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4533118 No.4533118 [Reply] [Original]

Do neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light?

>> No.4533121


>> No.4533125


>> No.4533127

I don't know. Doubt it, though.

>> No.4533133

Which one? There has to be some sort of certainty?

>> No.4533137



they did a 2nd experiment and confirmed that the first experiment was incorrect.

>> No.4533138

through a vacuum? Probably not.

>> No.4533139


>> No.4533142

Nope, those studies were disproved by CERN. Was a measurment error.
Thou this news didn't have as much hype.

>> No.4533158

Would be cool if it did though... -_-

>> No.4533163



You don't even hear about it anymore because pretty much everyone already forgot it ever happened. They travel at c, game over

If I'm not mistaken the guy in charge of the experiment where they got the neutrinos going faster than c is actually resigning now, probably due to peer pressure.

>> No.4533172

>Loose cable

Physicsfags are always full of failure.

>> No.4533232

For anyone who's looking for an explanation as to why they don't, I believe they forgot to take into account the speed of Earth as it rotates. Sounds like a pretty amateur mistake to me, but heck, what do I know?

>> No.4533242

At first, the explanation was that they forgot to take relativity into account (point of view of the satellites as the Earth rotated). Had they done so, the result would have been that light arrived 4 nanoseconds before the neutrino. However, a loose cable was apparently to blame.

>> No.4533270
File: 669 KB, 1220x2224, physics final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this just for you OP. Enjoy the OC.

Pictures are from CERN btw

>> No.4533276


>> No.4533283


>> No.4533287

>A science
no, not even in troll land.

>> No.4533286

This error have been found all through the history of science, the thing that makes science so great is the skeptisism to not accept the weird results so rapidly.
Someone remember Polywater?

>> No.4533293

What is formal science?

>> No.4533303

A different term for a start.

>> No.4533308


>doesn't know math is simply a language in which we quantify things like science

Please go experiment with numbers and give us their practical application with nature.. Oh wait, that's physics.

>> No.4533319
File: 28 KB, 733x441, organization (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby clearly doesn't know what science is

>> No.4533323

assblasted physicist detected

too bad your field is just applied mathematics

>> No.4533327

>Doesn't know that a formal science is a kind of science where we only work with deductive reasoning.

>> No.4533331

And btw i am studying Physics. So there is no bias here.

>> No.4533333

this is why i come to /sci/
niggas arguin bout dem sciences

>> No.4533335

>Experimental mathematics
That's called physics. Fuck off aspie.

>> No.4533336
File: 21 KB, 240x297, ishygkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw babbies first quints
pic related

>> No.4533340
File: 81 KB, 448x407, 1327733893258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gauss referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences".[7] In the original Latin Regina Scientiarum, as well as in German Königin der Wissenschaften, the word corresponding to science means a "field of knowledge", and this was the original meaning of "science" in English, also. Of course, mathematics is in this sense a field of knowledge.
If you think math isn't a science, you are disagreeing with this guy.

>> No.4533343

Did you even read the article?

>> No.4533345

sorry, I don't believe every autists word

>> No.4533351
File: 17 KB, 220x302, 220px-GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When I wrote my treatise about our Systeme I had an eye upon such Principles as might work with considering men for the beliefe of a Deity and nothing can rejoyce me more then to find it usefull for that purpose.

If you disagree that Physics is theism, you're disagreeing with this guy.

>> No.4533352

>Experimental mathematics is an approach to mathematics in which numerical computation is used to investigate mathematical objects and identify properties and patterns.
That is physics. We take in observation, and interpolate a model which describes its patterns and properties.

>> No.4533356

>implying Newton wasnt an autist
>implying he wasnt wrong about physics
>implying anyone uses newtonian mechanics

>> No.4533359

>Experimental Mathematics
You clearly have no idea of what physics is.

>> No.4533362

LOLNOPE that is experimental mathematics

Physics is a circle jerk over who can whip up the most lattes at Starbucks

>> No.4533373


Experimental mathematics is for women who cannot into formal proof.

>> No.4533383

Nope. Nobody thought that they did.

>> No.4533386


Something tells me I'll never get an apology from those retarded physics kids who were calling me a moron for being cautious about the observations when they came.

>> No.4533389

This is the problem with public scientific knowledge today. Instead of thinking "This was done by scientists, therefore it's true!" we need to think "this was done by scientists but they say it might not be true, it might or might not be true!"

>> No.4533524


I've been actually sad hearing of Opera spokesman's resignation. He and his team made cautious claims, and made results public so they could be disproven or confirmed.

I really laughed at every joke about loose cables, but...
1. it was definitely not his fault. Nor Science should need "someone to blame".
2. we can like this or not, but things like this, at this degree of accuracy ("loose" my ass) happen everyday. The difference is in the everyday life of a scientist the experiment is waay more simple to check, so this check doesn't take months to be done. The team was made of international recognized experts from all the world, and CERN is without any doubt a serious institute, so it would be just silly thinking things like this are due to some kind of sluggishness from CERN's engineers.

Newspapers reported the words of someone who criticized the experiment saying it was "embarassing", but they missed the same physicist changed his mind after checking the math again. (and in the end, it was not a math error). This really made me mad, at the time.

tl;dr poor guy, poor physics, shit happens.

>> No.4533555

What medium are they travelling through after all I can move faster than light if the medium is a pool of dark liquid.

>> No.4533587

They were not physics kids they were trolls. Every physicist advocated scepticism and caution.
Here in the mad world of /sci/ however, for the week this story was in the news relativist became an insult.
Most of it likely down to people like blackman and his lame samefag jokes about starbucks, non-physicists with some massive problem with physicists.

>> No.4533725

I belittled people all I could over this topic, and I was vindicated. If neutrinos could travel at super-c, then why not large multiples of c, and not just 1.00000001 times c? OBVIOUSLY it was an error in the experiment. A child could have seen it.

I Told You So.

>> No.4533744

You can't ignore an experimental result you don't like. The result had to be checked.

>> No.4533789

So What if we took the numbers, and added little units onto them and then we used them to, like, represent stuff and then we studied how they interacted!
Oh, you have a name for that!?!?
Physics, you say?

People who say math is a science have obviously never done math

>> No.4533876

>implying people who have learned special relativity didn't immediately assume an experimental error.
>implying that experimental physics is the same as theoretical physics

>> No.4533891

No physicist assumed anything. You can suspect but you cannot dismiss it.
Experimental physics always trumps theoretical. Physics is about describing the universe, you if the universe says you're wrong, regardless of how good the theory is, its wrong.

>> No.4533900


No shit, Sherlock. It's pretty obvious "physics kids" refers to the enlightened undergraduates all over /sci/ that never get tired of blabbing on about physics they pretend to understand.

>> No.4533940

It just goes to show that "scientists" aren't any more polite and forgiving than normal people. Unknown systematic error causes interesting results and the man is being vilified by phd-holding manchildren.

The lesson here is to never make an honest mistake in science.

>> No.4533962
File: 25 KB, 544x416, 1278419227375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose wires caused the first experiment to give bad data

also i almost said lose wires, funny world.

>> No.4533974

How does that show he was vilified by scientists? The far more likely cause for his resignation is political, to put the whole saga behind the entire gran sasso lab at least in the eyes of their funders.
There is has been no talk of blame in the physics community. His resignation had nothing to do with the reaction of the scientific community.

>> No.4534001

Math is a language
physics is not merely the use of this language

>> No.4534043

I feel sorry for the guy. I blame the media for hyping it up so much before it was even confirmed.

I really doubt that his resignation had anything to do with other physicists blaming him though. People make mistakes in experiments all the time.