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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4577242 No.4577242 [Reply] [Original]

Some people say that there's science, and that there's religion. And it all comes down to what you believe, that's so true. And as a Christian, I can see that a lot of science doesn't make sense. How do I know? Because I have 2 eyes, I read the bible and I don't believe everything I'm told. As an American, it's my God given right to decide what's true and what isn't.

I remember years ago during my biology lesson at home, my mum asked me "Do you really think life could have sprung out from a puddle of goo by accident, and we're all here because of some big mistake?" and I was like "uh, that's the evidence and that's what we're supposed to believe?". It's about as ridiculous as the idea that the universe started from some big explosion from outer space. Explosions kill people, they don't make people.
Science is so wrong, about a lot of things. Think about what we can see up in the sky, there's a sun, a ball of fire. It must be far away and really big. The moon is almost the exact same size as the sun, only it's made of something other than fire. And at night there's 1000s of stars too.

Now we've heard scientists say the sun is just another star and it isn't so special. Do you really believe that? The bible doesn't say they're the same. Plus, the sun is way bigger than an incy wincy star, and stars only come out at night, and the sun only comes out in the day time. Checkmate! They spend so much time looking through an expensive telescope (of course a star is going to look bigger through a telescope). But I guess sometimes they never really go out and just 'look up'.

So called 'theories' just fall apart when you look and think for a bit. According to science, gravity should make things fall to the ground. What about helium baloons? And they say air has weight. Try turning on your scale and weigh air. What does it say? "0.0000000000000000000000"

>> No.4577255

i just spat out my fucking sides and woke up my neighbor

>> No.4577259

>Explosions kill people, they don't make people.

I can safely say I never heard this one before.

Good show, OP.

>> No.4578277

I really hope you're trolling.

>> No.4578283
File: 231 KB, 395x348, 13649375834953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really hope you're trolling.
"As an American, it's my God given right to decide what's true and what isn't."
i think we've got this one covered...

>> No.4578288


They are, but there really are people who think this way. They just don't exist on 4chan.

>> No.4578293

Are you the real EK or someone using that trip?
If you are the original EK, how can we possibly know that since you gave up your trip a few months ago?

>> No.4578296

lol, guess!

>> No.4578304

It's the real EK. You can almost always tell fake stupidity from genuine one.

>> No.4578306

fuck you, i didnt post any 'stupidity'

>> No.4578315

You've never posted anything but.

Take your pills.

>> No.4578319

fuck you, thick unoriginal arsehole, thats all you fucking post with the 'take your pills' shit

grow the fuck up

>> No.4579481
File: 8 KB, 259x194, spongebobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As an American
....I think somebody's a trollin'

>> No.4579648

> my God given right to decide what's true and what isn't.