can sure as hell identify someone without it.

"Ladder speech" isn't quite common around Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford etc. because most of the grads start pretty high up to begin with.

When people learned in high school that I was captain of my football team and eventually worked my way up to manage 250k in an investment portfolio for a local company when I was 17, people shut their stupid whore mouths around me about their crappy little start ups or small time ventures.

If you learn one thing at the top schools is when you are up against somebody who is the real deal, you don't bother them or try to compare yourself.

>> No.4595257

>learning thermodynamics in stage design

explain this

>> No.4595269
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, reddit_wallpaper-HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le sigh
>go back to reddit

>> No.4595288

>When people learned in high school that I was captain of my football team and eventually worked my way up to manage 250k in an investment portfolio for a local company when I was 17, people shut their stupid whore mouths around me about their crappy little start ups or small time ventures.
I call bullshit.
I call massive amounts of bullshit.
The SEC would have shit all over you. What you're talking about requires fucking certifications out the ass, most of which require a college degree to even be given the application for the damn things, but *all* of them require being of the age of majority, which 17 isn't.

>> No.4595296
File: 14 KB, 260x320, vy-pic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, doing a short stint at another uni while helping my family out.... one cute girl i noticed in the physics library. real nice ass and body. i left and headed to the elevator and she came over.

ACNE. NERD VOICE. awkward conversation down 12 floors. sigh.

wtf. come on.

saw this chick at a lecture recently. WANT TO BANG. licked my lips whenever she looked my direction... too much?

>> No.4595308
File: 94 KB, 627x468, tombrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you poor little naive pleb. The SEC can't get on your ass for doing regression models, finding inflection points, analyzing trends, Stochastic modeling, Ito Calculus, derivatives trading etc.

It's not illegal to do math. I did the calculations while my boss played golf. What he did with my work is up to him. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton etc. sure seemed to be impressed.

You think the CEO and chairman of Barclay's does any work quantitative work? So much to learn about the financial industry child.

The industry is run by the kids from MIT and Caltech who make 80k a year and crunch numbers for their superiors.

>> No.4595310

if you do econ make sure to take the 101 classes instead of the 100 classes. it's the only way to distinguish yourself from the haas rejects who flood the major.

>> No.4595316
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I started off as his administrative assistant until I won a state math competition by the way.

>> No.4595317
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That was my intention. I plan on applying to Haas for the opportunity but if i don't get in i'm not "settling" for econ, I actually love it. Besides, an econ degree = more versatility. THough i would have to take any accounting courses on the side, which would be balls. What are you doing at Cal? (i assume you attend)

>> No.4595318

Accounting classes are always a god tier back up by the way.

>> No.4595319

Depends on what that math is being used for. To perform a regression that's a key factor to giving financial advice is something that the SEC would shit all over a company for. There's a huge fucking difference between having some zitfaced teen do data entry and run analysis.

>> No.4595328

You are right, I would have been breaking ethics if I had actually made the trades or was the one physically managing the portfolio. Once I put stack of calculations on my boss desk though, he has the free will to accept or reject them. Hell, he could listen to advice from his 5 year old kid as long as he is still calling the shots.

If I wasn't so sure of my calculations or if his clients weren't seeing good returns, then there would be ethics problems.

>> No.4595329

>implying your classmates being hot has anything to do with your success.

People have this strange idea that just by being CLOSE to women that they have a better chance of somehow dating them, as though their love life works through brownian motion.

Your mistake is bringing up engineering in an uninteresting way.

People aren't as complex as we give them credit, certain behaviors and methods of conversation increase your chances of having success with women.

You're all smart guys, haven't you figured this out yet?

>> No.4595330
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I agree. An internship maybe, but even then you might have been lucky to work at a terminal. Currently I am 30, have a MBA, CFA, CAIA, and working towards my series. You were not managing a portfolio at 17.

>> No.4595332

You guys seem to be vastly underestimating the ability of the average Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford student compared with an average 17 year old.

That's fine. You guys will likely never attend or see the difference for yourself.

>> No.4595335

just graduated last semester.
i took some econ, some cogsci, and geography before settling for CompSci. all the classes where pretty interesting but CS was always seemed to come more naturally to me. i guess the unbridled faggotry from the pre-haas people played a part in my decision too.

>> No.4595344

econ + computer science are strong. there are a lot of places to go with those.

>> No.4595347
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Oh my god i should get your card so we can create a start up together. Look at my resume!

I'm glad i'm not the only one who saw most of the majority of pre haas kids as awkward, overeager, smug, and cut throat. I plan on doing the accounting for backup because it also interests me. I have a weak math background but i;'m improving and really, really don't want to be in marketing.

Any advice to a nooob freshman?

>> No.4595403

i probably don't have any interesting academic advice other than the standard stuff (join relevant clubs, time management is key, office hours can be godsend, get to know your professors/advisors, etc).

