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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1023 KB, 1500x3200, 1334034011067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4580832 No.4580832 [Reply] [Original]

How does the human brain and free will not violate entropy?

>> No.4580834

the human brain doesn't. free will does.

>> No.4580844

Are you the same faggot who posted this and the refrigerator entropy shit a couple days ago? Fuck off.

>> No.4580853

Free will in the sense that it is perpetuated doesn't exist.

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Life doesn't violate entropic laws. Higher order energy being fed into dissipative systems ftw.

>> No.4580849

Why/how do we have free will then? God?


>> No.4580860
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Also, mfw when people believe they have "free will"

>> No.4580862

Are you saying I don't have free will?

If I do something consciously I surely violated entropy.

>> No.4580863

a better question is, why do some people get erections when they see annoying cartoon ponies being violently beaten to death?

>> No.4580866

Can someone explain the relationship between free will and entropy?

I don't get the op's post.

>> No.4580871

enjoy your ban

>> No.4580879
File: 12 KB, 245x318, 1332977721957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. obviously you need to actually read a book about entropy.

Secondly, doing something "consciously" doesn't imply "free will"

>> No.4580888

/Sci/ is safe for work

Free will doesn't exist. 0/10, fuck off Christfag.

>> No.4580892


>> No.4580901

Explain it to me then faggot. If I choose to do something in a nondeterministic fashion I surely violate entropy

Physics confirmed for shit tier child's game

mad autists

It's a hate image you fucking manchild pervert

>> No.4580902

how does free will any entropy have anything to do with each other?

>> No.4580905


>Why/how do we have free will then?

You don't.

>> No.4580907
File: 51 KB, 500x375, hMjXW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you manipulate shit with your hands you violate entropy

Nobody proved me wrong yet

>> No.4580910

Yes I do faggot prove me wrong

>> No.4580914

>If you manipulate shit with your hands

>you violate entropy

Its a non sequitor for one....

>> No.4580917


>> No.4580918


You're the one making the claim, prove it.

Also, Im not >>4580905

>> No.4580921
File: 16 KB, 126x94, 1265088562359s..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol I'd explain it to you if you weren't 15 and actually believed you can do something in a non deterministic fashion.

Because entropy has anything to do with "free will."

Because you actually think you understand what entropy is.

Because you haven't actually read a book about non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

tl;dr dat 10th grade science understanding.

>> No.4580920


You already proved yourself. It's logically impossible. A conscious being's sense of doer-ship is an illusion and does not imply non-deterministic action.

>> No.4580925
File: 16 KB, 608x224, Maxwell's_demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is clearly an idiot, but he reminded me of Maxwell's demon.

>> No.4580926

Prove to me it is an illusion if I can do it. There arent any loop holes to show it is not. The human brain is clearly separate from the mind.

I can though I have free will to post or not post this thread. Give me a definition of entropy and show me how the mind doesnt violate it

>> No.4580932

I am not an idiot nobody has yet to show me otherwise

counter SAGE

>> No.4580942


>I can though I have free will to post or not post this thread.

No you don't. You just think you do. The decision to act was deterministically.

It's either that, or God did it. Are you going to invent God just to cling to your irrational belief in a sense of doer-ship?

>> No.4580941


>> No.4580945

How was it deterministic? You sitll have yet to show me it is.

>> No.4580950


If you have free will, prove it to me by choosing not to respond to this thread anymore. Go on, try it. I think you'll be very disappointed.

>> No.4580956
File: 4 KB, 150x150, 1333576689562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No'one is replying to you because your a tard who obviously doesn't understand what he is talking about. No'one feels like explaining to the babby how free will is an illusion and 90% of your brains activity goes on outside of your concious perception. Furthermore no one feels like explaining to you why your silly correlation of some watered down high school understanding of entropy in closed systems is not applicable to entropy in open dissipative systems.

Like I said, try reading a book.

>> No.4580963

This is a safe for work board you think cunt. You clearly know not a thing about physics either.

What do you have against MLP? You are clearly an angsty prepubescent undereducated high school student.

>> No.4580968


Nothing appears to violate causality outside of the quantum level.

The onus of proof is on you, OP.

>> No.4580971

Its my thread why should I faggot?

Why should I read that nerd shit? Cant you faggots just give me a two sentence explanation instead of yes or no?

Go away autistic man child

>> No.4580974


Yep, just as I thought.

Illusion of Free Will: 1

You have self-control: 0

>> No.4580975

Tell me how consciousness and humans dont. Wheres the proof for that?

