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File: 51 KB, 416x429, fuckthisworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4586794 No.4586794 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what liberal arts majors actually believe
>317 likes, 23 shares

>inb4 hate for having fb in moonspeak

>> No.4586797


>> No.4586802

>Hate for having a fb account.

>> No.4586805

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4586818

but that's wrong there are math researchers too

>> No.4586827
File: 30 KB, 507x382, what_college_professors_want_you_to_believe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4586835


Hasve fun never being employed, that shit is basically your CV these days.

>> No.4586840

Nope, it's a trail of your errors so your boss can research how bad you are for their enterprise. I preefer to make my own CV and get hired as usual.

>> No.4586848

Seriously though, moon runes, faggot.

>I was gud at math untill the alphabet got involved
>XDD liek plz

>> No.4586852


You dumb broseph?

>> No.4586856


Between two equally skilled people, one with a squeaky clean fb and one without one, I'd bank on the first guy getting hired

With the new timeline now you can go back and delete any of the embarrassing shit anyway.

>> No.4586859

My jimmies aren't even rustled.

>mffw out of college making 80 grand and lib art students making 7.50/hr at starbucks

>> No.4586864


But it doesn't say complex algebra. I think the point of OP is that a lot of people don't know how much the term "algebra" actually covers.

>> No.4586865

You know that math is one of the liberal arts, right?

>> No.4586872



Your major? Just curious.

>> No.4586867


>having a fb that people can find

>> No.4586885

Halfway done (2 years in) to my biological systems/biomedical engineering degree. Minors in math and chemistry.

Doing an internship this summer helping R+D for a medical imaging software firm.

>> No.4586886
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1323029823905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a pie chart to represent a list

>> No.4586891


>> No.4586898


Damn, I am impressed.

>> No.4586904

Ha thanks. Why can't you do something like it yourself?
The chem, math, and engineering classes like statics and fluid mechanics can get pretty tedious, but the bio. engineering classes are fairly straightforward and really interesting. This fall I'm taking "Transfer properties of biological materials" and "Modeling I for BSEN." Also taking Engineering Mechanics, Diff. EQ II, and P.Chem

>> No.4587018

Any older students in your classes?

I'm going back to school for a molecular biology degree - blew it the first time around on the social "sciences".

Going to take a few u-grad courses and apply directly to a grad program.

>> No.4587024

was directed at

>> No.4587027



dynamics is going to fuck you

>> No.4587035
File: 102 KB, 650x838, 7653_1322654581_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'd be awesome in that scenario

>> No.4587042 [DELETED] 

Real-life jobs that use liberal arts: <span class="math">\o[/spoiler].
Real-life jobs that liberal arts majors have: {McDonald's}.

>> No.4587045

Real-life jobs that use liberal arts: <span class="math">\emptyset[/spoiler].
Real-life jobs that liberal arts majors have: {McDonald's}.

>> No.4587053

>ITT: we don't know what "liberal arts" means

>> No.4587078

I can kinda understand what it's saying.

Very few people go into a job where they have to do math that can't be easily done with a calculator.

And in many jobs, you don't even need a full understanding of what exactly you're doing, just that it works.

So it's understandable why many people will think Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Geometry, and pretty much anything that isn't basic arithmetic is absolutely pointless.