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4549413 No.4549413 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking coke right now?

>> No.4549416

because it's disgusting

>> No.4549418

Are you calling Sugar disgusting?

>> No.4549420

why are you drinking it ever

>> No.4549421

Because I'm not american.

>> No.4549422

it's basically poison, kid

>> No.4549424

because i like sugar

>> No.4549426

One day we'll have flying cars...

>> No.4549427

Ok i better stop eating fruit

>> No.4549429

when it's in the form of HFCS and in large quantities, yes it's fucking disgusting

>> No.4549432

HFCS is beautiful.

>> No.4549433
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Because Coke caves into black race propaganda


>> No.4549434

This. Carbonation is bad enough, but american "sugar" is shit.

>> No.4549436

You're going by other factors of consideration then actual taste.

It disgusts other parts of your mind than those related to taste.
If I am wrong and you are in fact basing it on taste, well then hey everyone is entitled to their opinion, but its disgustingness is not an absolute, it depends on the observer.

>> No.4549661

Because I have beer

>> No.4549680

Pepsi god teir

>> No.4549686


Are you retarded? Fructose does NOT equal High-fructose corn syrup.

Moeller, SM; et al., CB; Council on Science and Public Health, American Medical Association (2009). "The effects of high fructose syrup". Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28


>> No.4549703

Lol all of you with your shit-tier coke.

I have a one liter mug filled with nice crisp clean water sitting on my desk, ALWAYS. I get my 2 liters a day easily.

I'm healthy as fuck, last time I was sick was 2 years ago and that lasted only 24 hours.

So fuck your coke, it's the easiest bad habit to discard. Just make sure you always have water within arms reach and DAMN does that taste good when you're thirsty.

>> No.4549706

I've got plum wine from Fukushima. Hopefully... hopefully it gives me super powers.

>> No.4549708

> I get my 2 liters a day easily
You do realize there's no scientific basis for the claim that you should drink that much....

>> No.4549710


fucking this

>> No.4549713

Fruit has soluble fibre, which reduces the rate at which your body absorbs the sugars in it. It's not the sugar itself that matters, but the insulin spike that ingesting raw sugar causes.

>> No.4549721

because i like not being a fatass.

>> No.4549724


I drink whenever I'm thirsty, I'm not keeping tabs. But just saiyan, I get to or over that 2 liters easily and I'm healthy as fuck and basically always feel great.

>> No.4549737


Actually there is, because almost all basic conscious processes use water, particularly respiration.

>> No.4549781
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Enjoy your tooth decay.

>> No.4549893

Because I like pepsi max better.

>> No.4549899


just HOW can you actually like drinks with artificial sweeteners? they all taste like a rotting penis and the aftertaste is even worse.

water all the way.

>> No.4549902

Why the fuck would you need to drink anything other than water.
Just buy some oranges to press, i don't know.

>> No.4549914

Because now, years after I changed to all-artificial sweetener, hfcs-sweetened sodas taste like something that came out of the ass and was diluted with urine. Also, pepsi max isn't as sweet as most other sodas.

Not that I would have much choice even if I did like normal soda, with my diabetes and all.

>> No.4549923

full of sugar, I don't like the taste this much.

and it's too overpriced at fast food
(2.40€ for 50Cl)!!!

>> No.4549944

Because it's non-alcoholic and expensive compared to the competition.

>> No.4549951
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>not drinking tea or coffee