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4537531 No.4537531 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. I just got a 58K a year grant from Tufts university in Boston, a full ride. WPI gave me approx 50K a year, almost a full ride.
I want to double major in computer science and physics, which would be the better option?

>> No.4537534

I don't know, but I'm fucking jealous.

>> No.4537538

^Is Tufts a good school for CS/Physics? Pretty sure I'm matriculating, just wanted to check with some of the pros on here.

*OP here

>> No.4537565

wpi is gay, tufts all the way. GO JUMBOS!

>> No.4537572


double major
means you won't be good at either one
you'll be average at both or worse than average

major in what you want to specialize in, minor in the less interesting one

comp sci is more lucrative, physics is better for theoretical shit--

>> No.4537577

I am majoring in both, but not in the same country if you want to be good at both be prepared to not sleep.

>> No.4537594

P.S. Physics is harder, the math is more complicated and the lab work takes a lot of time.

>> No.4537610

Are you stupid, or what?

>> No.4537649


what do you mean?

dbl majors are a lot of work, you won't be able to specialize in either one

>> No.4537654

>dbl major


>17 year old detected

>> No.4537656

I dbl majored in chem + comp science

the work load made engineering seem like a piece of cake

its stupid...i dont recommend it to anyone, plus you'll fill your head up with a ton of useless undergrad shit---undergrad is waste of time..

>> No.4537658


>undergrad is a waste of time

>> No.4537672
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1279411654374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double majors are for people who want to do non-science degrees. You are going to either drop out of one of those programs, or practically fail both of them.

I'll give you an example: I'm double majoring right now, Economics and Music (shut up, I'm here because I'm interested in science). I'm doing Econ in order to ensure a job in a profitable industry. I'm able to do it because while music degrees are extremely difficult and involve a lot of hard work, they do not involve too much actual coursework. Thus I have time to do Econ work, between my 4-hour practice sessions.

You, on the other hand, are thinking wishfully. The coursework of both of those majors is very heavy, and they are not meant to be combined. Either way, you're going to have a great job with one of them. You should pick the one you like. If you can get scholarships later, do the degree you didn't get later on in your life.

>> No.4537675

Undergrad education is a waste of one's time in terms of the actual academic content.

Tufts didn't offer me a stipend for grad school so I'm kind of bitter about them..

>> No.4537677


intellectually its a waste of time i mean you gotta do it, but undergrad is shit you don't really get deep enough into a subject at all

by the time you finish undergrad you're just scratching the surface...its kind of stupid in that sense, you have to go to grad school to get anywhere in any field

undergrad is the new "high school" now
basically if you dont have it you're pretty dumb, its necessary for knowledge but its not sufficient at all

and wasting time on two undergrads is retarded
you can teach yourself comp sci easy...just programming and some theoretical principles

learn physics, minor in comp sci...

>> No.4537682

Freshman math major at Tufts here. I love this school, and I heartily recommend it to anyone interested, especially considering you want to major in CompSci and Physics. The Computer Science department is wonderful, including folks like Ben Hescott, IEEE teacher of the year award winner, who is phenomenal at his job and made yours truly (who didn't give two fucks about compsci, as a math major) care a whole lot about Comp11, the first Computer Science course CS majors take at Tufts. I only know a lot about the math department, but I know that the beautiful thing about Tufts academics as an undergrad is 1) research opportunities (make friends with your profs, they rock anyway) and 2) interdisciplinary courses. I'd like to direct your attention as well to our new Applied Mathematics major (new as of this fall), which it sounds like you might be interested in. more info here: http://math.tufts.edu/undergraduate/majorsMinors.htm

Don't get me wrong, WPI is a lovely school (I know a Physics major who is very happy there), but from what I know about Tufts (and how much fun I've had here) I hardly think you can go wrong going here for free.

>> No.4537683


ya but hes 17 and thinks he's building a D&D character so hes like LOL ILL PICK SWORDSMANSHIP AND MAGERY lmfao i'll be so overpowered

no you won't you'll suck at both you stupid piece of shit

go ahead, dbl major in 2 hard sciences

let me know how it goes

>> No.4537691

OP that is completely pointless. Just take some classes and see which one you like. There is no way for you to get good grades in both of them at the same time, and good grades are important in those sciences.

>> No.4537696


actually a double major in physics and comp sci is a very good idea. You do have to be smart though...

Have a buddy who already got a well paying job and he is just finishing up his 3rd year classes (he is only in his second year of university)

Like i said you do need to be smart

>> No.4537702

Tufts isn't actually in Boston...it's pretty annoying to even get into the city, requiring both a bus and subway trip. There's allegedly a Green Line stop being planned near campus but last I heard it had been delayed yet again and sounds like a lot of vaporware.

My experience with the physics department was extremely poor, but the professor responsible has since passed away (which is unsurprising considering that he was completely senile while still in the classroom).

>> No.4537706


It's a really pointless and silly thing to do.

Either degree is lucrative (comp sci is better) and an employer won't care if you majored in both...

and in terms of grad school they won't care either...a physics major can easily enter comp sci grad school, and vice-versa (assuming enough physics credits)

so like...there isn't much point

and intellectually it isn't very helpful, Major + minor is more efficient

>> No.4537710


You can't be good enough at the two of them to get a job involving both. Employers and researchers want scientists, not a bunch of diplomas. If you cripple yourself by trying to carry both, you're only going to get a job in one field, and you won't be as good at it. Meanwhile, you'll get out of practice for you other specialization, and if you try to get a job in it later, your lack of experience will prevent you from doing so.

Just do CS and minor in Physics. If you really want to degrees, get another one later when you're making money off a CS job.

>> No.4538089

Take the free ride. Will it cover a full double major?

I double majored in math/Spanish at UCLA. After getting the general ed stuff out of the way, I took two math classes and one Spanish class per quarter. With summers, it took me an extra year to finish but was well worth it.

>> No.4538095


At this point CS is becoming just as interesting theoretically as physics.

>> No.4538105

Do not go to WPI, it is shit.