The one thing about berkeley is that the people in the STEM majors (i'm including econ in here) often treat humanities as low-status, and therefore tend to avoid them or even go out of their way to ensure that they don't enjoy the humanities classes that they take. I found this to be a really petty and harmful mindset, because some of the humanities classes are actually pretty interesting. Sure, most of them are comparatively easy and tend to attract the over-opinionated and under-informed types, but the classes themselves can really change your perception of an entire field. High school drove out my passion for reading until I took an elective on the American Novel.

the point is, berkeley is a great place to learn all sorts of interesting shit from all different fields, and you should keep an open mind about your elective classes even as your classmates inevitably will not. people are stupid, love their own in-groups, and elevate their own major/clique by parroting cheap digs at other fields (CS is full of geeks, humanities is easy, psych is soft science, econ/haas is for careerists). it's a trap that i've seen many people fall into as they use it as an excuse to stay in their areas of comfort.

>> No.4595408
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Any worth in the endless stream of business clubs or frats?

>> No.4595416

I go to UIUC with a ton of Chinese girls. You should see them at the library. Big heels, miniskirts, makeup, tight shirts...they look like they're going to a club.

>> No.4595417

i just realized that my "advice" was pretty much a rant that may not even be relevant, so here's some other generic advice:

- there are a lot of research opportunities. take advantage of them
- get internships early and often. always take an internship before a summer class, even if it means you need to cram your schedule a bit next semester.
- enjoy the food. seriously, berkeley has so many good restaurants to choose from. you will miss it when you graduate, unless you live in NY or SF
- if you're interested in artsy stuff at all, the BAM and PFA are great places. even if you're not usually into art, visit those places at least once.

>> No.4595419

haha, i can't say i know of any, but i didn't really look for them. I mostly hung around HKN and other cs clubs. it probably matters less to pure econ majors than it does to econ/haas people, but being an officer of a club or something always looks good.

>> No.4595423


It's eastern fashion. Fucking thing spreading from Japan to the states, starting to get big in NY is wearing two jackets... one of them upside down with the zipper done all the way up.

>> No.4595421

>Be in college.
>Meet women. Be friendly, confident, and interesting.
>Date women who study lit, science, biology, math.
>Date idiotic women.
>Date smart women.
>Be friends with some frats so I get invited to parties.
>Go out almost every weekend.
>Foster a network of friends based on mutual interests.
>Not give a fuck about what people think of my interests. Not give a fuck if a girl doesn't want to date me, move on to girls who do.
>Enjoy a fulfilling experience.

It's effort anons. You can get dates from a cafeteria, just fucking walk up to a girl and talk to her.

Jesus christ. All of you thinking it's a matter of random probability. Doing it wrong.

>> No.4595427

>upside down.


>> No.4595429

>just fucking walk up to a girl and talk to her.

Best way to get lots of people pissed off at you.

>> No.4595430

and why do you care if those people get pissed at you?

>> No.4595433

no, most people actually like to talk, or if they don't they at least like attention.

it's only us autists that have a problem with it.

>> No.4595434

Most people have their circles of friends already and don't enjoy some smelly neckbeard going up to them and chatting them up.

>> No.4595435

This is an utter misconception.
Are you an asshole? I mean.. unadulterated.

A lot of people confuse "confident" with "asshole". Are you actually condescending? Insulting?

Then, yeah people get pissed.

But if you are actually friendly and flirtatious girls respond pretty positively.

Of course some are like, "Uhh... go away." And I just move on.

But for every "miss" i get at least one or two "hits". Even if there isn't a connection I can always meet people and make new friends.

But, no, simply being approached isn't likely to result in people getting "pissed" so long as you aren't obnoxious.

>> No.4595436
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Like this?

>> No.4595440 [DELETED] 

Social ettiquette.
Most people do not want their conversations/business/routine interrupted by random strangers hitting on them.
There is a time and a place

>> No.4595442

Well... I don't think it's that much of a stretch to know you don't walk up to people mid-conversation and just start talking to them.

If people are busy, they are busy. But it doesn't take more than 30 seconds of conversation or so to make a connection.

>> No.4595446

>Talking to students after class
>They end up asking if I'm free on friday night
>No, sorry, I have sleep planned.

>> No.4595448


Yep, but when I saw it in NY it was a combination of two jackets.

>> No.4595457


hey medfag, i guess you never sleep. chernobyl polish guy here, want another rematch?

>> No.4595465

Oh fuck yeah!

>> No.4595466

I'm a chem major, and all the girls besides me are really fat or socially awkward. The guys are hideous. There is this guy who was a physics major at a top 10 before he decided to come back home. I am in a relationship right now, but I think it's dying lately and he's incredibly immature.

