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4537494 No.4537494 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend a good career/job for someone with a chronic illness that causes a good degree of physical and neurological disability? Something to tide me over for the next 10 years, there may be a cure by then.

>> No.4537510

make something out of your life faggot instead of waiting around for me to do it for u

>> No.4537511



>> No.4537516

>physical and neurological disability

choose only one

>> No.4537520


let me fix that for you

>really shitty job/career
>physical and neurological disability

do I get both now?

>> No.4537528

pizza hut hires cripples, I think most large chains do. It's a pr thing, plus they get tax moneys for doing it.

maybe be a walmart greeter or a busboy at McD's?

>> No.4537535


I've been working as a bussboy recently and it's been one of the best jobs I've ever had, some nights I work for like 5 hours and get paid over $150. I'm moving to Austin soon though and will need to find some way to be independent for 10 or so years...I hope...

Basically hoping there are similar opportunities that others could help with

>> No.4537541

Jumping head first off of a building pays quite well I hear.

>> No.4537542

we need bussboys in Austin too

don't know if you can make a living wage, but I'd bet you could at a decent place.

>> No.4537545

also look into social security disability or whichever one it is you can get while working if you haven't already.

an extra $700+ a month never hurt anyone.

>> No.4537553

science? research? computers?

>> No.4537554


srsly? I thought finer restaurants had really limited hours, at least, the place I do now does, but that could also be because I live in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.4537558


Will def try to make an effort but there's a lot of political bullshit behind the disease I have that makes it difficult to even get recognized as a patient, chances are slim

>> No.4537557
File: 23 KB, 380x353, Hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give up, OP. There's no way that you'll be able to succeed in a respectable field.

>> No.4537556

I know a blind dude who works as programmer

>> No.4537560

sure, and even if they're open all day you want the night shift.

but I'm talking medium fine places that do a shitload of dinner biz

red lobster, some of the better steak houses, even fucking TGIF and chilis. Anywhere where wait staff is making a couple hundred a night each you're gonna do fine.

>> No.4537561

Get on disability and play video games and read all day.

>> No.4537564

fibromyalgia or lupus?

>> No.4537566

Lol let me guess you have fibromyalgia, aka "my friends and family don't give me enough attention" disorder.

>> No.4537570


>Neurological issues

pick one

>> No.4537571



>> No.4537573

ah, good.

most neurological conditions are unequivocal.

if you aren't covered by disability you probably don't have a problem.

unless you have fucking Morgellons... that's some serious next-level shit there.

>> No.4537579


It's ENS....99% of cases are iatrogenic and no one has even fucking heard of it. There's no research being done, ergo no diagnostic protocol or accurate tests. Knowing that should make it obvious why getting on disability would be an issue

>> No.4537592


I suddenly understand the image of nasal turbinates.

yeah, I guess disability might be a problem, though a medical protocol isn't necessary, all that matters is that your doc agrees that you can't work, or are limited in what you can do.

>> No.4537596


Yeah, it's my ct scan lol. The doc who diagnosed me lives in Cleveland though, hopefully I can find someone in Austin who knows what it is

>> No.4537599

a bit more info-
my son was born premature, he's on disability and has been all his life.
he's seven.
he has no named medical problems, he just has a number of things doctors worry about... asthma, lung disease, heart problems, etc.

his disability payments aren't based on any particular diagnosis, they're just signed off on by his doctors every year. They look at him, say he's still disabled, and I get a check.

>> No.4537605


Interesting, I was under the impression you couldn't be on disability if you were a dependent. Good to know

>> No.4537611

there's two types, with different rules. You may qualify for one, both, or neither.

only way to know is talk to a doctor and the social security people.