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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4547221 No.4547221 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/ I want to study math. phys. or applied math. I currently reside in the UK but i'd rather not stay here for my math studies, however I don't speak any other languages so that pretty much limits my options to english speaking countries. Suggestions for universities that have good departments in the aforementioned disciplines?

>> No.4547361


>> No.4547366

wow how many thread do we have on the front page about academic advice?

>> No.4547374

>dat picture.

Such a ridiculous amount of talent, education and intelligence contained in one photograph. Wow.

Curie looks pretty pissed off, though.

>> No.4547398

why is it bad? It is science and math related, in fact more math and science related than 50% of the casual threads on /sci/

>> No.4547402

She is the EK of their /sci/ meeting

>> No.4547406

why not UK? it will be expensive elsewhere, and UK has some of the best universities in the world.

>> No.4547408

Go to England if you're not already there.
they have some of the best schools in the world.
If you go anywhere else you'll have to pay a massive amount of money for school
it would normally cost around 15k a year for uni but to people not from the country it would cost around 35k. However since you already have a UK passport England wont charge you extra

>> No.4547420

Supposing money is not an issue though, which institutions would you recommend. I am not saying it is not actually a factor because it is, however I would like to consider that last after everything else has been considered. So to rephrase the op Suggestions for universities that have good mathematical physics/applied math departments and are not Ivy league or Oxbridge/Ucl/Imperial.

>> No.4547433

but where english language is okay?

and by non-ivy league, we can say stanford, MIT, etc

>> No.4547434

I got 6yrs of school for 32k here in America with very little scholarships or grants. So US is an option believe it or not.

>> No.4547437

Erasmus in rotterdam. Get eu rates, and they teach in english

>> No.4547448
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I don't know specifically about maths or mathematical physics, but off the top of my head good physics departments are to be found in Manchester, Lancaster, KCL, Bath, Sheffield, Bristol, and so on. Read some newspaper league tables bro.


>mfw my course is almost at the bottom of the table

>> No.4547452

I don't think OP would like it there. Rotterdam is a shithole. If you're doing to go Dutch, make it Delft.

>> No.4547461



Rotterdam is like the most modern city in europe. Delft is nice though. Its a 20 minute train ride between the 2 though, so cant he school in one and live in the other?

As a bonus only 40 euro and 3 hours to get to london by train/boat/train

>> No.4547477

I went on holiday to Rotterdam a year ago. The most modern city in Europe? Pull the other one. The city is decrepit and run-down, and the obvious poverty is everywhere. Building social housing in funky colours and shapes doesn't cover up the fact that it's social housing, and it doesn't make the place any happier or nicer.

>> No.4547531

I havent been in close to a decade. Assumed it would always be awesome.

>> No.4547551

I have never heard of the university of rotterdam good department there, also more

>> No.4547593

Universitiet utrecht has english classes

And utrecht is beautiful,

>> No.4547617


Dutchfag here,
utrecht is the anus of the Netherlands: shitty people, fugly university, and a ''beautiful'' town centre.

>> No.4547630

For real? It seems like the whole of the Netherlands is a hairy armpit. Doesn't it have a single shaved vagina?

>> No.4547635

Does Rotterdam even offer university level courses? (Not the shitty applied sciences HBO courses they'll most likely have there)

>> No.4547642



>> No.4547653

Dutchfag here too
I like utrecht
We got some nice castles

>> No.4547654


Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Rotterdam have good 'regular' universities (Amsterdam has two actually).

TU Eindhoven, TU Delft and TU Twente are pretty damn good Universities of Technology.

>> No.4547657

Hey OP, the University of Amsterdam has a brand new science facility just out of town. They teach all the bèta courses there, so it's very easy to get in contact with people to share interests in all fields. The building is brand spanking new, and the teachers are great (for physics atleast). Most of the books are in English, even the first year.

The dutch lectures and occasional dutch book shouldn't set you back that much if you learn some dutch during your holidays. I guess learning the language of any country is necessary if you plan on going abroad for a bachelor.
Don't you think it's much more appealing to get your bachelor degree in the UK, and go abroad for a masters? All masters are tought in English at the uni of Amsterdam.

Oh and don't get put off by the people in this thread calling every place in the Netherlands an armpit, life is generally good here. Amsterdam is amazing to live in (though expensive, same goes for Utrecht).

>> No.4548461

i will do another late bump mainly to se if any americans or aussies have any recommendations

>> No.4548514
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I'll just leave this here.