>> No.4580984
File: 39 KB, 300x300, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy just will not give up.

>> No.4580982

Answer me with an explanation and Ill stop responding then you unintelligible asspie

>> No.4580981


>> No.4580987

asspie manchild detected


>> No.4580989

Why dont you explain it simply then faggot instead of being an autist

Oh I know you cant because you dont know either

>> No.4580992


The explanation is that you responded, instead of making the conscious decision not too. Therefore: you have no free will. Haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.4580998

No I responded because you didnt answer my question and youre a terrible virgin aspie troll

>> No.4580999
File: 48 KB, 350x468, 1332843576995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on folks nothing to see here except some raging aspie

>> No.4581002

Im not raging your the asspie for not answering my question you pretentious virgin.

Thanks for the BUMP btw

>> No.4581004


Your response was the answer to your question. It was a sound proof that you have no free will.

>> No.4581006

>implying a human being is a closed system

And this time half of my captcha was just a musical note. This is getting dumb.

>> No.4581007

Keep trolling permavirgin

Ill just keep bumping my thread for every post you make

>> No.4581008

Whats more aspie:
- friendship
- violence towards imaginary characters

Dont call this number again!!! Yeh daymn kids!

>> No.4581009

If its open then where is entropy reduced? Checkmate

>> No.4581013


God reduces it with a magic wand, of course.

>> No.4581015
File: 29 KB, 500x586, 1334081408177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand what is going on here. kiddie got introduced to entropy in his first year physics course and now assumes, based off his closed systems introduction, that human beings violate entropy.

>> No.4581016

Have fun with permaviginity and your mind trapped inside a little girls body

>> No.4581018

Well thats the only explanation Im getting

Like I said show me that they dont or point me to a short article showing that they dont

Science is based on evidence amirite?

>> No.4581020


Higher order energy being fed into an open system always results in increasing complexity of the system.

Checkmate aspie.

>> No.4581024

OP give it up, you've been proven wrong countless times on here. All you have are your watered down retorts that make you appear younger than you probably are.

Free Will is an illusion, you are replying because of what this anon said >>4580942

Also, if you knew anything about entropy then you would know it would take more than a few sentences to explain, especially to a high school drop out.

>> No.4581026

I know this and your the aspie.

How is this applicable with humans? Wheres the sicence?

>> No.4581031

I know what entropy is I just want to know what the system looks like for a human you faggot

Nobody showed me how the mind doesnt violate entropy or proven me wrong

>> No.4581032


There is no short article explaining why non thermodynamic systems result in complexity. Read a fucking book you tool, Jesus Christ. gtfo off of /sci/

>> No.4581035

>Nobody showed me how the mind doesnt violate entropy or proven me wrong
No. It tis you who makes this wild claim. It is you that the burdon of proof lies upon.

>> No.4581038

How do we know the human mind isnt an exception to this? Fuck off virgin nerd incapable of proving me wrong

Where is the experiment with humans?

>> No.4581040


No one will show you because entropy has nothing to do with the mind, or "free will." You can't even correlate the two if you tried. Dora the explorer is on, that's a fitting starting place for your understanding. Work your way up.

>> No.4581041


Nor have you proved your point. You believe this and that and are simply wrong. Humans are not a closed system first off... so please, learn some shit before you pop off at the mouth acting like you know something.

How do you know the human mind is an exception? Bam, use the same logic against you. You cannot answer.

>> No.4581042

Please stop bumping this shit thread...

>> No.4581046
File: 649 KB, 1000x995, 1332716634595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP makes me

>> No.4581048
File: 122 KB, 711x685, 8976854123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare OP mock mlp

>> No.4581053

Well if the mind follows the laws of physics it must follow entropy right? So wheres the proof of that?

Because we have free will and there isnt some equation or nerd shit to model consciousness? I can only hypothesize I dont have an experiment that is what I am asking for you autist.

>> No.4581056

Fuck off manchildren this isnt preschool for little girls

>> No.4581065


>> No.4581066
File: 69 KB, 631x564, 6987945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dare u say? my child you have not seen the horrors that ive encountered

>> No.4581070

Mother of god where are the fucking mods...

>> No.4581088

I dont even know what that means figures youre an unintelligible 12 year old

How can you believe in the report button when /sci/ has no mods (fags)?


>> No.4581092

It's not a hate image though, it was created by an artfag from /co/ based on a guro fanfic created by a tripfag...