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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 398x160, no_homework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4587411 No.4587411 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/... I have noticed that there are about 20 homework threads bumping down all the potentially interesting ones. Can we just have a homework thread that you can all post in? It would make me hate you less.

>> No.4587466

two more additional stickies, one with homework, one with gods.

>> No.4587480

firstly, i dont think /sci/ is as bad as you think,
and if it can solve the problem, then we need many stickies
1. homework general
2. god general
3. tiering general
4. 0.999... = 1, paradoxes general
5. X is not science,Y is science general
6. underage general
7. off-topic general
8. /sci/ is dead general

>> No.4587589
File: 961 KB, 179x135, telling whitey da truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/♀/ - Male
/♂/ - Female
/♂♀/ - Straight
/♂♂/ - Gay
/♀♀/ - Lesbian
/♂♀?/ - Everything in Between
/hwk/ - Homework
/phi/ - Philosophy
/rel/ - Religion
/4ch/ - Metathreads
/img/ - Images

Can you gentlemen help me come up with some more terrible ideas?

>> No.4587606

>/img/ - Images
fuck that got me

>> No.4587629

It'd be a board where you're required to post an image in every single post. Any and all avatarfags would be required to post there.

>> No.4587626

Yes, we should allow crossposting between the boards so if for example, you are a trans-female bisexual asking if it is okay to ask people for images for your essay about religion for a philosophy class, you can post it to all of those boards at once.

>> No.4587668

You know, that might actually help out.

If at the top of every board, there would be links to similar boards with their full name. Like for /v/, you'd have /vg/ on the left, /vp/ on the right. Next to /tv/, you have /mu/ and /co/. So that way, people feel less inclined to post in a single board, and more inclined to post specific threads to certain boards.

We kinda do it with the Text boards. But it's always too small.

>> No.4587688

/get/ - dubz
/psy/ - self-diagnosed mental disorders
/inv/ - not a raids and invasions board
/gf/ - how do i get
/ugvy/ - 5yping weityh pernmis
/lol/ - you laugh you lose
/lulz/ - you laugh you lose / corrupted

>> No.4587698

/rep/ - board for posting about how you have reported posts
/erep/ - board with postcounts and voting
/grep/ - a search utility which lists all posts including your favorite or least favorite word, such as turkey, pony, linux, and allows you to respond with your favorite copypasta

>> No.4587823
File: 9 KB, 226x199, 1334723267131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/grep/ - a search utility

Gentlemen, I'll be right back. I need to test something.