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4526629 No.4526629 [Reply] [Original]

Would the existence of dark matter interfere with the collision of galaxies?

>> No.4526655

depends what you mean by interfere.

>> No.4526659

Do you understand what dark matter is and that its considered a real form of matter?

>> No.4526690

Interfering in that the repelling gravitic force would cause collisions to not go quite as predicted.
It is matter with negative mass, and negative mass causes them to induce a repelling gravitational force on normal matter, and since mass = momentum = energy, zero mass would mean no energy emitted, and negative mass means that dark matter is somehow absorptive or noninteractive with energy as we understand it.

>> No.4526701

Dark matter does not have negative mass.
It does not repel gravitationally.
> mass = momentum = energy
This is not true

>> No.4526706

high school has lied to me?

>> No.4526734

We don't really know since our current models for dark matter behavior are not very refined, but it's an interesting assumption and may yield a good research.

>> No.4526740

>repelling gravitic force
thats dark energy

and the rest of your post is just nonsense.

>> No.4526759

Dark energy isn't really a force.

>> No.4526768

not in a big way, but check out images of the Bullet Cluster for some interesting dark-matter-and-colliding-galaxies science

>> No.4526778

where did i say it is?