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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4577262 No.4577262 [Reply] [Original]

friend wants to set me up on a date with a computer science girl. no idea what she looks like but i feel like cs girls are at the bottom of the barrel. should I go for it?

>> No.4577265


enjoy your hambeast

>> No.4577264

hahah this thread

>> No.4577267

>how can I make this off topic /adv/ question related to /sci/

>hurr durr COMP SCI girl


>> No.4577277

if she things computer science is a science or has anything to do with computers make her pay for dinner

>> No.4577280

>blind date with a CS girl
>No idea what she looks like

She is going to be hideous hambeast.

Protip: Cute girls dont go on blind dates.

>> No.4577282

she could be a small shy asian girl

>> No.4577286

this is fucking off topic normal fag!!!! >>>/adv/

>> No.4577288
File: 84 KB, 467x500, quandarysloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom-barrel girl versus no girl
such a quandary, Anon

>> No.4577295

friend says shes a cute but weird asian girl with C cup tits
not sure if want

>> No.4577296

I got a date with a really hot korean cpu sci girl. Didn't speak much english though. Go for it, and even if she isn't all that attractive, there's a decent chance she is a gamer/techie

>> No.4579498 [DELETED] 


>> No.4579635

is this your last chance at a woman?

>> No.4579649

>C cup tities
>considering not fucking her

Lol, u gay bruh?

>> No.4579652

b..b..but that's /sci/'s perfect woman!!!

>> No.4579653

Where's your tripcode, fatass?

>> No.4579655

What makes you think I'm a fatass?

>> No.4579671

I'll take her if you don't want her.

>> No.4579683

The picture of your fat hand and the fact that you were upset over my thread about fat people yesterday. I can imagine you eating burgers or other amerifat fast food right now.

>> No.4579680

C cup titties on an asian = fat
also asians are ugly

>> No.4580749

Just came back from dinner she was autistic and wouldnt make eye contact with me and said she hated me because I was premed

computer science. not even once.

>> No.4580757

eating alone =/= date with imaginary girl

>> No.4580768

man, I would love to be set up with a CS girl..

she's probably into video games, card games, whatever the hell you're into. (unless you're a normal fag then this is a plus).

You know she's into computers in general which is fucking awesome compared to most girls who don't even know the difference between their computer being off or in sleep mode.

>> No.4580772

>not into cute asian girl who is a CS major

what the hell are you even doing here?
Seriously, go back to /fit/

>> No.4580773 [DELETED] 

uglish anime girl, weird as fuck, watches anime

she told me she doesnt like real guys she only likes imaginary anime guys

>> No.4580779

ugly asian girl, weird as fuck, watches anime, told me she wont have any kids because she would murder them

she told me she doesnt like real guys and she only likes imaginary anime guys

>> No.4580783 [DELETED] 

I'm not even mad.

I'm actually happy that most guys in this world would share your state of not being attracted to a girl like that.

It means that when I meet one I'll have a better shot by default simply because I would actually want to be with her.

>> No.4580789

>he told me he doesnt like real girls and he only likes imaginary anime girls

>> No.4580791

I'm not even mad.

I'm actually happy that most guys in this world would share your state of not being attracted to a girl like that.

It means that when I meet one I'll have a better shot by default simply because I would actually want to be with her

>> No.4580798
File: 362 KB, 476x359, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan
>saying someone who is obsessed with anime is "weird"

>> No.4580814

Yes. If she's not your type just hang out and eat some food.

>> No.4580816


I thought you had not met her yet, now you're saying you know she's ugly and has told you stuff..

fail troll is fail.

>> No.4580831

Thread is old from last night
Just had dinner with her and my friend

>> No.4580838

Even if she's ugly, maybe you'll make a friend out of it.

>> No.4580847

well whatever then man.. You already met her do what you want.

>> No.4580848

Seems like my type.