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4568302 No.4568302 [Reply] [Original]

>anthropology class
>discussion of demons
>guy says he believes in them
>question his beliefs
>impromptu debate starts
>point out the lack of evidence, general nonsense of the idea, every logical fallacy he tries to argue from (my phil 115 professor would be proud), basically make him sit down and shutup
>small amount of applause when I'm done
>professor goes on to say I'm right ... for the most part
>then says I myself have committed a fallacy as religious and spiritual beliefs are not subject to skeptical or scientific inquiry

>> No.4568305

because if they allowed themselves to be subject to actual thinking they wouldn't be around

>> No.4568308

welcome to the world of professional anthropologists

its sad because the subject is fascinating to me and the teachers are typically smart, but they believe some of the biggest bs like fanatical cultural relativism

>> No.4568332

If he is not tenured, he can't go around hurting everyone's feelings. Or if one of his superiors is religious, he can't go around offending them by totally agreeing with you. Or he may in fact have crazy beliefs like >>4568308

There could be lots of stuff going on, don't feel bad.

>> No.4568343

> attend anthropology classes and discuss demons

Well, I see you had a productive day today OP!

>> No.4568357

>implying it wasn't yesterday afternoon

And I did attend other, more sensible, classes.

>> No.4568408

>every logical fallacy he tries to argue

Sure smells like babbys first philosophy class in here.

>> No.4568425

You went through too much trouble to be an actual troll:
How is your prof wrong? How can you prove the inexistence of such beings? How can this be a scientifical subject of study?
If he argued by something like "one day, this and that happened", you probably answered by stating the existence of some possible physical phenomenon.
If one wanted to test the existence of such beings, how would one know if those don't purposely avoid the test? It's the exact same reasonning.

>> No.4568428

well he did mention his first philosophy class ...

>> No.4568437


OP is going through the "I'm in college and know everything because I've taken 100-level classes" phase. Just another example of an angsty teen, nothing to see here.

>> No.4568444


Yes, 115 was my first and likely only philosophy course. I still have my copy of Attacking Faulty Reasoning.

I know what you are saying, and you have valid points, but I'm too fuzzy-headed right now to discuss it. Let me just say this guy also believes in ancient aliens and Atlantis.

>> No.4568445

> religious and spiritual beliefs are not subject to skeptical or scientific inquiry

Of course they aren't. You don't inquire fairy tales or other stories of fiction either, do you?

>> No.4568450

I will graduate next spring, thank you very much. If I had done all my gen-ed requirements within my first 2 years, I'd have gone insane from boredom.

>> No.4568457

>small amount of applause when I'm done
And then you woke up.

>> No.4568583

You should, when people treat them as objectively real.

>> No.4568591


Professors are constrained by the laws of political correctness. One of the stipulations of those laws is if anyone is emotionally attached to a belief, it is wrong to question it.

>> No.4568596


This. If people like OP would just shut the fu k up, the class would go faster so people only have to suffer through stupid liberal arts classes for a minimal amount of time.

>> No.4568603

You cannot use logic on demons. They're magic.

>> No.4568609

>implying that not questioning horseshit is more enjoyable than causing a scene in an otherwise boring class

>> No.4568612

The whole point of anthropology is to study shit like folklore and culture. Not go around convincing every primitive people they're wrong. You're trying to be a missionary, not an anthropologist.

>> No.4568615

Prof is right

Beliefs aren't subject to scientific enquiry, but factual claims are.

(except for beliefs maybe psychology, etc)

>> No.4568616


This, and the reason as to why I hate when there's someone who usual do a non-social science. SO MUCH AUTISM.

>> No.4568618


>Implying wasting everyone's time arguing with someone who won't change their mind doesn't just piss people off and make you look like a pretentious cunt

I'm so glad I got general ed over with two years ago. Now I don't have to put up with faggots like OP who think that taking high school philosophy gives them the right to talk out of their ass.

>> No.4568620

i like your professor, he understands there is such a thing among humans that is what you may refer to as "crazy"

>> No.4568624
File: 194 KB, 620x350, 60_minutes_Jake_Barnett_620_120113_1_620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying doing anything within the allotted time for what you perceive as a "stupid class" is a waste of your time

circular logic
you should take high school philosophy again dipshit

>> No.4568627


Time spent arguing with some faggot is time better spent allowing the professor to give the lecture so it ends on time or sooner. Back to Reddit with you.

>> No.4568628

>American universities

>> No.4568638

>implying any professor anywhere with an open discussion type teaching style is seriously going to hold a class over for significant amounts of time so that he can read his notes to you
>implying your time is so valuable when you will spend it coming up with a real zinger of a reply to put me in my place

back to africa with you

>> No.4568639
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>> No.4568641
File: 13 KB, 633x758, that feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are in a similar class expect there is a discussion forum for things such as this, but the instructor always ends up lecturing on the arguments that go on in it, ignoring the material in the syllabus

At least I never have to read the book

>> No.4568646

Better question yet; why don't you believe in Atlantis? Seriously, second to the bible I doubt anything is more chronicled by our ancestors than an awesome city-state going under. Thousands of people search for Atlantis with more furor than the search for deities. Atlantis is as real as Illion (Troy).

>> No.4568689

>second to the bible I doubt anything is more chronicled by our ancestors than an awesome city-state going under.
2/10 because I chuckled

>> No.4568716

>OP discusses opinions as if they were scientific theories
>OP gets told by his professor
>OP still doesn't see how retarded he is
>OP shitposts on 4chan

>> No.4568719

when someone tells you that demons are objectively real, they should be mocked

>> No.4568722

Did you read OP? That guy said he "believed" in demons. He didn't claim any objectivity.

>> No.4568733

He also said somewhere in here that the person in question believes ancient aliens are real. That is an objective claim that would have serious impact on everyone else, and can be debunked to a degree. I would wager that this insane person believes that there is evidence beyond personal experience for demons.

>> No.4568811

There's such a thing as "joking" you know, not everything has to be trolling you fuckin' aspie

>> No.4568825


>How can you prove the inexistence of such beings?

Im’a stop you right there and ask that you look up the definition of skepticism.

>> No.4568842

>then says I myself have committed a fallacy as religious and spiritual beliefs are not subject to skeptical or scientific inquiry

anthro minor here. let me explain op. This is in no way saying these beliefs are valid but rather that there is no point in subjecting them to scientific analysis in the first place since the burden of proof is on them. We think this for all religions and cultures. Instead we want to just understand how these beliefs develop in the first place. this is more of a cultural anthro question though and i study biological anthro.

and except for some of the hippie retards, we're not that bad guys. give us a chance. we're better than sociology and psychology at least.

>> No.4568846

>wasting class time for your bullshit.

questions are asked after class motherfucker.

>> No.4568851

i like anthropology. steven pinker and neil shubin are pretty cool.

>> No.4568857

>anthropology class
>some idiot questions my belief in demons
>he puts on a smug face and keeps trying to argue against everything, but I easily handle all of his arguments
>he acts like hes winning, but I can see him sweating and trembling in fear
>I own him particularly hard, and when he responds with a shitty argument, everyone claps for me
>professor eventually shuts him up
>professor comes by to thank me after class, tells me I'm awesome, and sets me up with connections.

>> No.4568860

>anthropology connections

>> No.4568863

He set me up with his hot daughter.

>> No.4568867


free quiznos on tuesdays at the university center motherfucker

>> No.4568872

if i could get connections to study orangutans or look at fossils, you bet your ass i would.

>> No.4568916


so... demons can into reality?

>> No.4568927

prove that they cant

>> No.4568944

>was going to be serious and write something about russell's teapot but fuck it i got trolled