The physics major guy is a little quirky and talks kind of fast and blinks to much, but he is absolutely adorable.

>> No.4595475

>and all the girls besides me are really fat or socially awkward

PROTIP: this is how all women see themselves in comparison to those around them.

>> No.4595478

Every so often I walk up to a hot asian girl and tell her that she's beautiful. Maybe once or twice a year. Half of the time I get a weird stare and it gets really awkward, and half the time it makes her happy. I've got a gf so I'm not trying to hit on them.

I do it only when there are few people around, but still in public areas. Never at night. I still don't know how to start the conversation well.

>> No.4595491
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>in college
>calls himself engineer already

>> No.4595505

You can pretty much say anything you want.

Tips i give my single friends:
-Approach, smile, and think of some reason you wanted to talk to them.

For instance, "Hey do you know how to get to the chemistry building?"

she answers.

"I know how to get to the chemistry building... i just think you are adorable and wanted a reason to talk to you."

The more sincere and funny you can pull this off the better.

Afraid of being rejected?
Walk up to her and go "Hi, I've got this fear that all beautiful women are just going to hurt my feelings. So to get it out of my system I'm talking to beautiful girls and having them reject me."

9/10 she won't actually reject you. That 1/10 she does? It's to humor you and she'll follow up with a conversation.

There's no really special way to approach a chick. Just do it. Try saying different things. A few rules:
1. Learn to not give a shit about her reaction. The less you show that you are pining for her affections, the more likely she is to give them to you.

2. Eye contact, smile, and humor. You can say some absurd shit and get away with it if you smile and have fun. If she takes it too seriously or gets offended, well... move on. Date a girl with a bit of a sense of humor, otherwise you're going to run into problems later on.

3. Talk to a lot of people. Socializing is a skill. Develop it.

>> No.4595520

this shit is gold...
someone screencap this?

>> No.4595536

>She had this crazy way of learning though. Apparently she could remember anything she wrote down.

>tfw i am the exact same way

>> No.4595569

There are actually decent looking girls doing math and science at my university (I'm majoring in computer science and math, but I did take some physics/chem courses for fun). There are slightly less hot girls doing engineering, but they're still there. There are decent guys in math/science/engineering, but they're usually postgrads and lecturers.

>that feel when you realise that you're in love with one of your math professors but then you find out he had a girlfriend and is probably going to marry her

The biggest problem I found with guys sharing classes with me was that they didn't realise how much of an aspie faggot they were behaving like- my computer science classes in particular are/were filled with the obligatory 'hurdurr I wanna make vidyagams' types that had no regard to the actual field of computer science, just wanted their degree so they could just start applying everywhere they could to game companies without, you know, any other form of experience. And, of course, you get the ones browsing reddit in lectures and with MLP desktop backgrounds and the like. Other than that, all of the 'romantic advancements' fellow compsci classmates made on me were pretty much all incredibly creepy and full retard.

It's also probably worth mentioning that a lot of us science/math/eng girls for some reason tend to be into older guys (not necessarily 10+ years older or anything like that, just are less interested in guys their age). I have no idea why this is, but just a heads up. Good news for you if you're unlucky in love at the moment but are planning to take on postgrad studies and do prac demonstrations etc on the side, though.

>> No.4595585

Oh well, I try my best to not act like the classic neckbeard and I tried my best to hide my "omg I just wanna make vydia" the best I could from them. In general I'm really used to hide my powerless or whatever you call it, I was just this guy who is a little better than the rest and acts like a jerk becase of it. But oh well, I'm already working in a game company (not great deal, but I still don't graduate) so I hope my kind didn't bother you.

>> No.4595624

If you make a decent effort at trying to hide your powerlevel (I can usually see through that though- takes one to know one etc I'm pretty adamant about hiding mine), then I don't think most girls care. If you're actually working in the industry or have actual passion/skills I don't mind either, it's just the ones that sit on their ass and do nothing other than barely pass their degree because they spend too much time playing CoD and Starcraft and don't even attempt to work a job or anything and think that makes them good enough or something. The jerk thing is offputting though (I had a ton of these in my first year- I decided to hold myself back and do a more 'beginner's' programming class before doing the real stuff just to make sure that I was at a standard that the university wanted me to be at (I was self-taught and had no way of 'testing' myself beforehand) and there were a whole bunch of guys that acted high and mighty and were total dickheads about knowing oh-so-much about everything and were patting themselves on the back about how easy everything was, when they had the option to start with the proper stuff). It was such a turn-off, especially since I was either at the same level or slightly above some of them, and I desperately tried to make sure that I didn't have to talk to/work with them.

Hopefully that was helpful or gave some useful insight to someone reading this.

>> No.4595651

have you thought about making an ugly woman with some promise and making her hot and not smelly

>> No.4595904

itt: feels

>> No.4598074

cool thread.