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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4536196 No.4536196 [Reply] [Original]

What is consciousness?
Does it even exist?
How can you prove other beings are conscience?
How can you prove that you yourself are not infact just a simulated AI that thinks your conscience?

not trying to get all philosophical but is there any science to these questions? or are they still a mystery to us? Thoughts?

>> No.4536215

Is there even any point in geussing?

>> No.4536219


Best 6 bucks you'll spend, man.

Read and enjoy.

>> No.4536222

All i know is that brain cells are really cool

>> No.4536223

not really, non of them would change anything about our world if we new the answers to them, i guess its just nice to wonder.

all i mean is that it has no scientific back up to suggests it even exists, other than people insisting it does,right?

>> No.4536228

Those questions really are philosophical in nature though. Science can understand the structure of the brain, and how brain cells create the high level thinking that is present in human thought. We understand that. From what I know however, consciousness is not really an exact thing. We can't measure it, and it's hard to observe. That's the scientific aspect.

>How can you prove that you yourself are not infact just a simulated AI that thinks your conscience?

This one is simple, and it goes down to basic philosophy. You think, therefore you are. You yourself can be completely confident that you are a conscious individual. AI or human, you're still conscious. Whether everybody else is conscious as well, or you're just living in a computer simulation. That's all up to you philosophically.