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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 447 KB, 728x499, INTP eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4581976 No.4581976 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one?

>> No.4581979

>only INTP

>> No.4581983

INFP INTJ Alternating master race here.

>> No.4581984

I thought it's the other way around.

>> No.4581988

>only INTP


>> No.4581996

INTP here, and you're not the only one

>> No.4581997

Is it true that our kinds will never leave this place?

>> No.4581999

> astrology

>> No.4582006

Better question: is anyone who comes here NOT either INTP, INTJ, or ISTJ?

>> No.4582008

What do you mean?

>> No.4582013


This guy (>>4581983).

For the most part you're correct, but [spoiler]Myer's Briggs is bullshit anyway[/spoler]

>> No.4582017

stop trying to pull /v/ shit here with your spoiler faggot

>> No.4582019

ENTP masterrace.

>> No.4582021

how's it feel to be able to speak to girls?

>> No.4582025

INTJ here. I'm also:
>A Leo
>Born during the year of the rooster
>Lucky number is 3

If I wasn't so busy reading tea-leaves I'd discuss the implications of conflicts between the Id and Ego with you brilliant gentlemen.

>> No.4582026
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Not that special, except they basically hint at their sexuality every other sentence. Though I still have a mindset like the rest of you, I just use honeyed words and good rhetoric.

>> No.4582029
File: 52 KB, 750x600, entp talk way out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more ENTP pictures that fit in on me, and presumably other ENTPs.

>> No.4582031
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>> No.4582033
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>> No.4582034
File: 29 KB, 750x600, entp20arguing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm done.

>> No.4582038

>Willy Wonka


>> No.4582040

Meh. It gets the message through good enough.

>> No.4582043

Willy Wonka is ISFJ, the exact opposite of an ENTP.

>> No.4582045

>Myer's Brigg

Take this pseduopyschology bullshit and be gone.

>> No.4582073


>> No.4582101
File: 101 KB, 600x750, INFJ+Compicaded[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


INFJ/TINJ alternator here.

One of the more useful categories (because it has been backed up by many quantitative studies involving differences in brain structure) is the Introversion/Extroversion scale. Although, I don't believe there is too much info on the other categories, simply because they haven't been rigorously zeroed in on yet. However, unlike astrology, you can hand the general descriptions of any type to a specific person, and they will be able to feel as though several do not describe them at all.
Not to mention the fact that Myers-Briggs types are supposed to be inborn and immutable, but due to the way the test is set up it also measures environmental influences.
And, the whole thing being based on Jungian typology, while simultaneously forcing a position in each of the four aspects is strange. Jung believed someone could be very high in both introversion and extroversion, even though it may be more rare.

>> No.4582110

The only one who cares about such silly tests?
Sadly not

>> No.4582125

ENTP here

>> No.4582143


Mah bro. I have some qualities of INFJ, and some qualities of INTJ.

Feels good, man.

>> No.4582222

Wtf, I don't believe it's possible to alternate between two so different types

INFP, the king of feel vs. the cold, objective INTJ?

>> No.4582328
File: 15 KB, 910x328, jung_topology_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ESFJ apparently, but I have no idea what it even means.

>> No.4582360


If you google your type, there is loads of pages about how you're likely to be. If I recall it right, odds are that you are a very social, warm and supportive person.

INFP here by the way, but I'm not really native to this board.

>> No.4582374

I think it is about as meaningful as your star-sign (not at all) but interesting nonetheless.

>> No.4582378

>If I recall it right, odds are that you are a very social, warm and supportive person.
That sounds about right.

"They tend to enjoy a wide circle of acquaintances, and they gain energy in social situations (whereas introverts expend energy).[6]"
"They focus their attention on the details rather than the big picture, and on immediate realities rather than future possibilities"
"When making decisions, they often give more weight to social implications than to logic.[8]"
"ESFJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through predictability."

>> No.4582388
File: 115 KB, 1000x800, 1333386000920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ master race reporting in

I was talking to a female coworker recently, how on the fundemental level people only act based on selfish intentions. Some people help them selves to feel good and some people feel good when they help others.

I think by the end of the conversation she compared me to an asexual, said I was depressed , and excessively pessimistic. In the nicest way possible I said she was just a bit naive and ignorant to her surroundings.

>> No.4582390

Yeah, they took it all from Jung. Dem archetypes.

