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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4576773 No.4576773 [Reply] [Original]


What are some 'space' related science experiments I can do with some year 3 kids? It only has to be vaguely related.

>Recreating thread because I'm a dumbass who got the theme wrong

>> No.4576825 [DELETED] 


>> No.4576835

>lay on your back
>put their stomach on your feet
>hold their hands
poof they are a rocket ship

do you even children?

>> No.4576841

Get a high powered laser, at least 5mW, point it at the fucking sky.
Explain photons and all that jazz, you have a good evening.

>> No.4576848

>some year 3 kids

>> No.4576870

Kids in year/grade 3 doofus.

>> No.4576871

not OP, but that refers to the third year of public schooling.
They'd be 8, and you want to get them interested as fuck in space, while giving them something to learn.
try something with tides, and the moon, and the sun.
Take them on a field trip to the local observatory, or some sort of astronomy institute and have scientists speak to them.

>> No.4576917

talk about black holes, kids love violence
give them perspective on the magnitudes of forces, not describing forces beyond the intuitive perspective of a push or a pull.

>> No.4576950

You could grow protein crystals in a micro gravity environment to maybe find a better drug for Aids victims.

I read a paper on it once, but since their 3 you could just have them make rock candy and explain why growing crystals is important.

Forgive me if the idea is a stupid one.

>> No.4577151

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but unfortunately this is all well beyond the scope of the project. It is for a once off, 60 minute (probably less because of set up time, explaining, managing all the little shits) project with no resources beyond what I buy myself. No field trips either.

Basically, I stupidly volunteered for one of those volunteer your time and get kids into science programs thinking they had a structured program that I'd just teach, instead they just threw a date at me 4 days prior with no resources and said "do this shit."

At this stage, it looks like I'm falling back on this idea:


but it would really suck if they don't get into it.

>> No.4577167

Explain red/blue shifting and bake some bread with little beads in it to illustrate the expansion of the universe. If that doesn't get their rocks off then nothing will.

>> No.4577239

pretty pictures from APOD
use the atlas of the universe site to tie it together (which stars and objects are how far away)
if at night, point a telescope or binocs at the sky (Pliades, orion nebula, andromeda)

launch a model rocket (kids love rockets)
get observers to measure angle of apogee
use trig to calculate measured height vs. rocket equation - aero drag estimated height

>> No.4577243

dry ice bomb...everybody loves explosions

>> No.4577256
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1334463835914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of those alka-seltzer rocket activities.