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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4548896 No.4548896 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to systematically disconnect from your sense of empathy? It serves no use to me. I see no reason to continue this excessive focus on other people.

Also, did ascetics traditionally consider empathy a base urge or am I making that up?

>> No.4548907

People born with no empathy are called sociopaths/psychopaths. It is a serious medical condition.

>> No.4548920

Yes, I'm aware.

>> No.4548922

Sure bro. Permanently or temporarily?

>> No.4548930

Dear OP, give yourself a frontal lobotomy.
If you need to go back, take a hit of MDMA.

>> No.4548938

Either way, honestly.

>> No.4548959

I don't think empathy is an urge.

Empathy is the ability to see a situation from another being's point of view. I don't think it requires a compulsion to act in that being's favor as a result. I reckon you could use your own sense of empathy to more effectively mistreat someone else. Perhaps it's not called empathy then, though.

>> No.4548969

Are you sure you don't mean feelings that result from empathy? If it's your emotions seek help. If it's focusing itself learn to direct your attention.

>> No.4548976


I've always wondered this - why is sociopathy/psychopathy considered a serious medical illness? Are they really that bad? Day-to-day psychopaths aren't like Patrick Bateman or anything; as long as they don't murder or rape or anything what's the problem?

>> No.4548979

>implying they don't have a far higher incidence of just these behaviors

>> No.4548986

I've never had empathy. I always force myself to feel concerned, just so people don't think I'm nuts.
Even with girlfriends/relationships, I never care about the other person. Not even my best friends that I've known for more than a decade.
Feels kinda good, man.

>> No.4548989

Just wait a few years, then you won't be such a hormonal underageb&.

>> No.4548990

Ah, I guess you're right. Feeling like I should behave a certain way towards people is the real issue.

>> No.4548994

People can overcome feelings when required, this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.4549002

Have you never seen dexter?

Psyhopaths are fucking terrible people (even though dexter isnt actually a full psychopath). All psyhopaths are just huge greed machines (most are bussinessmen). In general they hurt society.

This goes directly against the fact that we are social creatures. It is an abnormality that does propagate gentically, hence there is no fucking way it could be a evolutionary benifit.

>> No.4549008


Isn't everyone greedy? Greed is good, no? Greed advances us and furthers us and betters us and drives us to do more.

>> No.4549015

Not when it drives us to cause significant harm to others for insignificant personal benefit (or similar, point is you do more harm than good).

Societies full of those people are shitholes, because everyone is constantly fucking everyone else over and everyone ends up fucked.

>> No.4549019

>everybody greedy

Nope. I don't think you understand what greedy means. Greed can be a driving force, but it isn't the only driving force. In fact greedy is the shittiest driving force.

Alot of things can act as driving force; knowledge, empathy, love, etc. All which help society as well as yourself. Greed only helps yourself, often at the expense of others.

>> No.4549020

Being a good person is meaningless. If you were a squirrel or an amoeba or something (and somehow found yourself capable of cognition, I guess) would you worry about being a good squirrel or amoeba or whatever? It doesn't matter. You're a fucking squirrel. Nobody fucking cares except the other butthurt squirrels you fuck over.

>> No.4549024
File: 13 KB, 251x251, wtfamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greed is good

Your parents should be fucking killed for the fucking horrible job they did raising you.


>> No.4549026


>> No.4549028
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>what dumbshits actually believe

You are a disgrace to humanity.

>> No.4549033
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>> No.4549037

Unless you're a Christian or something I don't see how you could argue against my point. Nothing means anything.

>> No.4549042


Aww boo fucking hoo, faggot.

>> No.4549043
File: 47 KB, 468x313, mod 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact greedy is the shittiest driving force
All of those you mentioned mediate one another.

>> No.4549044
File: 51 KB, 494x426, epicFAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the purpose of life is a race to aquire material possessions

You are gonna live a very sad meaningless life all alone.

>> No.4549045

Do you want my dick? Pig man. Face the face of your turkish master.

>> No.4549046


I did an internship at Goldman Sachs (their London branch) a year back and it was probably the most psychopath-dense workplace or environment I've ever been in (it's weird, I wonder if all successful investment bankers are psychopathic or if it's just a subconscious prejudice I have from reading American Psycho, silly as it sounds).

Everyone seemed really friendly at first and then you realise how many times people were fucking their coworkers over behind their backs just to come out on top - and I saw all this only as an intern, I wasn't even there for that long.

>> No.4549049
File: 67 KB, 400x300, power-drill-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue reading Ayn Rand and being a teenager, OP.

Alternatively, learn some neuroscience and pic related.

>> No.4549050

>implying you have a point

>> No.4549051

So do blacks in relation to whites, is being black therefore a serious medical condition?

>> No.4549056

Man are you even trying.
Being considerate of others is not exclusive to one of the most genocidal groups in human history.

>> No.4549058
File: 325 KB, 1366x768, Laughing_Buddha_Statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a way not to die alone

>> No.4549063
File: 27 KB, 639x313, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just typing random words now? You are not making any points, nor stating anything even remotely relavent to the topic at hand.

>> No.4549065

Sociopaths strive in big business; because it is a job type based entirely around charisma and manipulation of others and not in your own actual performance or work ethic.

>> No.4549069

fuck, wrong word.
I meant thrive, not strive.

>> No.4549075
File: 27 KB, 450x253, S01E02-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incomplete grasp of the english language
>Takes all statements as literal


>> No.4549090

No sheldon actually has empathy for others. His family for example. No matter how different sheldon is from his family he empathizes with them, wishes them the best, and actually loves them.

Actual psychopaths do not love.

>> No.4549100

Sheldon also cares about his friends.

>> No.4549122

>cannot explain why

>> No.4549301

how come you guys haven't realized that corporeal existence is a meaningless joke

>> No.4549323

day to day psychopaths are management asshats who are destructive to society by ineffectively seizing control and sowing malcontent.

they steal, they make horrible decisions due to their inability to perceive their own mistakes and they injure others for their own gain.

psychopaths are horrible people but that's just the start of it.

>> No.4549347

So /sci/ is the guy that writes the posts at sociopath world a sociopath?

>> No.4551551


>> No.4551556

destroy your amygdala

>> No.4551577

In the LOTR commentary Peter Jackson says that he put face concealing masks on he human allies of Sauron to de-emphasise their humanity. You see that frequently with the goons movie heroes kill, it stops the audience from sympathizing with them.

In real life this is the reason firing squad victims have bags over their heads. Its not just that executioners felt bad afterwords, often they couldn't do it at all.

Maybe you could get yourself some augmented reality glasses and run an algorithm like what google street view uses to hide faces.