>> No.4582429

>INTJ master race reporting in
INTJ's always seem to think they are so superior.

>> No.4582563
File: 195 KB, 801x954, 1323716043282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTJ here. Am i awesome too?

>> No.4582712
File: 49 KB, 841x322, briggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4582722


Starsigns predict the future of your love life based on planetary movements, MBTI organizes similarities in the personalities of people who answer questions about themselves in similar ways. Are you sure?


And you could also say that people only want to feel good about themselves so others won't have to think of them, and that all people who are trying to make themselves feel good are thus doing it for solidarity. What point have you made? Decide your conclusion beforehand, and you'll get there somehow. Your description of her as naive and ignorant also seems like a psychological projection. I mean, if only the truth about all people was as simple as that ... One can dream, I guess.

>> No.4582741
File: 11 KB, 496x58, indecisive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was exaggerating, but answering a few multiple choice questions does not give any sort of deep psychological insight (As well as the fact that many of these questions are just rewordings of the exact same question asked earlier)

>> No.4582743
File: 53 KB, 750x600, intpScience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP master race here

>> No.4582747

YOU will never have any deep psychological insight.

>> No.4582749

Well if we assume that everyone answers the questions truthfully and to the best of their knowledge then it isn't difficult to see that there is something to this.

For instance I am INTP, regardless of whether or not what that says about my personality is accurate or not, I am pretty damn sure that if I run into another person who would score as an INTP they will have many personality traits that are very similar to mine.

>> No.4582754

epic thread
(or I'm just a newfag)
--- INTP
(end of writing)

>> No.4582759

Actually, J/P alternations aren't particularly uncommon. In reality, it is only supposed to be whether you outwardly express the N/S or F/T more often, and I forget which one pairs with which.

>> No.4582767

I flip flop between INFP and ENFP. What does this mean?

>> No.4582772


As stated before:
>unlike astrology, you can hand the general descriptions of any type to a specific person, and they will be able to feel as though several do not describe them at all.

Also interesting to note is that people don't score wildly different types when they re-take tests. They might oscillate on one of the things (go back and forth between J/P for example) but you're not going to be an ISTP one time and then an INFJ at some other time.

>> No.4582775

ENFP here.

I guess technically I shouldn't be on this board, but I still like Science.

>> No.4582780


>> No.4582782

Any ISTJs?

>> No.4582786

The environment you are in is influencing your responses.
For example, while in school, I most often score INTJ. While out of school just doing job stuff, I score INFJ. It makes sense to me; when doing homework and working in an environment where something is either incorrect or correct, feelings and intuition are going play a smaller part in my decisions than the facts. I'm in an environment that promotes T over F, so my responses are closer to T than F.

So, you're probably:
1) Not that much of an introvert or extrovert. These do lie on a scale.
2) More likely to answer one way in a certain environment than when in a different environment.

>> No.4582808

ENFJ. I have no idea why.

>> No.4582863

I disagree.

No matter what environment I am in, I always hold the facts to be much more important than my feelings.
Those responses would dominate for me under all circumstances.

>> No.4582895
File: 65 KB, 600x750, ENTJ women2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4582896


Yes, but have thousands of people answer them, and you're getting there.


Actually, it's irrelevant how people answer, as long as they answer similarily, because MBTI isn't solely founded on what people say about themselves, but on what the people who say these things about themselves are like. It's of course not as precise as say physics, but it give us the tools to relate to our differences and similiarites, and has a clear basis in reality. There is also no better alternative. The Big Five is difficult to use and clumsy, while socionics are not very democratic, to cut it short. It among other things claims to be able to predict the dynamics of a relationship between any given combination of types correctly, and its assessments are often unkind. From personal experience I also know these assessments are not necessarily very good either.


This is sort of incorrect. It's common because it's the most difficult of the pairs to understand. In fact, P and J is in some ways the one that matters the most, because it also effects how two other of the pairs come to expression. For example, an INTJ will have Extroverted Thinking and Introverted Intuiton whilst an INTP will have Introverted Thinking and Extroverted Intuition. Looking from the ouside, it does seem like the only difference is that an INTP will seem more creative, while an INTJ will seem more logical, but this is in fact two completely different ways of thinking. For more, one can google ones type together with "function analysis".

>> No.4582899
File: 66 KB, 600x750, entj jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4582905
File: 135 KB, 619x624, entj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]